My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 270: Lawyer's Letter

It is a big event for the Duanmu family doctors to enter the special office. After all, a large part of the dark energy strong here are casual cultivators. Naturally, they know the name of the Duanmu family of doctors.

The people in the entire Special Office are very happy for Duanmu Youwei's arrival. After all, in the future, the damage to the body caused by improper cultivation will be treated by people with better medical skills to avoid leaving hidden dangers.

After running around for a few days, Chen Ze planned to take a good rest after getting off the plane. After returning to his original appearance, he returned to the hotel. After taking a shower, he planned to sleep beautifully. He didn't know that he didn't feel too much when he got into bed, so he jumped up immediately.

Chen Ze turned on the bedside lamp and saw Xu Muyao sitting up with squinting eyes, wearing only a pajama, scratching her messy hair, "You are back."

After speaking, he lay down again, like his wife waiting for her husband to come back from overtime: "Go to bed quickly, and I'm so sleepy."

"Xu Muyao, why are you here?" Chen Ze yelled anxiously.

"If you are in a bad mood, you can rest assured when you sleep in your bed." Xu Muyao covered the quilt on her head: "I'm so sleepy, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Chen Ze helplessly put on his clothes and walked out. He picked up his mobile phone and called Zhou Haijiao: "What does your agent do for food? Doesn't matter if your celebrity climbs into someone else's bed?"

"I can't care if she wants to climb up by herself." Zhou Haijiao laughed at him teasingly: "Boss Chen, you can't deny Yaoyao's perfection if you have money. Don't get cheap and sell well. Don't bother me."

What kind of world is this!

Chen Ze looked back at the bedroom door, it seemed that he was inferior to a beast.

I slept on the sofa for a night, and I slept in a daze in the morning, and someone was annoyed by knocking on the door. Chen Ze felt that he was going to complain about this hotel. Xu Muyao came in casually in his room, and some people interrupted him to sleep in the morning.

"What are you doing?"

When Chen Ze opened the door, it turned out to be Zhou Haijiao. This woman was also in pajamas, and she squeezed in after opening the door. Chen Ze hurriedly stopped her: "Sister Jiao, let's pay attention to influence, OK? Let's forget about the big stars. You have a husband. I don't want to be taken by my brother-in-law. Knife chase."

"Despise me? Just like your custard boy and old lady want to eat a lot of hook fingers, what advantage do you have besides having two stinky money. Let's start, my sister has something important to look for Yaoyao."

Seeing her familiarity, God knows how these two women were tossing in this room while they were away.

Zhou Haijiao was no more aggressive than Chen Ze. After entering the bedroom, Chen Ze opened the quilt, leaning on the door frame and immediately turned his head away, causing the woman to sneer: "Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, and I haven't done everything that should be done."

Chen Ze didn't dare to explain, Zhou Haijiao, a woman with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, had to laugh at him if he knew what he did.

Xu Muyao sat up and stared directly at Zhou Haijiao: "It's really not bad. You choose the clothes. Who knows that you will smash your shirt with He Ningxin."

"The clothes are provided by the sponsor. How do I know that they should sponsor you and He Ningxin at the same time. It's nothing more than zhuangshan. How do you explain the jewelry? Let's see for yourself!"

Zhou Haijiao threw the phone to Xu Muyao, and the star’s beautiful and disgusting face became more and more solemn, "Damn, how can He Ningxin insult me ​​like this. What's wrong with me? I rely on my own efforts to provoke her today. She's gone."

"My Yaoyao, now I don't know how to give you public relations. How many journalists and media have called me and asked me about this. The Internet is full of negative news about you wearing counterfeit jewellery at events. There is even more malicious spread by the navy. In-depth analysis of major Vs has confirmed that the jewelry you wear is similar to the Cuixin series launched in the new quarter of the psychic as high as 90% or more."

Xu Muyao pouted and looked at Chen Ze faintly. The latter shrugged and said that he did not know. He took a look at his mobile phone.

"Ning Xin, someone found that Xu Muyao was wearing the same shirt with you at the event, even wearing jewelry. I don't know what you think about it." The reporter asked.

"Dressing is personal freedom. The reason why we hit the shirt is probably because we beauties see the same thing (laugh). Just kidding, it's pure accident, don't guess too much." He Ningxin said.

"But someone has analyzed that the jewellery you wear is the Cuixin series that just went on the market this quarter. The whole set is priced at 40 million yuan. This is also very stressful for you who are celebrities to buy."

He Ningxin is He's eldest lady, and being a star is all about playing. If you fail, you can go home and inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes. She smiled and responded to the reporter’s doubts: “I personally have some difficulties in buying. My set of jewelry is also sponsored by psychic jewelry for free, but I really like this set of jewelry. Save money and buy it. Thank you for your attention and support. I was very tired just after participating in the activity and I want to take a rest. Sorry."

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with this, but after deep research, everyone discovered the problem. The incident of hitting shirts and jewellery simply cannot withstand scrutiny. He Ningxin is the daughter of the He family, and this set of jewellery also needs sponsorship. What about Xu Muyao from an ordinary family?

Everyone asked for verification, and some even found the staff of psychic jewelry to verify. Four senior psychic jewelry executives have confirmed that they are indeed interested in inviting He Ningyue as the spokesperson for this series of jewelry. The jewelry for this event is also provided free of charge by them.

Stone hammer!

Suddenly, Xu Muyao made a hot search in the news about using counterfeit jewellery to hit the genuine product, and even some photos of the event were enlarged in detail. Everyone discovered that the necklace Xu Muyao wore was different from the Cuixin series sold by psychic jewelry.

When Zhou Haijiao was worried, the phone rang again. This is her private account. Seeing that the company boss hurriedly connected, she hung up after a few words, "Tongling Jewelry sent a lawyer's letter to the company, saying that Yaoyao is making public Wearing high imitation jewelry on occasions caused damage to the company’s reputation. We must be held accountable. Yaoyao, the company now wants you to apologize publicly."

"Okay." Xu Muyao drooped her head. Chen Ze gave the jewelry, but she didn't feel annoyed or complained, just made it according to the company's arrangement.

Chen Ze said at this moment: "Sister Jiao, the big star can't apologize, otherwise she will take it seriously that she is wearing counterfeit and shoddy products by all means in order to attract attention."

"But now this set of jewelry is highly counterfeit. The psychic has sent a lawyer's letter, and the company's official website has also officially issued an announcement. Don't we apologize and wait for the prosecution? This is not a trivial matter." Zhou Haijiao said.

"I designed the jewelry and Wang Mianfeng personally made it. I did not authorize Wang Mianfeng to produce necklaces, so the necklaces in the psychic Cuixin series are different from this set of jewelry."

Chen Ze completely dumbfounded Zhou Haijiao, "Boss Chen, are you kidding me. I have also prepared for Yaoyao's spokesperson for the psychic jewelry. Don't bully me. I don't know who Wang Mianfeng is. He is. The president of Tongling Jewelry Huaguo District is also the major shareholder of Tongling Jewelry!"

"Cuixin turned out to be designed by you. I'll just say that any designer can have such a good inspiration, grab people's hearts at once, and make people unable to extricate themselves. The Treasure of Psychic has never been so fascinating before!" Xu Muyao said.

"So you are not apologizing now, but sending a bold response on Weibo and speaking for yourself." Chen Ze said: "As for the psychic lawyer's letter, I will call Wang Mianfeng, you don't have to worry."

Xu Muyao rushed forward, and followed Chen Ze's face with a click, "I love you to death! I'm going to wash and make up, Jiao Sister helps me outfit my clothes, this time my old lady will fight back!"

This is definitely the hottest topic for Xu Muyao, who has not seen much appearance during the Chinese New Year.

At this time, Xu Muyao's Weibo was filled with a lot of curses. But when everyone refreshed the comments, they suddenly discovered that Xu Muyao's Weibo was updated!

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