My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 216: Meet up

The National Tsing Hua University Academic Exchange Conference is actually an exhibition in another sense. Each university or scientific research institution will be divided into certain areas, there are academic publicity displays, and there are actual sample exhibitions of the project.

As the highest university in China, BGI has the largest and most luxurious display area. As for the display area of ​​other institutions or universities, it is necessary to apply for allocation according to actual needs.

"This has to be 20 square meters. National Tsing Hua University is still magnificent. I thought it would give us three to five square meters." Sun Wei said.

Jiang Han murmured, "Teacher, are you so? You see which professor came in with a deputy letter, not like you to join in the fun."

"Nonsense, it would be a waste if I didn't come." Sun Wei looked around: "Furthermore, Chen Ze is now an honorary professor of BGI. The professor leads the professor and doesn't lose face. What about Chen Ze?"

"He knows that there will be a project display area for the exchange meeting, and he is ready to go to the exhibits." Jiang Han said.

The exchange meeting will last for two days. On the first day, all participating projects will show the results to everyone in the exhibition area, during which everyone can communicate at any time. On the second day, some project leaders were invited to make academic speeches.

Some projects even entered the venue yesterday to arrange exhibits, but they officially started today, and their exhibition area at BGI is still empty.

"I know he has no experience, but it is a pity that my model hasn't been changed, otherwise I can fill it up by moving over." Sun Wei sighed.

"It's not without things. Yesterday, Professor Lang lent us his protection software, and Professor Hong. These are the information on the drugs he was nominated for the Nobel Prize." Jiang Han said, pointing to the box on the side.

However, these things can be placed on a computer and a table, which is still too small compared to the exhibition area of ​​more than 20 square meters.

"Oh, isn't this Professor Sun? Did BGI ask you to come to the exchange meeting?" At this time, a person of the same grade as Sun Wei came over, with disdain on his face.

The person standing next to him seemed to be of this age, and said, "Professor Wu, isn't the genius Chen Ze sent by Huada?"

Professor Wu awkwardly acted like a sudden realization, "Look at my memory, I forgot about it. BGI sent a genius, but Sun Wei, why are you here? Don’t tell me that you are taking the junior’s deputy. By letter."

"Old ghost Wu, Hua Xingquan, you two don't need to be embarrassed and tease me here. One grabs my scientific research results, and the other is more promising. Is it embarrassing to grab the results of my students?"

Sun Wei and Professor Wu from National Tsing Hua University once worked on a project together, and the final credit was solely Wu Yanyun. The incident made Huada angry. The president of Huada publicly accused Wu Yanyun of occupying scientific research results. He would rather cancel all cooperation with National Tsing Hua University, including the super-large particle collider project built by the two universities at a cost of 3 billion. All were cut in half, and the loss was huge.

Originally, National Tsing Hua University and China National University were only competing for students and rankings. After this incident, they were completely opposed. I will not only have what you have, but also be better than you. If you don't have what I have, I will hype and mock you to death!

"I only know that I am the person in charge of the exchange meeting now. I don't need an invitation letter to be able to stand here. And you? It's really embarrassing to come over with the junior vice letter." Wu Yanyun mocked. .

Sun Wei disagreed, "There is a sequence of learning, and a specialization in surgery. Chen Ze's academic work makes me admire. Although he is a junior, he is also an honorary professor of BGI."

"When are the honorary professors of Hua University so worthless?" Hua Xingquan shook his head: "It's in vain that I chose this place. I knew I should go to the National Taiwan University to study."

"You can't think like that. After all, Huada is a century-old institution. Now it’s just some people who don’t recognize the facts and want to head-on with us.” Wu Yanyun glanced at Huada’s empty display area: “Your project exhibits What? There should be a brochure even if there is no model."

"Such a large space was wasted." He Chen followed behind, and Yin and Yang said weirdly: "Where is your great genius Chen Ze? Isn't he afraid to come."

Hua Xingquan continued the student’s words and said: “He is self-aware. Huada has packaged him as a genius like Yang Han, and he can blow it up before the exchange meeting. But the people participating in the exchange meeting have real materials, any one. People are afraid that they will be able to test whether he is true or false."

"Are you real thieves? There just happened to be a group of people standing here." Chen Ze's voice sounded from behind, and he was always so calm when pretending to be like: "Sure enough, you two groups can get together. It's surprising."

He Chen was deflated yesterday, and he is bound to find his place today. With the help of the two professors, he is here to show off his reputation: "Our research institute has conducted in-depth cooperation with National Tsing Hua University, and will jointly complete the follow-up research and development of the V12 engine."

"It's because you can't go on by yourself. Your **** engine is full of problems. It's too much to run for two hours." Chen Ze walked to the display area with a box, muttering dissatisfiedly: "I don't understand. Is the brain of the person in charge of the main organizer muddled? What exhibition area will be used for academic exchanges?

Wu Yanyun's face is dark, he is the person in charge of the organizer, "This is to expose some academic crooks, and only genuine people can participate in the exchange meeting."

"Are you real thieves? There just happened to be a group standing here. As expected, it was..."

The goods started again, and He Chen roared with anger: "Chen Ze, don't be like a repeater here. What about your project exhibits? Show us."

Jiang Han saw that Chen Ze only brought a box over. At this time, being an exhibit would only make these people laugh. She thought for a while and took out the brochure about the Nobel Prize-nominated lupus erythematosus that Professor Hong handed over to her.

"This is the result of pharmaceutical scientific research conducted by Professor Hong's project team of the Faculty of Medicine at BGI. It has a significant effect on lupus erythematosus and has been nominated for the Nobel Prize." Jiang Han said.

At this moment, only this name can shock everyone. After all, although China has a strong national strength, it has won the Nobel Prize only a few times.

Wu Yanyun took it over and looked at it, his brows suddenly frowned. He suddenly turned his head and said something to the people around him, and then began to look down at the brochure again.

After a while, there were screams in the distance, and the word "Yang Shen" could still be heard vaguely. Volunteers from National National Taiwan University followed far behind a man and took photos with their mobile phones.

This should be Yang Han. It is estimated that it is impossible for other people to cause such a sensation on this occasion.

Chen Ze looked carefully, and he was a little bit longer than him, very handsome. If he is really talented and learned, he is indeed suitable for him as a niece-in-law.

Yang Han walked over and glanced at Jiang Han. They hadn't really met each other. Yang Han was very cold, and said to Wu Yanyun: "Professor Wu, what can you do if you come to me?"

"I remember just seeing a similar brochure in the exhibition area of ​​our National Taiwan University. You are responsible for the projects of our National Taiwan University. Let's see what it is." Wu Yanyun handed him the brochure.

Yang Han looked calm. He took a look at the brochure and said, "The chemical formulas are exactly the same. It's not accidental, it's plagiarism! Professor Wu, I have to confront the project of which institution is this."

"Fart!" Sun Wei shouted: "What qualifications do you have to confront. This is a drug that our team led by Professor Hua Dahong took seven or eight years to develop. You say plagiarism is plagiarism?"

Yang Han was very calm, "Why should this gentleman be so angry. I just said to face confrontation, maybe it was my plagiarism in the end. What do you mean by this reaction? Can I think you have a guilty conscience?"

Sure enough, it was a personal thing, and a few words left Sun Wei speechless.

However, this made Chen Ze decide in his heart that this person is not good at character and is not suitable for Wu Yilu. He asked Sun Wei in a low voice, "Can I trust Professor Hong?"

"Of course! Lao Hong, although we pinched each other, but I can trust his character." Sun Wei said.

"That's because there was a leaker in his project team, and he immediately asked him to call the police for investigation." Chen Ze reminded Sun Wei, and then looked at the people present and smiled.

"Yang Han? Genius, Yang Shen?" Chen Ze questioned three times, and then shook his head: "Sure enough, things gather people into groups. I thought you could be a human being. Now it seems that there is no difference from these two goods. I can see that the name was changed. Big or big thief, this is more realistic!"

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