My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 219: Xianke is his

He Chen didn't believe in evil, so he took out his mobile phone and plugged it in, without any hint of charging.

"It's really not that the battery is hidden here!" He shook his head in awe.

Chen Ze smiled and assembled the power bank, and motioned to him: "You can try again."

He Chen didn't hesitate. After plugging in the charging cable, the phone made a "dingdong" sound, and then the charging screen appeared. Moreover, the flash charging symbol is displayed when charging, indicating that this power bank also supports fast charging.

"I'm not dreaming, can glass really be used as a battery?"

Everyone was shocked, and Yang Han was equally puzzled. He is engaged in scientific research, and the most important thing is the battery project in his hand. That is a brand-new energy storage method. The average storage capacity is more than twice that of lithium batteries. Once it succeeds, it can solve the phenomenon of insufficient storage space for lithium batteries.

This was originally his advantage, and he also believed that he would be able to complete this research in the next few years.

At this time, Chen Ze actually used glass to make a power bank. If the same storage space as he said is more than ten times that of a lithium battery, there is no need for his project to go on.

"Chen Ze, what is the principle of your glass?" Wu Yanyun asked: "Since it is an academic exchange, you can simply tell us."

"Sorry, trade secrets." Chen Ze said.

"Even if this project is you, this is only one. You don't want to use one project to prove that you are a genius. After all, your opponent is Yang Shen, and he has completed more than one project. A project to participate in the exchange meeting.” Yang Han’s diehard fan said.

Chen Ze smiled. He took out a few mobile phone parts out of the box, all of them packed in bright boxes.

"My project has been actually produced. This is the extremely cool E series mobile phone camera, this is the extreme A series processor, this is a few more common flash memory chips, this is a holographic projection device."

What Chen Ze said surprised everyone. He Chen laughed after hearing it, "Chen Ze, are you here to make a joke? Who doesn't know that these products are produced by Xianke, so you dare to tell such a big lie?"

Wu Yilu yelled unconvincedly: "Yes, these things are from Xianke, but Xianke belongs to the uncle."


A group of people are blinded.

The information about Chen Ze holding the shares of Xianke has not been made public. If Mr. Qiao greets him, it is difficult for people without certain energy to find out the real information. The Yang family had this ability, but Yang Han didn't take Chen Ze seriously, and he was very surprised when he heard the news.

Knowing that a company called Xianke appeared in Huaguo to overcome the country's problems twice, he was very curious, and took Xianke's products back for research, and found that he didn't understand anything. Those chips, lenses and the like seem to be ordinary crystal glass, but they can be used normally.

"Xianke's general manager is Su Qian!" He Chen yelled.

Wu Yilu pouted: "Are you an idiot? Sister Su Qian is the general manager, and the uncle is the boss. Do you think the uncle came to Kyoto for the exchange meeting? He accompanied Sister Su Qian to Kyoto to receive the award."

Chen Ze has a dark face, is this girl sent by God to cheat him?

I have worked so hard to hide my identity for so long, so I exposed it to her.

Sun Wei's head can no longer keep up. He never thought that Chen Ze turned out to be Xianke's boss. The popularity of this company in China is too hot. Naturally, the products produced by the company need not be mentioned. Xianke has rescued the Chinese mobile phone market several times in times of crisis and has been regarded as a model by everyone.

"Chen Ze, are you really the boss behind Xianke?" Sun Wei asked.

"Teacher, this is true." Jiang Han proved: "Xianke's scientific research team is led by him. He presided over the research on Huaguo’s own mobile phone processor chips, flash memory chips, and mobile phone cameras, and invented a new compilation. At the same time, he developed a brand-new mobile phone system. Similarly, he helped you complete the unmanned terminal lifting system and broke Professor Lang’s defense software. The two hospitals in Dongjiang City are still vigorously promoting his prescriptions."

"So, he said he is a versatile, he is a versatile!"

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Yang Han and continued: "Do you think that Chen Ze's reputation can be discredited by some means? He is far from what you can imagine. I can tell you now that Huaxingquan's V12 engine, The problems I solved were basically guided by Chen Ze."

"Yang Han, what qualifications do you have to be his opponent?"

Jiang Han's last words instantly destroyed Yang Han's self-esteem.

He has always been the focus of everyone's attention. The world's No. 1 IQ expert, a double-material Ph.D. and a three-subject master, spans multiple fields. The prospects for several research projects he has participated in are also very promising. He is fluent in four foreign languages ​​and six musical instruments.

Before meeting Chen Ze, he was perfect, he was the incarnation of God.

But he is such a perfect man, he hardly has any advantage in front of Chen Ze. He clearly planned everything and calculated Chen Ze, but he was the one who made the most ugly.

"Very well, Chen Ze, let's come to Japan for a long time!"

Yang Han clenched his fists, he was no longer calm and complacent. As long as Xianke's products are there, his achievements will be concealed, and he can only leave dingy; he didn't even participate in the following exchange meeting.


After hearing the news, the vice president of the University of China was all excited. For a while, not only did the National Tsing Hua University be suppressed at this exchange meeting, it also made Chen Ze, the great Buddha, a member of their Huada.

The behind-the-scenes boss of Xianke is their honorary professor of Huada, who will add another highlight to the wall of honorary alumni of Huada.


The Yang family were shocked. They had never seen Yang Han like this. I locked myself in the room for two days and didn't come out. Everything I could smashed was smashed.

The president of National Tsing Hua University made seven or eight times for questioning.

On the third day, Yang Han opened the door and came out, and he recovered his calm. He only said one sentence: "I want all the information about Chen Ze."


Although the whole BGI is festive, it is difficult for Professor Hong to endure. He led the team to spend seven years of hard work, and finally the results were stolen.

Professor Hong communicated with the Nobel Prize Jury in detail. The evidence they gave was exactly the same as the test logs of Professor Hong's scientific research team over the years. This shows that the leaker not only has access to the core secrets, but also gains his trust.

Only four of his students who can get these secrets are currently the four deputies of the project team. But he couldn't find anyone to suspect, and he didn't dare to doubt anyone easily.

"Lao Hong has been depressed for two or three days, and the Nobel Prize jury only gave him one week to prove his innocence. If he misses it, even if the drug is launched in the future, he will still not be eligible for nominations," Sun Wei said.

Chen Ze is also very concerned about this matter. He was also a victim of the results robbed by others, knowing Professor Hong's feelings, "Are there any doubtful objects?"

"Yes, they are Professor Hong's four students and deputies. The shortest of them has been with Lao Hong for four years. Lao Hong doesn't want to doubt any of them." Sun Wei said.

"Give me their address and give you proof tomorrow."

Chen Ze got up and left, and said something that puzzled Sun Wei.

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