My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 206: Withdraw your shop

In the car going back, the brothers Jiang Yaoan and Jiang Yuean looked at the contents of the briefcase and their expressions were shocked.

There are all share transfer agreements, and the total sum of zero and zero is 20 billion, which is not a small sum.

"Brother, Lei Keyong is still a bit sincere, and he has given us so many industries as an apocalypse." Jiang Yuean smiled.

"This is not for us." Jiang Yaoan was very calm, and was not dazzled by benefits.

"Isn't it for us?" Jiang Yue was puzzled. "Who is that? Isn't it for us to pay for Hanhan?"

Jiang Yaoan: "Han Han is not us. It is Chen Ze that he really wants to pay."

Jiang Yue'an condensed his eyebrows, and said after a long time: "Big Brother, what exactly does this Chen Ze have?"

"It has something to do with the Special Office," he said.

Jiang Yuean was even more puzzled, "The Special Office does not care about ordinary things, even if they are related."

"That's why I hesitate more." Jiang Yaoan said: "It is reported that a master martial artist died in Kyoto. The man who died was invited by the Lei family, and eventually died in the house of the He family. What they want to deal with is Chen Ze!"

Jiang Yue'an was shocked, "Could it be that Chen Ze is from the special agency? If this is the case, it is even less worthy of friendship. We don't deal with the hermit family, and have nothing to do with the special agency. And it's better not to be involved, then The crowd is troublesome."

Jiang Yaoan actually meant this too.

Jiang Han is a careful person, she has noticed the attitude of the family's elders towards Chen Ze. Ask him out to talk.

"Sorry for making you wronged. You saved me. My parents and uncles still have the same attitude." In the rest area of ​​the mall, Chen Ze and Jiang Han were sitting there drinking.

"I'm just going to save you, it doesn't matter who treats me or what." Chen Ze smiled.

"But I want them to recognize you." Jiang Han said.

The female doctor finally turned into a woman and knew how to talk love.

Chen Ze sighed, and also disturbed. How about a scum, not a single one?

"Manager, you give me another chance, I promise I will never be late again. This time it is really something the child has." When the two of them didn't know how to proceed, this conversation came into their ears.

The woman in professional attire shook off another woman’s grabbing hand: “Li Jiahui, I’m enough to give you face. She took care of you when Sister Guo was there, but now I’m the store manager, my employee You must focus on work. You are no longer suitable for this job, get out of here!"

"Manager, I beg you, I really didn't mean to be late, I really need this job." Li Jiahui pleaded.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. You are late six times a month. I will never use such an employee again." The manager said, stepping on high heels and stepping into the opposite cosmetics shop.

Chen Ze was particularly helpless seeing Li Jiahui squatting blankly.

"Do you want to help her?" Jiang Han saw his expression, "but this woman is late six times a month, the store can't expel her too much."

Chen Ze shook her head and said: "Her body smells of disinfectant, indicating that she came from the hospital late today, and some of her relatives are sick. She is an employee of the cosmetics shop, but there is no attire on her face, indicating that her life is simple. She is a person who lives and works hard, and perhaps some factors make her inevitably make these mistakes.

Did you hear that, the store manager mentioned a person named Guo Jie in the conversation. Why can this sister Guo tolerate her being late before? Is it just because of a good heart? "

Li Jiahui squatted on the ground crying, and many customers had already gathered around to give pointers. She was also wearing the staff uniform of that cosmetics shop, and everyone turned their eyes to that side in unison.

The store manager noticed something was wrong and hurriedly came out and explained: "Don’t get me wrong. She is indeed our clerk, and she was indeed fired by me. She is late six times a month and sometimes leaves early privately. You tell me, I should She should not be fired."

"It turns out that this is the case, then it is not worthy of sympathy. There is still a face to cry here, if I leave quickly, I can't afford to be ashamed of this face."

"What's wrong with people nowadays, if they don't work well, it's obvious that they have made a mistake, and they still want to win sympathy. Fortunately, my little video hasn't been posted yet, otherwise I will slander good people."

Everyone babbled and hated the woman's behavior, and some even said directly to her: "You go quickly, don't be an eyesore here."

Li Jiahui was very wronged. She just wanted to explain something when she suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed.

"Mom, this drama is really good, do you still want to touch porcelain." The store manager said loudly.

With her, everyone felt that Li Jiahui was acting deliberately, and pointed around her.

Chen Ze could see what was going on. He got up and walked towards Li Jiahui, squeezing through the crowd and just about to reach out, an aunt stopped him: "You guys, don't make a mess. Such a woman is really not a good thing, she will go wrong. yours."

"Auntie, you can't judge all this based on your own subjectivity. What if she really fainted? Because you stopped me from investigating her situation, it is your responsibility to die." Chen Ze said.

"Don't talk nonsense, what does this have to do with me. Make trouble for yourself, don't get involved with me!" The aunt was scared and took two steps back.

Chen Ze massaged Li Jiahui's acupuncture points twice. She woke up slowly and struggled when she saw Chen Ze.

"I didn't do anything to you." Chen Ze explained: "I didn't eat at noon, it's low blood sugar."

"I rushed over to work and didn't have time to eat, thank you!" Li Jiahui thanked.

Chen Ze smiled and said, "No matter how difficult things are, you have to eat. If you collapse yourself, what about the people you need to take care of? Look at the store you are dedicated to serving. You have to be kind to yourself. ."

Others don’t think anything about this, but the store manager thinks that Chen Ze is mocking her: "Oh, hey, you two are in the same group, do you play a bitter drama with me? It’s me who doesn’t eat lunch and goes to work. Is it wrong? It's her family's inconvenience. It's my business."

Chen Ze said: "Anyone will encounter difficulties for a while, so why bother to be so aggressive."

"Her daughter's illness will be temporary?" The store manager sneered: "Leukemia, two days or two of the day will have to take leave to go to the hospital. My husband does not see a person, I think it is a wild species born improperly!"

"You fart!" Li Jiahui has been soft and weak, but at this time she is like an angry lioness: "My daughter has a father. He is a soldier. He is still buried in the Martyrs Cemetery!"

"Hey, you said it was just chanting. Anyway, people are dead, it's not a matter of you." The store manager sneered.

Chen Ze's anger suddenly rose, "It's my fault for someone like you to let you stay here for a second."

"Hehe, how old are you?" the woman said, "Even the people in the mall don't have the right to control the internal affairs of our store."

"I really don't have the right to control the affairs of your store!" Chen Ze took out the phone and called Le Yan directly: "Where are you?"

"Mingjia Shopping Center is processing the follow-up contract matters." She said.

"There is a cosmetics counter called Femina, I don't want to see it again within an hour!" Chen Ze finished speaking and hung up.

"Are you scaring me? We just signed the contract with the mall, and breach of contract is a penalty for breach of contract!" The female store manager disagrees, she doesn't think she can trouble her if she meets anyone.

She didn't finish her words. A group of employees dressed in shopping mall custom work clothes came and carried boxes into the store.

"What are you doing?" The store manager chased into the store in fright.

"Sorry, I am the manager of the mall. We have just received a notice that the mall has cancelled the cooperation with Femina Cosmetics, and your counters will be closed immediately. We will pass the boxes with the goods free of charge. Please arrange and leave immediately."

The store manager was terrified, she had just been promoted to store manager. What will she do if the counter is abolished? Will definitely be expelled!

"Sorry, please let me go, okay, don't abolish my shop. Please!" She also knew who to ask, and hurried out to kneel down to Chen Ze: "Please, I really can't lose This job."

"Someone begged you just now, what's your attitude?" Chen Ze asked rhetorically.

"But... I acted completely in accordance with the staff rules, and she should be fired if she violated it," she said.

Chen Ze said: "Insulting martyrs and widows, the character is disgusting. I have no right to interfere with the internal affairs of your store, but I have the right to decide whether your mall will cooperate with you or not! Go away!"

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