My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 550: Son of the Phoenix

The fairy ship flew for half a month, and had already crossed the previous Xianzhou, and at the next stop Chen Ze could get off the ship and take the teleportation array.


Unexpectedly, the sudden shock caused him to interrupt his practice. This is not the movement of the Xianchuan ship docking in Xiancheng, is it a ship collision?

It shouldn't be. How could it be so easy to collide with a ship when the earth is so big? Is it because of your own bad luck?

Chen Ze came to the deck and saw the huge immortal ship almost worn by his waist. That small and exquisite fairy ship is expensive at first glance, it is equipped with at least a Tier 6 flying formation, and the materials for the entire body are all in the Sky Tier.

The identity of a person who can refine the immortal boat with such heavenly materials is inevitable.

Seven or eight mutilated bodies were placed on one deck, which appeared to be guests in the room in the area where they were hit.

Chen Ze felt sorry for these people, and the monks who died in ship accidents in the immortal world are rare.

The person in charge of the Fairy Club has negotiated in the past, and this collision is obviously the latter's responsibility. Chen Ze was fortunate that he was not the most unlucky. If you live in the middle of the ship, don't you have to pretend to be dead.


There was a sudden conflict on the other side, and the person in charge of the fairy society who had negotiated in the past chopped off an arm and withdrew far away with fear.

"Blind your dog's eyes! You dare to stop Master Feng's immortal boat. How many lives can you pay for?" The man with the long knife was dressed in black and made a vicious move.

The person in charge of the Fairy Club solemnly retorted: "You obviously hit us, why are you so unreasonable!"

"My son is going to catch the treasure hunter, and the ten fairies can't afford it at the wrong time. Get out!"

This person lifted the knife and cut it again, the person in charge pulled away: "Your son is so unreasonable, and sooner or later he will be punished."

It seems that this person is planning to compromise and can't help but complain.

"My son is the holy son of the clan, from the ancient Phoenix clan. There is the bloodline of the Phoenix and Phoenix of the beast royal family, and the world is stunned. You dare to curse my son, you should die!"

However, he saw that he acted completely, disregarding the life and death of others, and cut off to this person in charge.


However, she saw a Shenhua flying out of the Xianhui ship, shaking this person's offensive. This person looked, and his eyes became fierce when he saw Chen Ze: "How dare you intervene in my son's affairs? You are looking for death!"

This man was like a mad dog, and once again struck Chen Ze with a knife.


Chen Ze punched him at random and shook him away. The opponent is the pinnacle of God Refining! And it has been shown that it is the subordinate of the Saint Son of the Feng Clan, this person even dared to make a move.

Is he really confident?

After seeing this, the person in charge of Xianchuan was secretly surprised, how could he forget this one. Such a terrifying cultivation base now seems to be even more disdainful of the servants of the saints.

With this ruthless person, at least his life should be saved.


The man wanted to fight again, and the man with a red robe and gold pattern standing on one side of the cloud said: "Come back, you are not his opponent."

After that, he came to the front with a calm expression: "This matter has nothing to do with your Excellency. Why should you intervene?"

Chen Ze looked at him, "I want to ask you something."

"Speak more politely, my son is a holy son!" Some subordinates scolded.


Chen Ze punched, the real dragon ancestor boxing is extremely domineering. The speaker felt that Chen Ze's offensive expression changed drastically.

The corner of Young Master Feng's mouth bends slightly, and he raised his hand to point out, and a bright red flame shot out from his fingertips, and finally turned into a fire-bathed phoenix, spreading its wings, and dissolving Chen Ze's offensive.

"The son is mighty." The rescued man hurriedly slid.

Young Master Feng looked at Chen Ze: "Don't be deceived by small achievements. There are too many people in this world who are better than you."

Chen Ze nodded and said, "Don't be deceived by small achievements. There are too many people in this world who are better than you."


Although they are the same, the meanings of two people's words one after the other are completely different. Young Master Feng smiled, "Interesting, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time."

Chen Ze drew his ears: "I heard something similar not long ago."

The people on the immortal boat here all moved with expressions. Although most of them didn't hear it with their own ears, they all knew that Young Master Huang who said this had been shot to death by Chen Ze.

But now it is Master Feng, the holy son of the ancient Feng family!

Young Master Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. People like him seldom get angry, but Chen Ze takes care of his business and speaks at him everywhere, so naturally he will not hesitate in his heart.

He disdains other people's provocations, but doesn't it mean that he allows others to provoke himself like this all the time!

Chen Ze leaned on the railing and looked over, and said at will: "One question, where is the treasure hunter."

Young Master Feng sneered, "The news is sent by my best friend, do you think I will tell you."

Chen Ze nodded, "How can I say it."

"I won't say it anyway. Who doesn't know that the treasure hunter is an ancient spirit beast. After surrendering, all the treasures of the world can be taken into the bag." Feng Gongzi said.

"If you don't cooperate, then fight until you cooperate."

Chen Ze straightened his body, finally saw a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

Young Master Feng has always had a disdainful attitude: "It's up to you?"

Chen Ze was actually looking forward to it. The ancient Feng family inherited it for a long time, and it is said that there is a bloodline of the Phoenix Phoenix who is as famous as the real dragon.

He was born with a talent for fire attributes, and his Fengyan Heavenly Skills were uniquely endowed by nature. The real dragon and the phoenix were once the royal clan of the demon clan in ancient times, and they were even more enemies of each other.

"Just rely on me!"

After Chen Ze said, a fairy flame suddenly rose from his body, turning into a phantom of a real dragon more than ten feet long. When Young Master Feng saw this, he was surprised, "Are you from the Ao family?"

The Ao family, I think it is the blood of the true dragon clan left in the human clan. Chen Ze wondered how these powerful monster races could find blood in the human race. Chen Ze, who has received modern biology education, knows very well that no matter how strong his cultivation is, he cannot change the issue of reproductive isolation at the genetic level.

Thinking about it, only the Demon Blood Pill is feasible.

Therefore, in a strict sense, this Young Master Feng is just like him as a half-demon!


The true dragon ancestor fist was extremely domineering, Chen Ze threw out his fists, seven or eight true dragon fists ripped through the void and roared.

Young Master Feng swung his arms horizontally, and two huge red phoenix wings appeared on his back.

Feng Yi gathered, and was three feet away from Young Master Feng, and stopped Chen Ze's offensive.

Chen Ze nodded courageously, and he was indeed the Son of God, and the combat power was indeed not covered.

"Come and not be indecent, your Excellency will also pick me up!"

The fateful enemy of the true dragon, phoenix and phoenix, the bloodline of Feng Xianyi was passed down from his ancestors. When he saw Chen Ze's true dragon ancestor boxing, he fought in battle, and naturally wanted to compete.

Immediately the real fire spread, but saw a huge Phoenix Phantom on Feng Xuanyi's head spreading its wings, killing Chen Ze with a huge intent to kill.

How could Chen Ze be afraid, clenched his fists with both hands, got up and blasted his body, completely transformed into a real dragon and soared into the sky.

Seeing that the attack was broken up, Feng Xuanyi shouted, "Good for you!"

However, he saw that his body protector was really cremated into Phoenix and phoenix.

The two fight each other in the air, and the two phantoms of the real dragon and the phoenix stir the sky, exuding divine power, which shocks people and respects them!

Saint-child duel is rare in the world.

The people present sighed after seeing it, this is the battle of Tianjiao, and they have no hope of catching up in this life.

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