My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 261: Replace Ming Lao

Li Xiangxuan hurriedly came to the compound, Ming Lao didn't speak, and there was a list of names on the stone table on one side. Li Xiangxuan glanced at Ming Lao and picked up the list.

"It was timely enough. Mr. Chen just slaughtered the people here, and he submitted the list over there. Is this trying to cause a dispute?" Li Xiangxuan said.

Ming Lao said: "Pazan, an old fox, is a well-known method. He also thinks that we are just detaining Yi Kun and want to use this method to keep their masters and apprentices. After all, Yi Kun's apprentice is a cultivation base to achieve dark energy. Six players are the ones who are most hopeful of getting a spot in the Academy."

"The two masters and disciples have done a lot of evil, and they deserve to die." Li Xiangxuan said.

Ming Lao got up, "Go, I will go to Pazan."


Chen Ze leaned lazily on the sofa, Wang Mianfeng walked up with a smile on his face, "Rare. Dong Chen, last time I didn't even know that you were the head of Xianke who saved China's mobile phone industry, disrespectful and disrespectful."

"Where, my Xianke can jump and jump in our country, which is like your psychic in the world." Chen Ze said.

"Thank you for your generous gift of the picture last time. Let our psychic jewelry this season rank first among the peers in sales. This is a jewelry made by myself according to your drawings."

Wang Mianfeng is the best diamond cutting master in Y Zhou, the best handmade jewelry master, he has not personally made jewelry for many years. Now the jewellery he made by himself has been sought after by people, and even entered the auction house.

If he can take the initiative, it can be seen that Chen Ze's drawings have deeply touched his heart.

The four-piece suit is placed in front of Chen Ze, and the master's craftsmanship is really superb. If Chen Ze took his own shot, he would be able to restore the original appearance of the original design better than Wang Mianfeng, but doing so with the ability of ordinary people is already a masterpiece.

"It's a great honor for the master to cast his own hands."

After taking the jewellery, Chen Ze went directly to the hotel. He did not choose to return to the training base. There was mature training there. Even if he wasn't there, Hao Jia still had a reasonable way to consolidate his cultivation.

And now those martial artists are living in the urban area, he was originally based in Kyoto to prevent emergencies, and the driving distance from the training base to the urban area was too far to make a timely move.

Opening the door, Xu Muyao was sitting on Chen Ze’s sofa with her legs cross-legged in the room, only wearing a hotel bathrobe, and she rushed forward when she saw Chen Ze coming in barefoot.

"I thought you were gone again." Xu Muyao pouted.

Chen Ze was surprised, "How did you get in?"

"I told the hotel manager that it was your girlfriend, and they opened the door for me. I am a celebrity, and I was brought back by you last night. Of course they believed it."

Seeing her playful appearance, Chen Ze helpless, put the jewelry on the coffee table, Xu Muyao glanced at it and exclaimed: "God, this is the latest psychic jewelry set! I wanted to buy one for a long time, but it's too expensive. NS."


"I gave it to you." Since Xu Muyao liked it so much, I gave it to her.

"Really!" Xu Muyao shook her head after the surprise, "I can't ask for it. This set of jewelry is more than 40 million. Unless you want me to be your woman, I can't take your things for nothing."

Hey, bring such a threat.

"Do you want it or not? I saved it." Chen Ze reached out and took it. Xu Muyao honestly snatched it and hugged it in her arms: "Yes, do you want it!"

The voice bends and undulates, and Chen Ze's spirit is aroused.

The phone rang at this time, it was Li Xiangxuan. At this stall, Li Xiangxuan called him because something happened, and he hurriedly connected.

"Mr. Chen, something has happened."

"Address, I'll come over right away." Chen Ze had a serious face.

Xu Muyao asked: "What's the matter?"

"If something happens temporarily, there is no need to go out and walk around casually these days, or you just leave Kyoto." Chen Ze reminded her: "I'll go first."

Chen Ze drove the special office's car to the office headquarters of the special office, which was the mansion of the prince in the previous dynasty. He demolished more than half, leaving the front and back two courtyards.

Someone was waiting here for Chen Ze, "Mr. Chen, please come inside."

Chen Ze asked: "What happened?"

"I'm not very clear, Captain Li only asked me to pick you up here." The man said.

After entering the room, Li Xiangxuan saw Chen Ze stepping up immediately, took his hand and said: "The teacher is injured, I can only find my husband."

Chen Ze frowned.

Although Lao Ming is a cultivation base of Huajin Sixth Layer, his strength decline after healed is probably only about four layers of combat power. But even so, as the absolute controller of the special office, Ming Lao would not take it lightly.

Especially at this juncture, if Mr. Ming is injured, the situation in Kyoto might get out of control. What caused him to take action at this time?

"What happened?" Chen Ze asked.

"Because my husband beheaded Yi Kun, Pazan, the president of the Jung Society, came to the door to ask for an explanation. The teacher could not bow his head and admit his mistake, and the two fought." Li Xiangxuan shook his head and sighed, "However, the teacher has been injured for many years and is now strong. He couldn't recover. Otherwise, how could Pazan hurt him!"

When Chen Ze came to the window, Ming Lao had fallen into a coma at this time, and there was even a horrible black air line rolling on his face, which looked very strange.


The unmoving Ming Lao suddenly opened his eyes, spitting out black and stench in a mouthful of blood. Chen Ze saw that the bottom of his eyes were also as black as deep, with no white eyes at all.

Worthy of being the president of the Jiangxi Society, this hand-descending technique is many times higher than the Naina that Chen Ze encountered before.

If his previous cultivation is really difficult to solve, fortunately Chen Ze broke through. Supported by the sea of ​​qi, **** mobilized true qi to disperse from Ming Lao's spiritual platform.

Wherever the zhenqi went, black qi suddenly floated out, and there was still a scream of ghastly faintly.

After almost five minutes, the black aura on Ming Lao's body gradually dissipated, and his calmness was restored.

"This lowering technique made Ming Lao hurt a lot. I will prescribe a prescription later. After taking a few patches, nothing will happen." Chen Ze said.

At this time, there were scrambled screams outside, and then a voice rang out: "Old man Ming, haven't you had enough rest? We have to continue. If you don't give me an explanation for Yi Kun today, I will smash it. This is your specialty!"


Li Xiangxuan cursed with anger: "Damn Pazan, deceived my teacher from his injury. Now the teacher can't meet this situation at all."

"It's okay, since he came to die, I don't mind shooting him to death." Chen Ze said.

"No!" Li Xiangxuan said: "If it's a personal grievance, you can shoot him to death several times. But now that Pazan represents the Jungheung Society, he can't easily hurt his life, otherwise it will cause disputes."

Chen Ze glanced at Ming Lao, and said with a smile: "Since he came to provoke, let's let Ming Lao abolish him. It just so happens that we can shock these Xiao Xiaoxiao."

"But the teacher is in a coma, and with the teacher's current strength, he is not his opponent at all." Li Xiangxuan said.

Chen Ze said: "If you really need a rest, it's up to me as a fake to come forward."

After that, Chen Ze shook his body. Seeing that his figure shrank a little, his skin became wrinkled and dark brown, and his appearance was the same as that of Ming Lao who was lying down.

"You..." Li Xiangxuan was surprised, and then became excited.

Yes, Chen Ze needs to hide his identity and stun him in secret. But if his teacher is completely faceless now, and Chen Ze takes the place of presiding, with his legendary cultivation base, who dares to make a difference!

"You go out and fudge first. It's better to let him do it first. Then we will take care of it. It is reasonable for me to abolish him."

Chen Ze spoke with Ming Lao's face and voice, but his demeanor was completely inconsistent with Ming Lao's steadiness.

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