My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 247: Lightened

The faint voice of the earpiece was enough for Chen Ze to remember who this person was. The last time he was fate, he looked at Xu Muyao's brother and the Xu family with admiration.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Xu Muyao's reaction, this situation does not happen once or twice. Chen Ze does not believe that she can really cut off her relationship with her family, otherwise she would not lose all the money she earned during her three years of debut. People want to go.

"Mu Yao, save me, they are going to cut my hand, save me." Xu Xingzhi begged.

Xu Muyao's voice became louder and louder, and she seemed to be angry, "Xu Xingzhi, what tricks do you want to do? I have already said that there is no contact between me and you. What matters to me is your life and death."

"Don't, sister, I was wrong. Just this time, the last time. Only half a million, it's all a small amount of money to you. You help me, otherwise they will really cut my hand." Xu Xingzhi pleaded. .

"Where I have half a million, it's not worth it if you sell me!" Xu Muyao's pretty face was cold.

"Why not worth it, don't you have a boyfriend, let him out. He is so rich, so please help me. I promise the last time, the last time!" Xu Xingzhi begged.

Chen Ze answered the phone: "Okay, I paid the money. Where are you, I will go over and solve it myself."

"Chen Ze, he is a liar, I have been deceived twice by him like this." Xu Muyao took Chen Ze's hand and said.

"Don't be so troublesome. If you are so busy, just turn around. I can handle it myself." Xu Xingzhi did not hear Xu Muyao's words.

Chen Ze snorted coldly: "Either I will solve it myself, or you can use one hand to repay the debt and choose by yourself."

"Okay, I'll give you the address." Xu Xingzhi hung up and yelled, "Asshole, what can you do now, bah!"

In the dim small room, a yellow hair on the gaming table grabbed the lamp above his head and illuminated Xu Xingzhi: "Why, it's settled?"

"That's right. Brother, after paying the 500,000 yuan, we will pay the bills. You can't embarrass me anymore."

Huang Mao smiled and said: "Of course, I am out of chaos to follow the rules. You owe me half a million, and of course the two will be cleared if you pay it back."

"That's good, that's good." Xu Xingzhi let out a long sigh.

"When will your celebrity sister arrive?" Huang Mao said as he took out a pinch of cash from under the table and placed it in front of Xu Xingzhi, with a total of seven or eighty thousand yuan: "These are the money you paid in advance. Your sister has come here. Play with my elder brother."

Xu Xingzhi shook his head: "Brother, my sister is also a public figure anyway, and she can get 200,000,300,000 for any dinner. She doesn't like your money."

Ma Zhong and a group of younger brothers laughed after hearing this. He patted Xu Xingzhi's face: "Does he think you would reject me? I didn't expect it to be less. Okay, 300,000 yuan to play a big star, it's worth it. "

Three hundred thousand were neatly placed on the table, and Xu Xingzhi looked enthusiastically.

Ma Zhong asked: "When will they arrive?"

"There will be a flight from Dongjiang to Longtian in the afternoon, and they will have to arrive at nine o'clock in the evening at the earliest." Xu Xingzhi said.

"There are still five or six hours. I'm idle and I'm idle. Play two more." Ma Zhong said, pushing a black dice cup in front of him.

Xu Xingzhi was frightened: "Brother, I'm not feeling lucky today, so let's stop playing."

"What's the cost! Three hundred thousand are placed here, it would be a shame not to play. In case you want to turn your money back, when the time comes, buddies will accompany you in the show, and then get five hundred thousand from your rich brother-in-law, that's Eight hundred thousand."

Xu Xingzhi's hesitant expression became greedy, "Really?"

"Nonsense, in fact, what we want is not money, but your sister. Our boss just wants to get to know her. As for money, if you like it, I will give you another fifty thousand." Ma Zhong took out another pile of money and put it in front of him. .

Xu Xingzhi immediately became interested: "Okay, anyway, I'm idle and I'm idle, in case I can get it back."


Originally, Xu Muyao was only in a bad mood because of the role played, so she came to Chen Ze for psychological comfort. Unexpectedly, when he first arrived in Dongjiang, he caused trouble for Chen Ze.

"Longtian is your hometown, this time you have to take me around." Chen Ze smiled.

Xu Muyao is not in the mood to say this to Chen Ze: "Chen Ze, I still think Xu Xingzhi is lying to us, he just took 200,000 from me before."

"I'm not here this time to solve the problem he owes money, but the relationship between him and you." Chen Ze said: "It is unrealistic to let you cut off your blood and sever the relationship with your family members. It is impossible for an individual to do it. Only. Only by changing his person can you truly feel peaceful."

It was past seven o'clock after leaving the airport, and Chen Ze drove straight to the address given by Xu Xingzhi. The location was very remote and hidden, and the taxi driver went around and took them to the place. For this reason, Chen Ze paid an extra 100 yuan for the fare.

In the small casino, Xu Xingzhi was sweating profusely, and the 350,000 in front of him was long gone. With this kind of dice ratio, a two-thousand gambling method, the idea can be lost in half an hour.

"Four Six Six!" He saw the points in the dice cup with a soothing expression.

Ma Zhong smiled and opened his dice cup, the number in it was three six, Leopard!

"Xu Xingzhi, it seems that your luck today is indeed bad. You owe me two million for this one. Tsk tsk, I would not play with you if I knew you had such an idea. Tell me, two million, How many times does your sister have to play with others to earn it back."

Xu Xingzhi kept shaking his head when he saw the dice, "The surnamed horse, you cheated me, you cheated me!"

"Xu Xingzhi, I'm a craftsman that came out of my horse. You questioned my dice in the middle, but we exchanged it. You yelled to borrow money when you lost 350,000. It has nothing to do with me. ."

Ma Zhong looked at the time, it was already past nine o'clock, "Your sister should be coming soon, I will tell the boss to prepare, and enjoy the big star tonight."

Xu Xingzhi sat there blankly, full of regret. Gamblers are all like this. They have the mind to make a clear mind when they just lose, but it's not like that when sitting at the gambling table.

Ma Zhong helped the boss to accomplish a major event again, and felt happy. A little brother came over and said something in his ear. He smiled and said to Xu Xingzhi: "The people are here, we have to act. Brothers, let us make-up for Brother Xu first, so as not to be unreal."

Xu Xingzhi has been in such a place all year round, and of course he knows what makeup means. As soon as he was about to yell, he was hit in the stomach with a punch, and the pain instantly made him unable to shout anything.

Within three or two minutes of Chen Ze and Xu Muyao's arrival at the underground casino, Xu Xingzhi was already bruised and swollen, and he didn't even have the strength to mourn.

Opening the door and coming in, the dim lights and the ferocious eyes of everyone made Xu Muyao scared. She held Chen Ze's hand nervously, and only the temperature of her palm made her feel at ease.

"It's really Xu Muyao, I thought Xu Xingzhi was talking nonsense to me. Come on, the big star sits down." Ma Zhong laughed.

Chen Ze looked at him and said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, where is Xu Xingzhi?"

"You can find Xu Xingzhi, but I have to tell you something first. In the few hours I waited for you, he lost me another two million."


Xu Muyao was so angry that she could not speak, and Chen Ze grabbed her hand and went to the table to sit down. These little gangsters have seen celebrities in reality for the first time, especially Xu Muyao, a beautiful vase-level actress, whose beauty makes them all conjecture again and again.

"What about people?" How could such a small scene scare Chen Ze, "I don't care if I am dead."

"Don't worry, we're asking for money and we won't do murder." Ma Zhong beckoned, and Xu Xingzhi was pulled out of a room and carried him across from Chen Ze.

Seeing how he was beaten up, Chen Ze turned his head and said to Xu Muyao: "Your brother's capital is big enough, I think he is quite suitable to be an actor."

Ma Zhong said: "Let’s live, let’s do business as a young man. Now we’ve settled the bill. We owed half a million yuan before. When you waited for you, we owed another two million yuan. Adding the referral fee our boss gave him, it’s a total of Two million eight hundred and fifty thousand."

"Introduction fee?" Xu Muyao was surprised: "What introduction fee?"

"The introduction fee for you and my boss." Ma Zhong smiled: "The ugly thing is pimp money. He sold you to our boss."

Xu Muyao immediately got up after hearing Huo'er, pointing at Xu Xing and cursing: "Do you still have humanity, why don't they beat you to death!"

Chen Ze agreed: "It's a lighter."

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