My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 1809: Let me double hit

These words not only made the people of Xunfeng surprised and disdainful, but also made all three of them stunned.

Lao Tai hurriedly pulled Chen Ze: "You too jumped too much. Among the five generations of Xunfeng's current strongest disciples, the strongest has already stood at the pinnacle of the Hedao state."

"Is it strong?" Chen Ze said.

Jiang Liang glanced at his mouth, "Not very strong, but very strong. When he first entered the Diyuan Palace, he overturned a seeded player and grabbed a place to go to the Tianyuan Realm to participate in the event. To this day, he is still Diyuan. One of the top ten disciples of the palace."

"That's right. What am I doing this time? Isn't it Liwei?" Chen Ze said with a smile: "If I knock him down, will I be able to directly become a seed player?"

"You are wishful thinking!"

Jiang Liang said!

"Wishful thinking!" Li Gong said with disdain over there, "It's ridiculous that you are qualified to challenge my senior brother."

"Isn't your big brother a human? If I shoot, I will look for him. Otherwise, you will fart. You let me choose. If you don't admit that I am farting, then I will change someone." Chen Ze smiled. .


Li Gong was very embarrassed.

There are now five generations of disciples in the Diyuan Palace. The strong disciples of Lao Tai and Xunfeng are both disciples of the first generation, and Li Gong is the top three among the disciples of the fourth generation.

Originally, he was qualified to complete this challenge on behalf of Xun Fengmen, and he also had the right to decide. But the bad thing is that what he said earlier allowed Chen Ze to seize the loophole.

Although he was very prestigious among the four generations of disciples, he was only among the four generations of disciples. How could he influence one generation of disciples?

"Brother, what do you think about this?" Two people stood in front of the light-transmitting mirror in a training room inside Xunfengmen.

Originally, Hong Shen just wanted to see which door Yanmo would choose, and at the same time remember his appearance. If there is a chance in the future, we must find the factory of Xunfengmen today.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the follow-up, and someone would dare to challenge him.

No one from Tianyuan and Diyuan dared to confront him so blatantly.

"Interesting, do you know this person?" he asked.

The disciple carefully looked at Chen Ze and shook his head: "I don't know. It's probably someone unknown, I don't know how high the sky is."

"I won't comment on his cultivation level for now. This sentence alone made Li Gong embarrassed. If I don't come forward, whether he admits it or not, the previous words are bullshit."

Immediately he turned around, and the disciple behind him was surprised: "Brother, are you really going?"

"Xunfeng has lost too much face today and can't continue. And I also have a fire in my heart, so let's take it easy."

Although it was a bit bullying, Hong Shen's move was even more to help Li Gong resolve his embarrassment.

As time passed by, the sweat on Li Gong's forehead almost drained.

Chen Ze deliberately did not persecute and used time to torture him. This person's face made Chen Ze very upset, just to deliberately disgust him.

"Why, don't you want to admit it? Then bring out your strongest one." Chen Ze smiled.

"You want to challenge me?"

Suddenly a loud voice sounded, and the disciples in Sunda Wind turned their heads and looked at them all with surprise. Li Gong almost knelt down to Hong Shen, "Big brother, why did you come out?"

"Being bored, come out and walk around." He said.

However, Chen Ze suddenly interrupted and said, "It is probably because someone was blocked at the door and robbed someone, so I feel depressed."

His words were bold, but they also hit Hongshen's heart.

"My big brother is here, you dare to be so arrogant, really bold!"

When Hong Shen arrived, Li Gong immediately became active again.

"Boldness is linked to strength." Chen Ze shifted his eyes to look at Hong Shen: "Can you fight or not?"

"Although you are not qualified, you can't tolerate you presumptuously in front of my Sundae gate. There is no need to fight in other games. You and me will fight. If you can catch my blow, you will be considered a winner."

Hong Shen is more mad than Li Gong, but he has arrogant capital. As one of the top ten disciples of Diyuan Palace, he was also the one who led the team to the Tianyuan Realm this time.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Yes."

"Wait for abuse!" Li Gong sneered.

Chen Ze didn't care: "I'll beat you up looking for teeth sooner or later."


The people in Xunfengmen disagreed, and Chen Ze’s strengths and weaknesses were not discussed for the time being, no matter what, there was no chance to win against his own elder brother. Looking at the entire universe, there is no one who can become the opponent of their big brother.

Jiang Liang smiled bitterly, and he couldn't get arrogant at this time: "You can really cause trouble. Don't cry when you are being abused this time!"

He had fought against Chen Ze. Naturally, he knew that Chen Ze had some combat power, but the intensity was not high enough to fight against a master like Hong Shen.

Chen Ze stepped into the air, and the intention of staring at the sky suddenly appeared: "How to fight?"

"It's up to you! I allow you to attack twice. After two times, I will suppress you!"

Hong Shen said proudly.

The corner of Chen Ze's mouth raised high, "Crazy is a price."

There was no aura fluctuation in Chen Ze, and then his figure disappeared in place.

He reappeared, already in front of Hong Shen's eyes, his eyes flickered in shock.

"So fast!"

Li Gong was shocked here.

He was a monk who was stronger than Jiangliang and Zheya, and he naturally felt Chen Ze's speed.


With just a punch, Hong Shen felt the powerful impact force smashed into his body through his own defenses.

For a moment, Hong Shen felt that the blood was a little riot out of control, and Chen Ze's second attack had already arrived before it was completely suppressed.

With the previous feelings, he began to move his cultivation base to resist.

But when Chen Ze's second blow was smashed, his aura appeared, and the instant burst made Hong Shen's heart shocked.


There was a clear cracking sound from his arm bones, and he hurried back. Now that the two hits have arrived, he can fight back.

But Chen Ze's subsequent stormy attacks made him a little uncomfortable. The key is that Chen Ze can penetrate his defenses and prevent him from backhanding.

Being passively beaten made him feel aggrieved.

Seeing this, Jiang Liang's eyes were bright, and his heart said that this kid is still hidden. How did he cultivate? Obviously there are only two and three levels of Hedao Realm, but why is the combat power so strong?

He was facing Hong Shen, one of the top ten disciples of Diyuan Palace, who overturned the seeded players by crossing two small realms that year. Now I am afraid of being stronger, but Chen Ze suppresses and beats.

"Two strikes are too early, why don't you fight back?" The guy began to hate.

Lao Tai understood very well, and said, "I'm afraid there is no more energy to fight back, right?

"It's ridiculous, my brother let you, that kid is so unethical." Li Gong said.

Zheya was also angry, "You are the one who insisted on making two blows. Who is the one who is in the wrong place now?"

The conversation below fell into Hong Shen's ears and made him a little irritable. He suddenly drank and started to counterattack regardless of the defense.


Chen Ze did not dodge or dodge, and confronted him head-on.

The two collided, a fierce attack broke out, shaking the world.

"What's going on? Who is fighting!" A deeply repaired old man was startled.

"It must be one of the top ten disciples who are fighting against each other."

Another figure rushed out and came into the air to look far away.

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