My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1791: Little divorced

Two years later, all the elders above Changying Mountain's Zhen Dao level were beheaded, and Changying Mountain was torn apart, equivalent to death.

Five years later.

The lord of Qiyuan Mountain fell, lifting the mountain and migrating.

At this point, four of the Three Religions and Four Sacred Mountains have been destroyed, and only three of them still retain their original status.

"Father, it can be concluded now that they are not deliberately prolonging, but are waiting for different people to take action." Nan Mutian said.

Mountain Master Lu Zhou nodded and said: "They thought they would start practicing after beheading Chen Ze, and they would wait until they were sure of it before they would take action. Moreover, they were all fighting against each other, and no one would fight against each other. It seemed that they would have been assigned. OK."

"So far, they haven't attacked me, Lu Zhoushan. Could it be that the person responsible for challenging us is weak and still cultivating?" Nan Mutian said.

Lv Zhoushan said, "Wrong! Maybe the strongest one. Because I have Qiongsheng fruit tree in Lv Zhoushan. Although it seems that Litian Shengjiao is the strongest in your generation, it is only stronger than Chen Ze. Just one person. Don’t forget, you were the first person in the younger generation!"

Lu Zhoushan has always been the first two among the three religions and four sacred mountains. And based on the Holy River for so long, the Three Religions and the Four Sacred Mountains have been changed long ago, but Lu Zhoushan has stood firm.


At this time, a trembling sound came, and both father and son looked over, and that was the direction of Qiongsheng Orchard.

"Chen Ze, really broke through." Lu Zhoushan said.

"He is too strong." Nan Mutian sincerely admired at this time: "Father, are you still sure to beat him now?"

Mountain Master Lu Zhou smiled bitterly and said: "I was already uncertain when he was in the first stage. I'm afraid there is no chance now."

"But this is a good thing. We paid so much for Chen Ze to practice, isn't the purpose of using his strength to tide over this catastrophe."

Lu Zhoushan's main conversation changed.

For more than a hundred years, Chen Ze once again stood at the pinnacle of the world.

At this moment, he was full of energy and came to the main hall of Mount Lu Zhou.

There are only a few elders and Nan family father and son here.

"Chen Ze, congratulations." Lv Zhou Shanzhu said.

"I would also like to thank Senior Nan for his great help." Chen Ze clasped his fists.

Lu Zhoushan said, "Chen Ze, I think you need to know one thing."

"Have they started to do it?" Chen Ze had already guessed.

"In fact, they have been doing it for a long time, and now the Three Sects and Four Sacred Sacred Sects have been destroyed by four, especially the Litian Sacred Sect. There is no one left at the top."


Chen Ze clenched his fists. Perhaps those people did this to Litian Shengjiao because of part of his reason.

"What happened to my surviving colleagues?" he asked.

"It's all okay, and they have also established a small sect, and they have begun to accept disciples." Nan Mutian said.

"If a person is alive, the Litian Sacred Religion is not extinct."

But Chen Ze felt melancholy when he thought of the voices of the great elders, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Chen Ze left a transmission mark: "Senior Nan keeps it. Once they find the door, I can come over as quickly as possible."

"Are you going?"

Nan Mutian was very surprised.

They Lu Zhoushan sponsored Chen Ze for so long, the purpose is to use Chen Ze's strength to meet the challenges of those outside the territory. Now he was leaving, which made Nan Mutian unacceptable.

"Mutian, after all, Chen Ze still has the same door." Nanshan Master could understand, "How soon can you get here?"

"One hour!"

This is a transmission mark, and Chen Ze will also leave it along the way after leaving. It will be transmitted uninterruptedly. One hour is enough.

"Well, I can hold it for an hour."

Nanshan main road.

Chen Ze didn't stay here too much, now Han Yu and the others have no backbone, and they must rush over as soon as possible.

Xiaolipai’s location was a bit far from Lu Zhoushan, and Chen Ze flew for seven or eight days before arriving nearby.

He didn't show up in a hurry, but inquired around, wanting to know the status of Xiaoli faction here.

In a small town, in a small wine shop, the shopkeeper saw Chen Ze coming in and hurried over to greet him: "Guest officer, please sit down. Would you like cold or hot wine?"

"Hot bar, two more side dishes." Chen Ze chose one at random.

"Good." Then the shopkeeper shouted at the inner hall: "One pot of hot wine, two dishes."

After a little wait, a woman dressed in ordinary clothes came out from inside, she was not about 20 years old, and she was very beautiful with big eyes.

"The guest officer is slow."

The wine and dishes were set, and the woman smiled.

Chen Ze just responded with a faint smile, but the shopkeeper shouted angrily: "Who asked you to come out, hurry back!"

The girl lowered her head in fear, and ran back dingy.

Chen Ze was helpless, thinking that I am not a wandering dude, are you so guarding against me.

Chen Ze took a sip. This wine is only the most common wine in the mortal world, even with a low degree, which is no different from water for Chen Ze.

Before I took a few sips of a pot of wine, I saw two men in military armor walking in: "Chen Laoguan, where is Chen Xiaomei?"

"Two military masters, I don't know why you are looking for a little girl?" the shopkeeper came to ask.

"Chen Xiaomei is a well-known beauty in our city. The city lord invited her to serve wine." said the sergeant.

The shopkeeper said: "The army master, the little girl is still a girl who has not left the pavilion, how can I serve wine. No, this is definitely not possible."

"Old stuff, do you think we are here to discuss with you?" The sergeant shouted, "Do you know who she is serving wine? Little Lipai fairy master. How noble is their status, even our country? The lord must respect the big man who kowtows when he sees it. If the lord of the city doesn't have a daughter, he will make you cheap!"

The sergeant walked to the inner hall as he said. The shopkeeper surnamed Chen hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, but was kicked down. He wanted to struggle, but he was stepped under his feet.

Soon there was a girl's cry from inside, and the sergeant who entered the inner hall dragged the girl who had just brought Chen Ze out.

The girl was also struggling, but she was slapped and sat on the ground, and finally she was pulled up again: "Little lady, you are not happy anymore. If I were a woman, it would be your turn! Go!"

After that, he continued to drag the woman out. At this moment, Chen Ze flipped his wrist and a chopstick flew out, directly blasting the dragging sergeant, even his palm was nailed to the wall.

The screams sounded instantly, and another person looked at Chen Ze angrily when he saw it, "Boy, do you dare to be nosy? Looking for death!"

Speaking of him carrying the knife to slash, Chen Ze didn't care at all, letting the knife slash on his head.


The shining long knife broke immediately, but Chen Ze didn't even break his hair.


Both of them trembled with fright. These methods are naturally monks, they are just how ordinary people can offend.


Chen Ze shouted.

The man who had been nailed through the palm gritted his teeth, pulled out his chopsticks, and ran out with his companion clutching his bleeding wrist.

The shopkeeper’s parents hugged each other and said to Chen Ze: "Guest, you go quickly, they must be calling for someone."

"It's okay, I just heard them talk about the fairy master of Xiaoli faction, what's the matter?" Chen Ze asked.

The shopkeeper said: "Xiaoli faction is a monk sect that rose up a few years ago. It is very powerful. Two years ago, a ceremony was held in our country Hu, and even our city had people to participate. The Lord has already Clearly attached to the Xiaoli faction, the immortal masters in their door must be respected everywhere in Hu State."

"Since you have the opportunity to contact the immortal teacher, you may also become a small sect person, why don't you want your daughter to contact them, besides, just serve wine." Chen Ze said.

"Bah, where is serving wine, it is clear that the city lord used the opportunity of serving wine to ruin the girl. There was one time two years ago. At that time, five girls were bullied by the city lord and his son. In the past two years, my family The more the little girl uttered, I didn't dare to let her go out. Unexpectedly, it was known to others."

Chen Ze suddenly, no wonder Chen Xiaomei was afraid of the attitude of the shopkeeper who gave her wine and food before.

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