My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1789: Yu Ziruo miscalculated

With just a punch, Chen Ze was smashed and flew out.


Chen Ze struggled to get up in the air, shaking his body, as if he could fall down at any time.

"Even if you can resist me without killing me in one blow, you are also considered to have good combat power in the Origin Realm."

Yu Ziruo strolled leisurely in the courtyard, very calm.

Chen Ze wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, staring straight at Zi Ruo with both eyes: "It's a pity that God doesn't give me time."

Yu Ziruo nodded: "Yes, it's a pity that God won't give you time. If you enter the realm of the realm, you can cross the enemy at least three small realms."

"Then you look down on me too much. In my eyes, you are just rubbish!"

Chen Ze drank wildly, and even rushed towards Yu Ziruo on his own initiative.

"The tone is too loud! But, do you think that I will let you go arrogantly? Ridiculous!"

When Yu Ziruo shot, Chen Ze's body instantly shattered, and even his blood was evaporated.

It's up.

For Yu Ziruo, killing Chen Ze was nothing but a trivial matter. Now that they have come in, the trial is the most important thing.

In fact, they didn't dare to guarantee that their cultivation base would be stronger than those old monsters in the holy yang realm, so they would postpone their entry.

But Chen Ze's sudden move disrupted their plan and forced them to enter the trial ahead of time.

When Ziruo returned, Jiuhao Yiyang's expression was not very good.

"Chen Ze is dead?" he asked.

Yu Ziruo nodded: "Naturally."

"You are obviously on the scene, why don't you stop him from killing people outside my domain?" Jiuhao Yiyang asked.

Yu Ziruo disagrees: "Only one who survives the tragic fighting can become a real master. Besides, haven't several of them escaped? What are you worried about."

Jiuhao Yiyang was so angry that he punched his fist directly. Of course, Yu Ziruo was not afraid, but Xu Yuan was shocked to stabilize his figure: "Jiuhao, why are you crazy?"

"Yu Ziruo, there are not as many people escaped as you thought. Chen Ze didn't know what method he used to break the life-saving jade talisman in the Diyuan Palace. In the end, all the people injured by him died."


Naturally, Yu Ziruo didn't expect this result, so fewer than five people could escape.

It can be said that there are only so few cultivators in the Source Realm who have entered the Saint Yang Realm trial this time.

"Good means!" Yu Ziruo applauded, but did not regret it, "But Chen Ze has been killed by me, and the grievances have ended."

"You are responsible for the death of my junior brother, I will kill you sooner or later!" Jiuhao Yiyang said.

Although they are all from the Earth Element Realm, they only form an alliance temporarily because of the relationship between the Earth Element Palace. Outside, they all want to kill each other's enemies.

"it's the same."

Yu Ziruo waved his hand: "I'm going to practice. If it weren't for your trash brother, we would have come in so early. I still need to improve. If you want to try it, go."

"Let's stay dormant for the time being, our power is still a bit worse than the old monsters of the Three Sects and Four Sacred Mountains in the Holy River Realm. No one can die anymore," said Jiu Hao Yiyang.

They are not afraid of people like the elders of Litian Shengjiao, but the master. Such talents are truly top-notch powerhouses. If not restricted by rules, these people are afraid that they would have broken through the realm of the realm long ago. After so many years of continuously suppressing the cultivation base, I am afraid that he has almost reached the invincible state in the Zhen Dao realm.

On the other hand, the people of Litian Shengjiao temporarily rested in a valley, thinking about the rain constantly looking back: "I don't know why Chen Ze suddenly changed his face and let us leave."

"If I'm right, it should be the person whose surname Yu is here, otherwise Chen Ze won't let us go first." Han Yu said.

After hearing this, Xun Si Yu was startled and said: "Since you know he is here, why do you want to take us away? Staying behind may help Chen Ze."

"You can't even fight me, how can you fight that person? Don't forget, even my master is very jealous of that person, otherwise why dismiss Litian Shengjiao."

Han Yu was a little angry. Although he knew that Xun Si Yu was not afraid of death and did not want to abandon his fellow students, Chen Ze let them leave is the best choice.

It is better to die by one person than for a group of people.

People outside the territory are invincible!

"Okay, what are you arguing about, am I okay?"

Suddenly Chen Ze's voice sounded, which shocked everyone present.

Seeing Fatty Mo Lin grinning, the wound that had just been sealed was broken open, a stream of light flickered, and Chen Ze's figure appeared.

"I rub, you are hiding in my stomach!" Mo Lin shouted.

Chen Ze smiled bitterly: "Otherwise, only your blood can seal my breath. I can't beat the surnamed Yu, so I can only leave a clone to fool him."

At this time, Chen Ze had a lot of aura, most of his blood and soul power were poured into the clone, and he was very weak now.

"Your methods are really endless. When did you replace your real body with a clone?" Wanwan asked.

"Originally, I could kill two more people, but I noticed that there is a strong sense of consciousness looming above my head and constantly scanning the battlefield, I know that the surname Yu is here. I took advantage of the last moment to replace the real body with the clone, and hid it in the fat man's. in stomach."

Mo Lin murmured, "You are really sinister enough."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed, temporarily forgetting their grief.

"Fortunately, most of the brothers have been scattered everywhere, even if the Litian Shengjiao does not exist in the future, as long as everyone is still alive, the inheritance can continue." Wanwan suddenly felt sad.

"This time I was negligent." Han Yu said.

"It's not your fault." Chen Ze said, "They did this just to force me out. Even if you were there, it was just a dead soul in the hands of Yu. He had a legitimate reason to attack you. , After all, you are in the same state as him."

"There is no one who is right or wrong in this matter, but we are too weak." Wanwan said: "Chen Ze, now our hope is all in your body. No matter what happens in the future, you can't show up again, even if we These people are dead, and you have to bear it. As long as you can break through to the realm, you will be able to fear them."

Chen Ze said, "I have only entered the Seventh Origin Realm now, and it will take a long time. Now that I have lost most of my vitality and soul power, it will take longer."

"If ten years don't work, then a hundred years, if a hundred years don't work, then a thousand years. Their trials are not that easy to end, there is always a chance." The killing will be awe-inspiring.

Xingsiyu asked: "Where are we going now?"

"Find a place to live in seclusion. But Chen Ze can't be with us. After all, he is dead now, it's better to hide." Wanwan said, "Chen Ze, you go."

Chen Ze sighed and said, "Well, you guys take care. Remember, stay alive and wait for me to come back."

Then he left with everyone's disheartened eyes...

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