My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1780: Punish outsiders

"So strong, really strong! This makes me feel a little trial."

The red-haired man was excited.

It seemed that the companions who had just died did not react to them.

"Okay, I know you are a madman who is warlike, but have you just seen his moves clearly?" one person said.

"Follow him, only such an opponent can make me interested. Everyone, don't grab any of you!"

The red-haired man stepped forward and rushed towards Chen Ze without saying anything.

This person... is very strong.

Chen Ze speculated secretly, but he was not yet in the realm of Dao, so how scared he was!

After they fought, the two fought together, and the sky broke and the earth broke in a moment. The surrounding mountains were crushed by the aftermath of their duel, turning into powder and dissipating every inch.

"This person has a fierce fighting method, even in our Yuanyuan Realm, he is also a leader of the same generation." The person watching the battle from the rear said.

"So what? It's not a second-class master. Who doesn't know that among our generation, only those few talents are truly strong, and they are not coming in to challenge the younger generation in the saint yang realm, but the older generation. A monk in the realm of Taoism.” said a woman in a silver robe.

"It's a pity that I wait for my talent to make up, and it's hard to match them." Someone sighed again.

The duel between Chen Ze and the red-haired man had reached a fever pitch, and both of them greeted each other with their most proud gestures, and soon both of them had scars. But obviously, the red-haired man was more miserable.

"Good fellow, happy!" The red-haired man's eyes have turned blood red, "Haha..."

"Huo Man's going crazy, withdraw quickly!"

The silver-clad woman's face changed drastically when she saw it, and she hurriedly flew back. The people travelling with him were also afraid and left one after another.

I saw that the red-haired man's hair suddenly became dazzling, and red energy continued to flow down his hair, even the surrounding space was burnt and twisted.


He laughed wildly.

Seeing that his body was swelling, Chen Ze couldn't help but make a question mark in his forehead.

Is this Saiyan transformed?

The red-haired man's aura also grew stronger with his figure. Chen Ze stepped back two steps, pointed at Qingtian, and did not know where to pick up a flash of thunder, and attacked him.

Boom boom boom!

The two fought again, sparks and lightning continued to flicker. The space below has completely turned into a purgatory, with hot lava flowing continuously, and the pungent sulfur smell soaring to the sky.

Chen Ze was all spotted with burns and his skin was dry and cracked. But the other party's situation was not very good either, his skin spattered and **** by his chaotic blue thunder.

Chen Ze's strength lies in the fact that he once controlled the Dao of all element attributes, even if he is now majoring in time and space, but everything is covered.

Facing the opponent with fire attribute, he just wanted to kill the opponent quickly. Among the many attributes, the lightning attribute is undoubtedly the most lethal.

He used his strength to control a thunder knife to scroll, cutting and sealing the square space, and then a force of gravity instantly rolled over.


The opponent finally couldn't bear to vomit a mouthful of blood, and then roared, fighting for Chen Ze's restraint, covering it up like a towering hand.

Chen Ze shot it at absolute zero, instantly clearing the volume of his palm, and then hitting him directly in front of him, just hitting her head.


A head shattered immediately, and Chen Ze didn't hesitate at all, and then slashed with a thunder knife to completely crush his death and turn it into nothingness.


Everyone in the rear was surprised when they saw it.

"Impossible! Fireman is the strongest among us, how could he die so easily!" said the silver-clad woman: "Even though he was defeated miserably when facing those few, he did not die. The untouchable monk, how can you fight with him!"


At this time, the ground was constantly trembling, and the magma below was surging, and finally came up, turning into a huge magma figure.

"Haha..." Huo Nan'er laughed wildly: "Boy, as long as there is fire, I am immortal! This is the undead talent of my Yanhuo clan! Haha..."

Chen Ze never believed in immortality, "Is it?"

He suddenly pressed it with one hand, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Flame is nothing more than a manifestation of the energy released after particle movement. As long as the particles stop moving and the heat remains in balance, the flame ceases to exist.

Chen Ze's spiritual thoughts dissipated, and there was no mass matter in the surrounding area, and even the illusory space was suppressed by him.

In an instant, the dazzling hot magma was completely cooled, the temperature of the surrounding space even dropped sharply, and frost condensed.


Huo Nan'er was a little panicked. He did not die in the flames, but now people have cleaned up all the flames around him, and he can't tell if he died again.


A flame hit Chen Ze, and then he turned around and ran away.

Chen Ze raised the corner of his mouth lightly, and his figure disappeared in the distance.

Before Huo Nan'er appeared, his palm was covered, and Huo Nan's staggered body almost shattered. He gritted his teeth and insisted, and finally escaped from the scope of Chen Ze's suppression.

But Chen Zelin's offensive has been caught up. He hasn't rebuilt the flame world yet, so he can only continue to escape if he dare not make any more moves.

The two chased after one another for an unknown distance, and it was not easy to see everyone around them.

In the distance, a survivor of the sect who had been attacked by them showed a look of horror.

"I'm not mistaken, those who are fleeing are from outside the domain!"

"Could it be that the powerhouse of our holy yang realm made the move?" someone asked.

"It's not like, you see that the breath they show is only in the source realm."

Several outsiders from behind followed closely, thinking that there was something wrong with their eyes.

The powerful fire man, who possesses the talent of immortality, was chased and beaten by others, and he didn't even dare to return his hand.

Boom boom boom...

Chen Ze chased him for nearly one hundred thousand miles, and Zhang Jin finally enveloped Huo Nan'er again.

"Do you dare to kill me? I'm from the Yanhuo clan! My father..."


Chen Ze fell ruthlessly with a big hand, his body turned into a red light and completely dissipated, and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Dead, Huo Nan'er is really dead.

Several outsiders in the rear retreated in shock.

Chen Ze turned his head, his cold eyes flickered.

Now that you have already made a deal, don't mind killing all of this stuff. Although he could return to the God Realm, Senior Wushun still had to practice in the Saint Yang Realm after all. This group of guys destroy everywhere and kill people everywhere, and most of them will lose their lives if they encounter them.

It's better to kill them now, just in case!

Chen Ze immediately made a vicious attack and pounced on these people...

Litian Shengjiao.

Wan Wan, Han Yu and others gathered in one place, and they all had serious faces.

The monks outside the territory have come, and they have begun to challenge everywhere. Not surprisingly, I'm afraid they will soon find them Litian Shengjiao.

"We have discussed with several disciples, and they are willing to replace you in the battle." The elder said: "From today, you will go to the underground battle to avoid disaster!"

Wanwan immediately vetoed it after hearing it: "Elder, this is no good. Our fate is fate, and the fate of the younger brothers and sisters is also fate! There is no distinction between high and low, I disagree!"

"Yes! We will die if we can't beat them. It's because we are not as skilled as others, so why let the juniors and sisters take it for us." Han Yu also shook his head.

A few people over there who were willing to take their place came out, including Dong Dong: "Senior Brother Han, you are the future of the sect, and we are not optional. They will leave after trying for at most two or three hundred years. At that time, Litian Shengjiao still needs you to inherit it!"

"I said, I never agree!"

At this moment someone hurried over.

The matter of impostor is top secret, and the elder's face is cold: "Who let you in?"

The disciple trembled with a chill, and then said: "Elder, there is news coming, those outsiders..."

"Have you hit the door?" Da Zhang elder asked urgently.

The disciple shook his head: "No. There is news that a strong man has taken action and killed several outsiders. And he is still chasing after him!"


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