My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 561: Borrow the saint for one use

"What? You said Yi'er went to take revenge on the Ao family? It's a nonsense!"

At Tianxuan Taoist door, an old man said loudly: "Even Kai'er is lost in this person's hands. No matter what method he uses, he will definitely cultivate well. Although Yi'er is a saint, she has too little experience after all, so she rushed to look for it. Revenge is no different than sending someone to death. Tell a few of them right away and let's save people."

"Brother, do you mean, do we want to start with that Ao family? This might break the rules." Tang Yi's master said.

"He killed someone, and he has to run to my Heavenly Jade Taoist door to punish the heart. It is intolerable. Besides, the Saint Son declared by the Ao family is not him, so why can't he be killed!"

Master Tang Yi sighed helplessly, and said, "Brother, let’s save Yier. As for killing that person, it depends on the situation. If it is really sinful, it will not be too late. After all, the cause of Kaier’s death was only Bai Yuanning’s words, I People have never felt relieved about this, and they have reminded them of this a long time ago."

"You mean, Bai Yuanning was the one who started Xiang Kai'er?" the elder asked.

"This possibility is not ruled out. Even if it is the True Dragon Ao family, it is absolutely impossible for them to have the resources to train them to be so strong at the same time. It is too difficult to fight the two saints, cut one and hurt the other." Tang Yi's master said.

"Perhaps as you said. But now that Yi'er rushes to it is likely to cause conflicts. Save people first. This matter must be found out!" The elder said thickly.

"Elder, several elders are here, ready to set off at any time," said the disciple who walked outside the door.

"Go!" Hou Xin waved a big hand, and flew away mightily.



Chen Ze was really scared.

The aura that the owner of this sword exudes is not weak, he even guessed who it was.

This woman is the saint of Heavenly Jade Holy Land, Tang Yi! With the cultivation of the saint, as long as it is not too vase, it should be easy to hack him to death.

Chen Ze didn't understand how he felt that this woman was going to kill someone because he was only entrusted by others.

"Where is he?" Tang Yi asked.

How do I know where he is.

Chen Ze muttered, this is not the earth, it can be positioned globally. The fairy world is so big, the ghost knows where Li Shaokai died.

"I don't know." Chen Ze said.

Chen Ze felt his blood flow down from a pain in his neck. Grandma's, why doesn't Lao Tzu's golden scales come out. Do you think we are flirting with this woman, a little carelessness is really going to kill you.

"I don't know? You came with his relics, you wouldn't know it!" Tang Yi was emotional.

Chen Ze smiled bitterly, "Eldest sister, the fairy world is so big, surely you remember the places you have been to?"

"Naturally I don't remember the unimportant places. But Brother Li is the inheritor of the Tianxuan Taoist school. The place where he fell is so important, would you not be impressed, don't you remember?" Tang Yi asked.

"Why should I remember? He is your senior but not mine." Chen Ze said.

"But he is Saint Son!" Tang Yidao.

Chen Ze looked at Tang Yi with a sneer, "What's wrong with Shengzi, I must remember?"

"you wanna die!"

Tang Yi was shaking with anger, and Chen Ze pointed his finger at the sword on his neck: "Beauty, I don't remember where Li Shaokai died. I must have found it. But I can tell you who killed him. If you want to avenge him, why bother with me."

"I knew the cause of Brother Li's death a long time ago," Tang Yi said.


Chen Ze's expression was obviously surprised, "Do you know everything?"

"Of course I know. You killed Brother Li!" Tang Yi's wrists shook.


Chen Ze understood that someone from the palace stopped him that day, and he failed to make the final move. Although Bai Yuanning was cut in the middle, his cultivation level would certainly not die so easily. It seems that the wicked man has sued first.

"It was Bai Yuanning who killed Li Shao," Chen Ze said.

"Should be less silly, Brother Bai and Brother Li are good friends, how could he kill Brother Li?" Tang Yidao.

Is this girl really a saint?

This is too naive.

At any rate, my buddy is also a good young man who grew up in the new era. She came to the fairy world and accepted the tragic rules of intrigue here. It is rare that she can still maintain such a childlike innocence.

"I don't even know Li Shaokai. I have a brain disease. It's okay to find a holy son to fight." Chen Zehou said: "Besides, you can point your sword at me. I can kill Li Shaokai. Do you look down on me or look down on Li Shaokai?"

Tang Yi looked loose, she was indeed convinced by Chen Ze's words. Naturally, her cultivation is not comparable to Senior Brother Li, she can easily subdue this person when she rushes into the room, and Senior Brother Li will never fall into this person's hands no matter what.

Moreover, Bai Yuanning reported that it was a member of the True Long Ao family who had killed the senior. This guy was scornful in his words, no matter how he looked like a brother of the big clan.

Tang Yi put away the sword, Chen Ze reluctantly shook his head and wiped the blood from his neck, "I sent his relics back anyway. I didn't get any thanks. I almost confessed my life."

"But Big Brother Bai said that you killed Brother Li, how do you explain this?"

Chen Ze sighed helplessly, "Sister, what's the big brother? Do you know what is called slaying a rake. If I am a murderer, why should I risk such a risk to come here to give away the relics? Li Shaokai is also a holy son, at any rate. There are a lot of resources, don't I just take it on my own."

Tang Yi pursed his lips, the girl's experience is indeed too little. In the past, Li Shaokai was there, and she took care of Zhouquan to prevent her from seeing those intrigues, and only then would the world be so beautiful.

"You must be coveting some baby in my door." Tang Yi said.

Chen Ze glanced at him, "What kind of baby can I have? Now Li Shaokai is dead, and you, the saint of heaven, is a treasure at the door of Tianxuan."

Tang Yi blushed in a word.

"I'm telling you, Bai Yuanning was the one who really killed Li Shaokai. He did this to cover up the fact that he was killing. He is a sage, and he had a good relationship with Li Shaokai before. He pushed the matter off. No one will not believe me." Chen Ze said.

What Chen Ze said was the truth, and Tang Yi believed it seven to eight points, "I will ask Master to come forward and let you confront Bai Yuan instead."

"I didn't take a picture of the jade symbol to record the situation at that time, and they are the saint son of the Tianshu Taoist school. There is the reputation of the Taoist school as a guarantee, and the confrontation? I am looking for death!" Chen Ze said.

"You don't dare to confront it, it's just a guilty conscience!" Tang Yi's sword was raised again.

"I’m too lazy to explain to you. Anyway, people are watching, I’m not a murderer, I’m not a murderer, where there is so much nonsense. If you think so, I guess the people of the Tianxuan Taoist will think the same. You come to me, they must think I’m What's wrong with you, I have to hurry!"

Chen Ze was about to run away, Tang Yi's sword light flashed him back, "Don't think about it. You must stay today, and the cause of my brother Li's death must be figured out!"

"Sister, this is not clear at all, use your mind to think about it."

Before Chen Ze finished his words, he felt a sense of divine oppression coming, suppressing the surrounding space.

"I can't tell you. Young Master Ao, since he's here, just stay and sit down." Hou Xin's voice sounded like thunder, and the entire fairy city was alarmed.

"That is Senior Elder Hou of the Tianxuan Taoist Sect. Oh my god, what is the so-called senior visiting late at night?"

The city lord was frightened, and hurriedly came to see him from the sky.

Hou Xin waved his hand: "I have something else to do today, just look at it from one side."

Only the strong above the Divine Gate Realm can suppress the space with divine consciousness and make Chen Ze's teleportation talisman invalid. Now Hou Xin arrived and suppressed this place with divine consciousness, just not wanting Chen Ze to have any means to escape.

Tang Yi was very excited, "Master is here, you can't leave if you want. Young Master Ao, it seems that you have to confront me."

"That's not necessarily true!"

Chen Ze moved suddenly, shocking Tang Yi at a fast speed. She never imagined that this fellow who was subdued by herself had a cultivation base of such a high level, and directly imprisoned him.

"You... despicable! You lied to me!" Tang Yikong had no experience in cultivation. After being held by Chen Ze, he struggled, biting his teeth and cursing.

"It's better to be mean than to die unjustly. Big beauty, now you are the only seedling of the Tianxuan Dao Sect!" Chen Ze shouted loudly: "Senior of the Tianxuan Dao Sect, I don't know what happened today, and I might just grab it with my hands today. Borrow your saint to use it, and let her leave when I am safe!"

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