My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 543: Linggen photo

Chen Ze guarded for a while on the way back, and did not see anyone coming. Except for those who were sure to have scattered, they were beheaded. The remaining four people all moved on.

But he wasn't worried, anyway, the alliance of these people had broken up. As long as he didn't show up first, they would rob each other fiercely.

Especially when it hasn't been determined whether there is a real source of soil, the real keel in Fan Huizheng's hands will be the main source of their conflict.

Chen Ze fumbled forward, and the strange fire near the source soil burned more vigorously, and no one could be seen from three meters away. There is a red light at the eye, and the heat is scary.

Others have the means to resist the attack of the alien fire, while Chen Ze relies entirely on physical strength to resist. His skin was burnt red, and faint golden scales were growing. This golden scale had been born near the Qiuli Immortal Medicine before, and now it reappears. It is clear that it has become Chen Ze's bodyguard golden scale, and it will automatically appear once there is a danger.

Moreover, Chen Ze felt that his physical strength was still faintly rising with his physical body to resist the abnormal fire.

Now that Chen Ze's physical strength is far higher than his cultivation base, he must be ready to break through after leaving dangerously this time. The presence of a Taoist protector is equivalent to pushing Chen Ze to the front of the stage. In the future, all the people facing him will be peerless Tianjiao, and his cultivation base can no longer be suppressed.

There were violent voices in his ears, whizzing and humming all the time without filling the spiritual platform. He continued to move forward and finally saw the end of the strange fire. Although it was still not very real through the flames, the breath coming from the front was creepy, as if the nine heavens were weighed down on the divine consciousness.

A huge green bamboo is suspended in the air, and the vision alone contains the power of the law of space horror, isolating the alien fire.

To be able to give birth to such a powerful vision, the source soil must be derived here!

Chen Ze guessed secretly, who can withstand such a powerful space to get the source soil? He could try, but there were four people around him who were staring at him, and it was impossible to give him a chance to resist this vision wholeheartedly.

He came late, but the people around him hadn't made any moves. It seemed that everyone was afraid.


After Chen Ze slowly searched, on a small red sand hill, he saw Fan Hui lying on it and slowly advancing.

This fellow was really insidious enough. He found this place where he was behind him. When someone found him, he might have been close to the source soil. No one could hold on to such a powerful pressure to stop him in an instant.

Chen Zezhen rolled his eyes and calculated, then grinned. He withdrew far away and walked around directly behind Fan Hui, Yunji's entire cultivation base, and blasted out with a punch.


The fire was turbulent, and the fire dragon, which was rolled by Fist Jin, came straight and copied Fan Huizheng's back path.

Fan Hui was turning over his body when he noticed it, but Chen Ze's boxing strength had already rushed to the front. His current position has been hardly supported by the influence of the vision, and this blow is clearly intended to kill him.

He hurriedly took control of the defensive Xianjue. Although this blow was overbearing, it was too far away and it was not easy to hurt Fan Huizheng. Chen Ze never thought of hurting him, and pure heart to add to him.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Fan Hui was attacking at the moment, but his body was rushed out of a distance of one to two hundred meters by a powerful fist. He approached the vision in an instant, and the power of the law increased in vain, almost crushing Fan Huizheng's spiritual platform.


He vomited a mouthful of blood, barely suppressing the boiling blood, stabilized his consciousness. He looked back and saw no one at all.

There was a big movement in this attack, and the small sand dune where Fan Huizheng had just slumped had been broken up, and there was no shelter anymore.

In less than twenty breaths, a figure appeared, coming through the sea of ​​fire.

It turned out to be Xie Xingchen.

Chen Ze didn't expect him to be so brave. This guy only ranks 30 in the battle list, and Wu Ranyan is also the worst in the battle list, and his cultivation is definitely much higher. He arrived at this time, obviously not very wise.

Xie Xingchen surrounded a piece of cyan silk, isolating the high temperature and abnormal fire from a foot in front of him. Although the might of the Qingling was unexpectedly surprising to Chen Ze, Chen Ze couldn't help but think of a picture of the master waving the Qingling.

Spicy eyes.

Chen Ze ran away after the sneak attack, not only injuring Fan Huizheng without revealing his identity, but also letting him reveal that it would not be so easy to get the source soil.

Xie Xingchen accidentally came from the direction of Chen Ze's attack and carried the pot on behalf of Chen Ze.

"Xie Xingchen, you are really despicable. Chen Ze, who criticized the same class, is not merciless. Now it is cold-blooded and fruitless to attack allies."

Xie Xingchen saw his aggrieved expression after seeing him not being wronged like this: "Fan Huizheng, who of us calculates who first? You almost killed me for a real keel. How can you make your life better this time."

He used the magic weapon to attack Fan Huizheng, who secretly cried out. His current cultivation base was suppressed by the vision generated by the source soil and it was difficult for him to play. In addition, he was seriously injured just now, and it was very uncomfortable to face Xie Xingchen's attack.

However, Fan Huizheng is the top ten master in the battle list after all, and he has the means to save his life. Even in such a dangerous situation, he still has a defensive magic weapon to protect his body and block Xie Xingchen's attack.

Under a shock, Fan Huizheng's body was once again approached by hundreds of meters in the vision. The taste made his blood flow faster, and he was even about to burst open.


Finally he couldn't hold back another spit of blood, and his face became pale.

Even so, he still did not take a step back. Although she looked miserable, she rarely showed a smile: "Thank you for your help, otherwise I won't be able to get close so quickly. Haha..."


Xie Xingchen secretly screamed badly, and had to stop as soon as he rushed forward a few steps. In an instant, the pressure from that vision almost made him lose control of his body and almost fell.

Seeing Fan Hui approaching Yuantu step by step, although it was difficult but still close, Xie Xingchen was extremely unwilling. If this guy wants to get the source land and want to slip, even if the three of them work together, it will be difficult to kill.

Almost, Almost!

From Fan Huizheng's perspective, he had already seen the golden source soil under the vision, each plump like soybeans, golden and dazzling.

In ten more steps, the unique Taoist material in this world is mine.

Fan Hui is full of joy, but Chen Ze in the distance has made plans to keep Fan Huizheng even if he tries to expose. Only with the help of the different fires here can we slay this dragon and seize the source soil.


Suddenly a jade ruler rushed out of the crimson flame and struck Fan Huizheng sideways. Fan Hui didn't dare to ignore it. He originally wanted to resist, but this jade ruler was too aggressive, and he knew who the owner was. At this moment, he would never be able to stop without hindrance, only to dodge.

This dodge was forced back a dozen steps.

In the distance, two figures came slowly, walking shoulder to shoulder. Fan Hui's eyes flashed after seeing him: "You two have joined forces!"

"We have joined forces, but you are too stupid to know it." Wu Ranyan, who was very gloomy, had guessed Fan Huizheng's intentions early, and secretly joined forces with Yang Xuan. No matter what Fan Hui chooses when he sees the real keel, he will be attacked by the two when he finds the source soil.

Fan Hui is now knowing that he must find a helper at this time, and said: "Xie Xingchen, you have seen it. Now they are joined together, if I am prevented, you will not be able to make a profit. Only we now join forces to block them, and then get the source soil. How about one party’s compensation to the other party’s treasure?"

Wu Ranyan said: "Fan Huizheng, you have already pitted us once about the defensive formation. Do you think Xie Xingchen will be stupid enough to be fooled by you again?"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Yes. Xie Xingchen, as long as you don't interfere in this matter, I will naturally compensate you with enough resources in exchange."

The implication is that he withdrew from the dispute over the source and soil.

In fact, Xie Xingchen really didn't have any qualifications to participate in the struggle of the three of them. After all, there is a big gap between the 30th place on the battle list and the top 12 on the battle list. Life and death duel, almost no chance of winning.

Seeing Xie Xingchen's heart of compromise, Fan Hui gritted his teeth and took out the true keel: "I use this bone as a pledge to show my sincerity. If I get the source soil, the true keel is yours. If you find it, only I need to return the true keel, and then compensate me for some training resources."

This really moved Xie Xingchen's heart. After all, it was a real keel, even if it was just a broken bone, it was still extremely precious. If it can be completely refined, it is no worse than immortal artifacts.

"Okay, give me the real keel, and I will help you stop them." Xie Xingchen weighed the pros and cons and said, "I want the real keel, and you want the source soil."

Fan Hui was pleasantly surprised, "That's it."

Originally, he didn't expect Xie Xingchen to be his teammate, after all, there was a big gap in cultivation. Even if they joined forces, it would be difficult to kill Yang Xuan and Wu Ranyan.

But if it was just dragging, it could still be done with Xie Xingchen's cultivation base.

Throwing out the true keel, Yang Xuan shot the other, shaking the true keel flying in the air and falling into the different fire.

"Xie Xingchen, now I am knocking the true keel into the air. You can't find that Fan Hui is giving it to you, so don't stop us." Wu Ranyan said.

It's so yin!

Xie Xingchen glanced at Fan Huizheng, then turned and rushed into the fire without hesitation. Fan Huizheng's eyes were full of hatred: "Despicable man, come on. I can't get the source soil today, and you two don't even want to get it!"

After that, he offered a magic weapon to fight with the two.

On the other side, Xie Xingchen followed the true keel out for a long time, almost a mile away, before he felt the breath of the true keel.

He searched for his breath to catch up, but unexpectedly saw a person standing not far away. The real keel he was looking for was the real keel he was playing with!

Xie Xingchen was shocked when he saw this person's face: "Chen Ze, it turned out to be you!"

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