My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 230: Enter the game again

"Sister Chen, let's go. Why don't I have any good people here."

Loud music and flashing lights, and the dimly lit bar is full of young men and women who want to vent.

Chen Yun and Bai Ruoshui's face showed disgust with her, "It's not that you are too popular, but if you can find two people to walk on KTV, we will not come to such a place to stimulate my brother."

Bai Ruoshui is very uncomfortable. Although she used to have an arrogant personality, she has always cleaned herself and loved herself. Never come to such a place.

"Sit down, no one has accosted yet. Come here, let's finish the task. Remember, the photos should be taken more intimately later, so that you can post to the circle of friends to make Chen Ze feel a sense of crisis." Chen Yun poured the wine in front of her into her throat, enjoying herself wantonly.

"Huh... so cool. It's been a long time since I had such a spicy wine."

Bai Ruoshui's blushing face was hot, and she felt a little fuzzy in her consciousness: "Sister Chen, don't drink, I feel like I'm going to be drunk."

"This is just a few glasses, you are drunk, and the amount of alcohol is too bad. Come, my sister will help you practice alcohol." Chen Yun calmly picked up the wine glass and poured it in with Bai Ruoshui's unwilling expression.

Bai Ruoshui was upset, "Sister Chen, don't take you like this. You drink well, but I have to bear the torture of drunkenness."

"Will my elder sister make you suffer for nothing? Maybe you are going to carry the handsome man of my brother tonight, and I won't have time to thank you."

Chen Yun laughed wanton, but in the eyes of others, she and Bai Ruoshui were like crazy people, and they were happier talking to themselves.

"My buddy, it's her!" A bunch of men and women in the deck were playing games, pointing at Bai Ruoshui's back as a man and said, "If you can take her down, my R8 will be opened for you for a month!"

Ling Jiayu looked at it and dismissed it: "Can you find me something that is difficult? It's obviously to send me a car. This one just saw that I just fell out of love. I drank such a big drink, and I was so drunk after a while, what's the point? ?this is not OK!"

"Who let you roll the dice and lose. I'll just say whichever one, or you just admit it and lend me your baby for a month."

A group of people roared, and Ling Jiayu got up with a strand of hair: "Just kidding, when did I recognize it! I'm looking forward to it with wide-eyed eyes. How did I take down this woman with a gun tonight!"

Holding the wine, Ling Jiayu came to Bai Ruoshui and sat down: "Hi, beauty, alone?"

Bai Ruoshui glanced at him with a very restrained expression, and communicated with Chen Yun with consciousness: "Sister Chen, someone has started a conversation, what should I do?"

"Fucking chicken feathers, we are here to be accosted. Later, you let go of your body and see how your sister hooks up with men. Learn a little bit, and sleep in the same room with Chen Ze for so long, and you were actually taken by the night cat outside. It's a shame for me to steal it."

Chen Yun turned around enchantingly, smiling charmingly and commotionally, "Why, do you want to invite me to drink."

Ling Jiayu was startled, she shouldn't. Does this girl learn to act? The detention and shyness just now came from the show, deliberately seduce yourself?

Regardless of him, anyway, the people are not bad, and he won't suffer a night.

"No, I would like to invite you to drink three cups." Ling Jiayu is also a master at mixing bars, and if the girl takes the initiative, he has no reason to refuse.

Chen Yun shyly hit his shoulder with a hammer: "You are a badass! What do you want to do to get people drunk?"


Ling Jiayu's eyes lit up. He likes this kind of active woman best, "It depends on whether you want to get drunk by me."

"It's bad!" Chen Yun giggled, "Come on, little brother, let me post a circle of friends first. If you like more than a hundred, I will agree to any request of you!"

"Okay, I'm so handsome, I don't have a problem with a thousand!" Ling Jiayu chastely stopped Chen Yun's waist, and the two of them snapped photos.

Bai Ruoshui refused subconsciously, how could he tolerate others touching her like this, and one couldn't hold back and pushed them away.

Ling Jiayu didn't pay attention and sat on the ground directly. She fell into a daze, looking at the woman pointing at him and shouting: "Stay away from me, rascal."

I rely on!

Chen Yun was so angry that she jumped her feet: "Sister, do you have such a big reaction? How can I take photos that stimulate Chen Ze if you are like this? How can he leave that woman aside and come to us."

"Isn't it exciting enough to hug each other?" Bai Ruoshui shouted.

"Where is this? Are you from the new era? Why are you so feudal?" Chen Yun muttered.

Sitting on the ground Ling Jiayu didn't think he was a good thing, but he was always playing tricks on others, and now he was actually played by a woman.

"Yes, beauty, play around with Ling brother, right?" Ling Jiayu stood up and patted her butt, pointing her thumb behind her shoulder: "You can ask Dian Hai to find out, what's the end of offending Brother Ling."

The two women here didn't take him at all. Bai Ruoshui objected: "I don't care, I don't want to take this kind of photos. What if Chen Ze looks angry at me? What if I think I'm a slutty woman? Sister Chen, I shouldn't have promised you."

"Alright, just use these two together, the big deal is more ambiguous with the words, in any case, we must make this kid anxious." Chen Yun said.

Seeing Bai Ruoshui turned to leave, Ling Jiayu quit. There are a group of brothers over there watching, but the cowhide is blown out, he will never admit defeat: "Stop! I want to get out of here?"

"You...what do you want?" After Bai Ruoshui dominated his body, he was detained with a trace of horror. It was clearly scared.

When Ling Jiayu saw this place, he became very angry, "Why don't he play with me, pretend to be a pure and innocent little beauty? How strong is the energy you just hugged my neck? You bastard, pretend to be innocent! If you don't do it today I'm happy to accompany me, I will make you look good!"

"Be with Nima!"

Chen Yun knocked the man down with a fist, and squeezed her hand and walked over: "You have a nose and face, don't you dare to say that the old lady sells it? I'll let you say..."

Ling Jiayu's friends watching the show all laughed, "Old Ling can't do it, didn't he boast that he is a master of martial arts? How can I get a woman to beat him up."

"I've seen Brother Ling's force. Three or five people can't get close. He must be acting. Maybe this woman is also a practicing family. Brother Ling is satisfying her vanity."

"This delicate little foot kicks agilely, and Brother Ling is really vulnerable. If I just resist walking away and fight on the bed!"

"Lao Ling is a master, this expression is realistic enough. This cry is so distracting!"

This group of brainless friends was still discussing it heartily, but Ling Jiayu's cry became more and more miserable, and they finally realized that something was wrong.

"Damn, Lao Ling is really being beaten!"

"Damn, dare to beat my brother, even women can't. Come on!"

A group of people hurried up.

But the result...

Chen Ze carved this jade plate in the office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This kind of half magical device can amplify the magnetic field, so as to achieve the function of instantaneous acceleration of particles. Chen Ze relied on this thing to reduce the length of the accelerator calculated by the length of the collision maneuver to within a range of tens of centimeters.

The time to make three sets is not much longer than the time to make one, it is nothing more than two more when making accessories.

Once again, Chen Ze is familiar with a lot of sculptures, faster and more stable in his wrists. .

Today is the first day, and he has already finished carving half of the magical artifacts. The most important thing to worry about when building a particle collider is this, but the speed is still much faster than before. It took him three days to carve for the first time, and at the current rate, it is estimated that two days will be almost the same.


The phone rang suddenly, and Chen Ze was fortunate that he hadn't taken the knife just now, otherwise the board would definitely be useless.

He was surprised to see that the caller was an unfamiliar number: "Hello."

"Is it Mr. Chen Ze?"

"I am." Chen Ze replied.

"This is the Dianhai Branch of the Kyoto Police Station..."

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