My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 526: Flee

Until the figure on the teleportation array disappeared completely, the person in charge hiding in the dark breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they all did the reselling of places, this time they were extra careful. He sold Chen Ze's record and asked him to transmit it as someone else, making it seamless.

Those who were walking with Chen Ze were all disciples of the Tianyan Daomen. The Intercontinental Teleportation Array could not be set up within the Daomen. They had to take the short-range Teleportation Array to enter the Tianyan Daomen directly after they arrived.

The key is this transfer. After all, the intercontinental teleportation array at the other end is jointly operated by people from three main roads. If Chen Ze finds out the clues are not easy to apprehend publicly.

That's why they made detailed arrangements to replace all their fellow passengers with Dao Sect disciples, and then pretended to guide them to the Teleportation Array to the Tianyan Dao Sect.

After experiencing the intercontinental teleportation array firsthand, Chen Ze still secretly applauded that such a long-distance teleportation channel is so stable, and there are still two brushes at the Three Avenue Gate. However, there was still a big gap compared with the teleportation pattern that Qiao Yiqiao taught Chen Ze.

After all, Qiao Yiqiao took the shot casually, and what he established was the teleportation array from the earth to the immortal realm. The distance could not be clarified in a long time, and there was a gap in the time dimension.

"Chen Ze, how long do you plan to stay at the Tianxuan Taoist gate this time?" Xi Shuai asked.

Chen Ze's real purpose is to worship the immortal gate to find the Chaos Qinglian. This thing is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and few people know it. From the immortal gate to the immortal palace, the immortal cultivator of the two levels should not have access to such high-level information about the foreign treasure, he can only join the forces of the upper level to search for his whereabouts.

"I don't know, but it should be a long time." Chen Ze said.

After all, the area occupied by the human race in the immortal world is called the immortal domain, and the top power in the northern immortal domain where he is located is the Taoist and ancient clan level. In Shang Shangxian Palace, even the internal fixed strangers have not been introduced, it seems that the Dao Sect, the ancient clan and other forces have reached the pinnacle of the immortal world.

Chen Ze guessed that if he could find the whereabouts of Chaos Qinglian, he must be in this layer of force.

Daomen's influence is not in the domain of one continent and one mansion, even the Daomen in the northern fairyland have deep influence in the other three domains.

The two followed more than 20 people in the transmission channel for almost a whole day before seeing the exit, and rushed forward happily.

Outside the teleportation array, there are many disciples with advanced cultivation levels lying in ambush all around. Even if Chen Ze really noticed something by then, they would take Chen Ze directly regardless of the attitude of the other two sects.

As long as you force a complete transmission pattern, everything is worth it.

Of course, it couldn't be better to do this in secret.

After leaving the teleportation formation, the people who were walking along said: "Unfortunately, you can't directly enter the Tianxuan Taoist gate. You have to transfer once. It's too much trouble."

"Satisfied, so many spirit stones have been spent, do you still care about this one more time." Someone advised, a group of people who seemed to have an unintentional remark, but gave Chen Ze a lot of information.

It is impossible for the Intercontinental Teleportation Array to be established in any force, and even Three Avenue Gate has built a fairy city for every Intercontinental Teleportation Array.

Since everyone wanted to go to the Heavenly Jade Taoist Gate, Chen Ze and the others were speechless to follow these people. After all, the more people in the same group, the easier it is to directly start the teleportation array when they reach the place.

Soon they arrived at a small teleportation formation, where there were also many people waiting. After all, Tianxuan Daomen is well-known in the northern fairyland, and it is understandable that there are many people coming and going.

These thirty or forty people all have to line up, up to a dozen at a time, and they need to wait for a while.

When he was bored, Chen Ze realized that there was a magical sense staring at him, and it was unscrupulous.

Chen Ze was curious, even if a stranger looked at it, he wouldn't be so persistent. He went back to investigate, and his heart shook when he saw the man.

When the man saw Chen Ze discovering himself, he immediately withdrew his spiritual consciousness, and there was no longer any abnormality. Chen Ze looked at it with his eyes. His angle was only enough to see the profile of this person, but it was also enough for him to confirm the identity of the other party.

The wind is silent!

Why does this guy appear here?

Why didn't you come to say hello when you found yourself, but secretly probed with your divine consciousness?


Chen Ze suddenly felt something was wrong. It is not Feng that appeared here silently, but why he appeared here-Tianyan Dao Sect!


Suddenly, the wind was silent and a divine sense came over.

It was Tianyan Daomen that Feng went to silently, and there was the big power that started the teleportation formation.

Grandma's, 90% is because of the self-built teleportation formation. He was uncomfortable, and people were waiting to catch him, but he bounced to the door by himself.

Chen Ze quickly guessed the reason. He knows what it means for Sandaomen to be able to build an intercontinental teleportation array on his own. Now I am afraid that the three main roads are trying to find themselves, the purpose is self-evident.

In trouble.

Chen Ze discovered that the people around seemed to be quiet and abnormal. Generally, such strangers would chat a few words while waiting for the transmission. Some people still scan the surrounding people with their spiritual consciousness to see the surrounding environment.

But since he stood here, he hadn't had any other fluctuations since he had been in contact with him twice with divine consciousness, except for Feng's silence. This is simply unrealistic.

Just like in a square, everyone keeps silent and does not look at others. There can be only one explanation for this situation. They are from the same place and received the same order.

These people in front of him were all disguised by Tianyan Dao Sect.

Chen Ze didn't change his expression, and suddenly took out three teleportation charms and handed them to Xi Shuai: "Last time you asked me to take the strangeness of mountains and rivers, put it away."


Xishuai was puzzled, and Chen Ze immediately transmitted to him: "This is a teleportation symbol. Enter the true energy to launch a random teleportation of people somewhere within a thousand miles. Three of them can be used in succession. Teleport array, listen to my password to start."

"Why? Aren't we going to the Heavenly Jade Taoist Gate?" Xi Shuai asked through voice transmission.

"After that, we will use the communication device to contact, I will only explain to you."

Chen Ze and the others will be divided into two groups, twelve at a time. Now there are eleven people in the teleportation formation. The person next to him politely said, "Should we go first? We are three people. "

"No, we are also two of us. Let's give it to someone else."

The people of the Tianyan Dao Sect were afraid that too much politeness would arouse Chen Ze's alertness, so one person had to come out to the teleportation formation.

So Chen Ze and the others fell into the last class. He knew very well that Tianyan Daomen did not want to be known by the people of the two main roads, but after all, this is the Xiancheng where the Intercontinental Teleportation Array is located.

Now only these people are left in front of him, and Chen Ze will use the teleport talisman to escape the moment the teleportation formation is activated. When they reacted and mobilized their staff to track down themselves, they would have run away long ago.

After waiting for the thousand breath time again, Chen Ze and the others stood on the teleportation formation. The moment the formation was activated, Chen Ze immediately gave Xi Shuai a message: "Start!"

Under the cover of the teleportation array, the two of Chen Ze managed to escape. This is the real escape!

This time Chen Ze didn't have any bad luck and fell into any dangerous place. This is a dense forest, far away from thinking about it.

He took out the communication device, and Xi Shuai over there was already a little confused: "Chen Ze, what are you doing? Don't go to the Tianxuan Dao Sect?"

"The opposite of the teleportation formation is indeed a door, but it is not Tianxuan, it is Tianyan!"


The other side of the communicator was puzzled and asked: "How do you know?"

"I have a friend at the Tianyan Dao Sect. He was among the group of people waiting to be sent. He sent me a message and told me to run."

Xi Shuai was surprised, "Are you saying that Tianyan Dao Sect is targeting you? Shouldn't it. Although Tian Yan Dao Sect is a Dao Sect, they mainly operate teleportation formations, and basically do not participate in the disputes of Dao Sect-level forces. They have very good connections. "

"Probably because when I went to Yunluo Xianzhou before, because I couldn't wait, I established an intercontinental teleportation array myself. Well, that's it."

Chen Ze completely wiped out Xi Shuai with one sentence.

Build an intercontinental teleportation array yourself?

What's a joke, in the Northern Immortal Territory, even the Three Avenue Gate could not alone control the formation fairy pattern of the Intercontinental Teleportation Array. How enchanting is this guy?

Within the Tianyan Daomen, more than a dozen elders with advanced cultivation bases are all guarding outside the teleportation array, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Soon, they will have a complete transmission pattern. When the time comes, Northern Xianyu will be the only one and they will no longer be held back by two foreign and two competitors.


A divine light descended from the sky, and everyone's expressions changed.


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