My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 280: Be persuaded

The results were confirmed, everyone was boiling, but Wu Wenyuan, Cui Mingzhong and others changed their faces.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Wu Wenyuan couldn't accept the facts, pointing to the referee's bench and shouting: "You cheated. He obviously ran away. This result can't be counted!"

"Wu Wenyuan, pay attention to your wording." The referees are also professional referees invited by Chen Ze, each of whom has experience in independently adjudicating large-scale events.

As the head coach of the Olympic sprint team, Cui Mingzhong still has contacts in the circle: "Several people, Yin Chen, who was eliminated from the training camp because of injuries, could not have such good results. Although this is not a professional Competition, but please treat every contestant fairly."

The three referees on the referee's bench looked at each other, and the one sitting in the middle said: "Director Cui, we are licensed referees. Even if this is a business game, we will make a ruling according to the rules. I can be very negative. I’m responsible for telling you that there is nothing wrong with the game!"

"I request a public replay. I want to make sure whether Yin Chen will run away." Cui Mingzhong said.

The referee sighed, "Guide Cui, if I were you, I wouldn't choose this way. Your disciple has a problem with his mentality, and you should take him to a psychotherapist right away."

"You dare not announce the real situation." Wu Wenyuan walked over and asked with a nose that was not a nose: "I admit that there was a problem with my mentality in this round. It is only temporary. Since we are allowed to participate in the competition, we must ensure that we are athletes. Right, I request that the video be made public."

The referee reluctantly said something in the headset, and soon a replay video of the race just appeared on the big screen at the scene.

Under the capture of the high-definition camera, everyone saw the referee raised the gun and pulled the trigger. Wu Wenyuan on the 5th had already moved. His upper body had been lifted, and the referee ordered white smoke from the muzzle of the gun.

Yin Chen only ranked fourth among everyone in the start, but rushed to the first place in an instant.

"Someone ran away, but it was not Yin Chen, but you, Wu Wenyuan!" the referee said.

"How could this happen, I don't believe it, I didn't rush away, I didn't!" Wu Wenyuan almost retreated, "You cheat, you just want to **** me. You cheat, you just want to **** me!"

A rusher came last, which in itself was the biggest blow. Cui Mingzhong knew what Wu Wenyuan looked like, and Wu Wenyuan was abandoned. He glanced at the referee with a complicated expression, and the latter opened his hand and said to him: "I told you not to replay it."

If it is a normal sporting event, it will be stopped immediately after the start, but the three referees received the official instructions from Xianke before the game. As long as it is not Yin Chen's start, the game is considered normal.

They didn't understand it at first, but now they see Yin Chen's performance awakened, it turns out that they have been in contact with Yin Chen a long time ago, and they have even made an appointment.

However, they have also been invited to participate in the arbitration work of international competitions, and it is clear that Yin Chen's performance is world-class. Such an outstanding athlete is a rare genius of the Chinese sprint team in a century!

This is not a professional sports event. Although the Dongjiang Sports Channel switched the camera in time, it was broadcast live on the webpage. Wu Wenyuan's face was clearly seen, and everyone scoffed.

In fact, the third round of the competition is irrelevant. The best score of the people present is also outside of 10.90, and it is impossible to surpass Yin Chen.

But according to the rules, the third round still has to be run. However, there is one less person on the track, and it is impossible to continue the race in Wu Wenyuan's state, and now the most letting Cui Mingzhong scratch his head is probably how to face Zhang Heng's questioning.

In the RV, Wu Wenyuan bowed his head and said nothing. He never thought that he would lose, he never thought that Yin Chen was so lingering. Even though he was eliminated from the training camp, he still pulled him down like a water ghost.

"What to do? Although it's just a live broadcast of Dongjiang Sports Channel, the Internet news fermented is very detrimental to Wen Yuan." Cui Mingzhong directly called the team leader Wang Chuang.

"Although the big roster has not been finalized yet, it is not so easy to modify it. You quickly come back with Wen Yuan, he just needs to adjust his mentality and suppress the candidate players. Yin Chen, an eliminated person, lifted Can't afford any storms."

Wang Chuang hung up the phone, and he still had that confidence. The head coach, team leader, and team doctor are all his own. It couldn't be easier for Yin Chen to rejoin the training camp.

He glanced at the computer screen inadvertently, where the third round of the game was ready.

With the starting gun, Yin Chen, who was fully fired this time, did not hide and embarked on a journey of chasing the wind.

He had surpassed the others in less than half of the time, until the moment he crossed the line, the fixed red numbers on the big screen made the audience roar and shout with excitement!

9.63s, a speed that a Chinese has never reached.

The four referees repeatedly watched the video in slow motion to find out any possible violations. Unfortunately, all Yin Chen's movements are perfect.

"If the equipment is okay, I will personally recommend it to Head Zhang Heng. This is the athlete who can truly represent us. What is that Wu Wenyuan, and his psychological quality is too bad." A referee said.

"It's not just too bad, it's just a puddle of mud." Another person said.

"The equipment was rented by me on behalf of Xianke from the national event organizer. There is no problem at all. This recommendation letter also includes my name. Such a good athlete must not be buried!"

The three referees have settled their attention before they leave.

Zhang Heng, who is far away in Kyoto, is still on the phone with Li Zhengwei, "Li Zhengwei, you will fly me to Dongjiang right away. Be sure to invite Yin Chen over. I want to see him in person, and I will arrange for a medical institution to do a physical examination for him. ."

"But what should I say to the Wang team and Cui Guidance?" Li Zhengwei asked.

"You don't need to bother with them. Such a good player didn't even make the reserve list. I'll see how they tell me! Go ahead."

Zhang Heng quietly looked at the computer screen and watched Yin Chen's words in the three games, his eyes flickering more and more. Now Yin Chen is a golden lump in his eyes, it's so precious.

This is a teenager who can change the history of sprinting in China. He is only twenty-four years old. If nothing else, he can still participate in the three Olympic Games. He may be the ruler of another sprint track for Empress Boshen!

After a full half an hour, Zhang Heng dialed out the phone: "Inform the sprint leader Wang Chuang to come and see me, right away!"

Cui Mingzhong couldn't come back at Dongjiang, so Zhang Heng directly found Wang Chuang.

"Zhang Tuan, you are looking for me."

"Well, see the live broadcast of Xianke's public selection of spokespersons." Zhang Heng asked.

"I heard about it, but I didn't watch it. The games that the private companies play on their own don't have reference." Wang Chuang sneered.

Zhang Heng stared at him with scorching eyes: "Really didn't look at it? Then take a look here, expressing your ridiculous opinion."

He turned the computer screen and tapped the space bar. Wang Chuang raised his eyebrows slightly, making no sound from beginning to end.

After the end, Zhang Heng asked: "How?"

"Played very well." Wang Chuangdao.

Zhang Heng didn't make Wang Chuang too ugly. After all, the sprint team still needs him to preside over the work: "I just pretend that you haven't watched it. I won't let it go for the first two games. What do you think of Yin Chen?"

"Good seedlings, I value it very much," Wang Chuang said.

"Then why not give him a chance? Even if it is an alternative."

Wang Chuang said: "You should understand his injury record. Based on past experience, his body is absolutely impossible to recover so well. Alternatives also require high-intensity training. I don't want him to be abandoned, even if there is only a slight possibility. Zhang Tuan, for an Olympic Games, what we are likely to lose is the short-track glory of the next ten years or more."

These words really touched Zhang Heng's heart, making him feel a lot of doubts, "Do you really think so?"

"Of course, medical tests have always been just a reference. Good looks can strain the muscles, not to mention his Achilles tendon muscle has just been injured. I think what he needs now is better rest and reasonable rehabilitation training. It is not a momentary pursuit of fame and fortune." Wang Chuang said.

"Okay, I asked Li Zhengwei to pick up people. Even if he can't participate in the Olympics, he can't serve in the provincial team. When people come, please solve them and don't let the children leave complaints." Zhang Heng was persuaded.

Wang Chuang was introverted and joyful, and said, "Yes, I promise to complete the task."


One day later, Dongjiang Airport.

Chen Ze personally came to see Yin Chen. Li Zhengwei shook Chen Ze's hand and was very excited: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, otherwise Yin Chen will really be in the dust this time."

Chen Ze handed him a USB flash drive: "I believe Director Li is for Yin Chen's good. This is necessary evidence. If they still prevent Yin Chen from participating in the competition for other reasons, you will hand in this thing."

"Okay, then let's go."

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