My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1786: Disband Litian Shengjiao

"Sorry, let me focus on the introduction. This is Master Yu from outside the region. He came to see Chen Ze today. If you don't want to be destroyed, please hand over Chen Ze quickly!"

Si Muhua was triumphant.

Several disciples guarding the mountain gate looked at each other, and someone nodded and turned and flew towards the teaching.

"My lord, shall we go in here or wait here?"

Asked Si Muhua.

Yu Ziruo said: "Wait, after all, I'm not good at Litian Shengjiao to kill, I only look for Chen Ze today!"

When the news reached the inner door, the great elder was shocked.

He didn't expect people from outside the region to find the door so quickly.

"Chen Ze, you must never show up and leave directly at the critical moment." said the elder.

Chen Ze said, "What if I leave the Holy Church?"

"He doesn't dare to shoot here, I guess he dares to find you must be because of your identity." The elder said.

Mo Lin said, "How did they know?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Chen Ze, a sinister and cunning man, Si Muhua, forced him to cut off his path of cultivation. This is because he has completely taken refuge in someone outside the territory and has become a dogleg." Han Yu said.

"It's really bad, I should have killed him directly at the beginning." Mo Lin was angrily.

The grand elder's expression is grim: "Chen Ze, go quickly. Don't fantasize about fighting against each other. At this time, the ones who dare to come to the door are definitely the strong from outsiders. They are all the cultivation base of the realm, and the goal of trial and challenge is also Not you, but us old guys."

Chen Ze said: "They really are so strong?"

"It's always been the case. But this time he called for you. It seems that it is not the time to take action. We will not be in danger for the time being. You go quickly, and it will be too late." The elder said.

Chen Ze sighed, "Okay, I will leave now."

As long as Litian Shengjiao denies that Chen Ze is here, then Yu Ziruo has no reason to attack Litian Shengjiao.

Even if he really came to challenge, he was also an elder-level figure who came to Litian Shengjiao. If they make a move, they are really comfortable drinking a pot.

Without hesitation, Chen Ze set off from Houshan.

After waiting for a long time, the great elder personally came down.

Yu Ziruo frowned.

"The distinguished guest is visiting, why don't you go in and sit down?" the elder said.

Yu Ziruo said, "It seems that you want to hide to the end."

"Your Excellency, I don't understand what you said. When you find Chen Ze, what do you do when you come to me, Litian Shengjiao?" the elder said.

Si Muhua Yu Ziruo is very confident: "Elder, Chen Ze is a disciple of your Litian Sacred Sect. He killed so many monks from outside the territory, and he will naturally flee to you."

The elder said with a smile: "It's ridiculous, who didn't know that Chen Ze had left the Litian Sacred Cult five years ago, and he hadn't gone where he was. You are looking for me a demon, I really don't have it."

At this time, Si Muhua bowed his hand to Yu Ziruo: "Sir, don't believe this old guy, he is delaying time. If it is delayed, he will run away."


Before he could say anything, he flew out, and his body was shocked and cracks appeared. Yu Ziruo said coldly: "Do I need your advice?"

"No... I dare not! Damn the little one."

Seeing him bend his knees in this way, the disciples of the Litian Sage behind the Great Elder showed contempt. Once upon a time, Si Muhua was also a man of the world, even if the road is broken in the future, he is still the top young monk now. It's too shameful to be willing to be a dog for someone outside the territory.

Yu Ziruo gently moved his fingers: "I didn't intend to see Chen Ze today, just to remind you. I will give you one month to hand over Chen Ze. Otherwise, the Litian Sacred Religion would not exist. It's necessary!"

After talking, got up and left.

Seeing him leave, the great elder let out a sigh of relief.

Han Yu from the rear said: "Master, does he really dare to take action against us?"

"He is a cultivator in the realm of the realm. If he makes a move, he must come to us. Unfortunately, now that the headmaster is out of my mind, I have entered the realm of the upper realm. These peerless geniuses from outside the region are still far behind."

The great elder thought for a long time and said: "Play the drums and call the disciples of the sect to gather."

Then he got up and went back to the church.

Within half an hour, all the disciples of Litian Shengjiao gathered and stood on the huge square, fascinating.

The several elders of Litian Shengjiao stood on the steps, looking down at the disciples very helplessly.

"Children, now I have reached the point of life and death for Litian Shengjiao. I declare that all disciples can be expelled from Litian Shengjiao and must leave the Holy Land within half a day."

Everyone was shocked as soon as his words came out.

Han Yu quickly stood up, "Master, why?"

"There is no why!" the elder said: "Remember, if you are alive, the Litian Shengjiao is still there. This time the enemy is too strong, you must go!"

Wanwan said: "Elder, is there no other way? It's better to find other sect forces, can we not beat them together?"

"Perhaps, but we can't do that. If you irritate the big guys in the Earth Realm, the entire Saint Yang Realm will be slaughtered. Son, we are fish and we can only passively accept the rules set by others. Obey, there is still a breath. It is possible to survive. Otherwise, there is only death."

The elder said: "Be obedient, and leave with all resources. Yu'er, you are now the person with the highest cultivation level among the disciples. You must take good care of the juniors and sisters, and don't let them be bullied."

The words revealed all sorts of reluctance, but the great elder was helpless.

this is the truth.

Litian Shengjiao was dismissed, and only the elders above the Zhen Dao level remained in the teaching.

In a nearby big city, Yu Ziruo sat steadily, not caring about the operation of Litian Shengjiao.

"My lord, did you really let them leave like this?" Si Muhua puzzled.

"This is also one of the rules. I am here to challenge, and they can't refuse. However, I can't slaughter the disciples below the attainment realm, otherwise I can't afford the consequences." He said.

"Go, I think you should have a lot of things to do this month. Challenging Litian Shengjiao is just an afterthought. I think Chen Ze will not just watch his classmates get killed."

Yu Ziruo smiled.

He didn't take action against those disciples of Litian Shengjiao, but it didn't mean that Smuhua couldn't.

Si Muhua understood his instruction and nodded quickly: "Thank you sir, the younger one understands."

He then left with excitement, seemingly smiling, but his heart was gloomy.

There is revenge, and there is grievance.

Although his current situation is caused by Chen Ze, insidious people will implicate everyone who can be implicated.

What's more, he was forced to show up by Chen Ze!

Thus, a massacre against the disciples of Litian Shengjiao began.

With his cultivation base, only Wanwan and Han Yu in Litianshengjiao have the ability to stop it. But Si Muhua was not a fool, knowing that he would definitely not be able to kill like this, so he found Su Yan.

"It just so happens that I want to try Chen Ze's Jinliang."

Several young people from outside the territories who had never met Chen Ze said: "You can do it, if anyone dares to do it, we will protect you naturally!"

What Si Muhua wanted was this result.

Kill, he comes.

But the consequences must be borne by these outsiders.

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