My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 567: Big Brother Unremarkable

"Do you dare to answer?"

Lotte Shu's domineering is surprising. Although everyone knows from the grapevine that this person is the newly promoted son of the Tianxuan Taoist, there is no news before, nor is it the quasi-sage son cultivated by the Tianxuan Taoist.

This person hastily become a holy son, what is his ability?

The relationship between Tianshu and Tianxuan has always been good, before Bai Yuanning and Li Shaokai were friends. Why is the newly promoted Saint Child of Tianxuan Taoist so angry with Bai Yuanning today?

"Who do you think you are? Why do you challenge, I have to accept it."

Bai Yuanning used the same words as a prevarication, and Tang Yi said leisurely: "Junior Brother Lotte Shu is the new inheritor of my Tianxuan Taoist school. Does Brother Bai think that the status of my Tianxuan Taoist sect is worse than your Tianshu Taoist sect? "

Although the title remains the same, Bai Yuanning understands that Tang Yi's attitude towards him is no longer the same as before. If her attitude represents the Heavenly Jade Taoist Sect, then it will be very troublesome for him.

Fortunately, he still has a way to go to take refuge in Yunque's master, otherwise it would be really difficult to walk in the fairy world in the future.

"I didn't mean that. This is the place of Master Yunque. It's nothing for us to be the master here." Bai Yuanning said.

"Young Master Bai has done less of the overwhelming things? It's not bad this one." Then Lotte Shu said.

The black-clothed man stepped forward, "Don't be rude, you have to fight, and my master is resting."

"It's okay, since the two saints are going to duel, I'm happy to be a spectator." The ethereal voice sounded, making everyone shake up. This is the most talented woman of the time, is she going to show up?

Master Yunque is trying to test me?

Bai Yuanning thought this subconsciously, he had already regarded that follower's quota as his own, and began to take the role.

"Thank you Fairy for your convenience."

In essence, the identity of the saint son of each door is no different from the master of Yunque, just because the woman's cultivation is too high. In the place where the power is respected in the fairy world, Master Yunque talks to the monks of the previous generation, so it will naturally make people feel that these saints lower her head.

Lotte Shu has no such thoughts. He is confident that he will be no worse than Master Yunque in a hundred years!

The identities were equal, and the master Yunque made it clear that he would not stop him, and Bai Yuanning had no reason to refuse. He is now the saint son of Tianshu Daomen, his status does not allow him to refuse again.

"Brother Bai, it's just a duel, why don't the monks of my generation be afraid of a fight!" Feng Xunyi said.

Bai Yuanning cursed secretly, you said lightly. This is a life-and-death battle. If I win, I don't need to kill him. If he wins, can he spare me?

Although he recovered from his injuries in the past two years, his cultivation level has hardly improved. This is the sequelae of taking Chi Xuan Pill.

In two years, Tianxuan Daomen did not choose the quasi-sage son to succeed him, but it was not a joke that such a person as Le Tianshu had never appeared in the eyes of outsiders as a saint.

This battle is a battle of life and death, and he can't refuse this battle, and he can't escape this battle.

If you lose, you must die!

Unless he abandons the position of the holy son of the Tianshu Taoist gate and becomes the laughing stock of the people of the world.


Bai Yuanning thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and agreed. After all, he couldn't let go of his current fame and fortune, even if he had decided to be a follower of Yunque's master.

Although the Dao heart beaten by Chen Ze collapsed, he was not afraid of Le Tianshu, a newly promoted son!

The battle is complete, but Tang Yi is actually worried. She sent a message to Le Tianshu: "Junior Brother Music, don't force it, we must cherish life first. Our Tianxuan Taoist shame is not bad for these two things."

Lotte Shu felt uncomfortable, "Senior Sister, at any rate you can cheer me on, I seem to lose no doubt about how it makes me feel."

"Bai Yuanning is, after all, a well-known saint son. It is rumored that he has a great opportunity in the past two years and his combat power has improved a lot." Tang Yi believed Chen Ze's words that Bai Yuanning was the murderer of Li Shaokai. Therefore, during this period of time, he focused on investigating Bai Yuanning's whereabouts in the past two years, and found that although his cultivation level has not improved, his combat power has indeed improved a lot, and he has the ability to kill Li Shaokai.

"Don't worry, what I care about is reputation. My junior said, "If you can't beat, you'll fight, but you can run away. The least valuable thing about a person is face."

Chen Ze was so angry that he wanted to yell in the crowd.

Your uncle, when did I say this.

"Hey, your brother is very interesting."

Suddenly, a voice transmission entered Chen Ze's ears, and Chen Ze burst into cold sweat with fright. He looked up, just in time to see Ao Qing looking away seriously, but Yu Guang was paying attention to him, smiling triumphantly.

Chen Ze has a guilty conscience.

where is this place?

The people of the Ao family are looking for him, and Feng Xuanyi is looking for him. Most of the saints here also want to defeat him to prove their strength. The most terrifying thing is that there is another Yunque master in the room who has reached the celestial image realm, thinking about him, revealing his identity here, purely seeking death.

Seeing his footsteps moving backwards, Ao Qing turned her head and stared at him: "If you dare to take a step, I will tell others that you are here!"

Chen Ze immediately retracted his foot and asked depressed: "How did you guess my identity?"

"This girl is icy and smart, with unparalleled eyesight." The middle and second daughter began to boast.

"What do you want?" Chen Ze asked.

"Don't talk, let's start the fight, let's see how your senior's cultivation level is. Bai Yuanning's combat power is not weak!" Ao Qingyan looked into the air, Le Tianshu and Bai Yuanning had already flown to the city of three or four hundred miles. In addition, it is about to start.

Chen Ze is also quite worried. Bai Yuanning's combat power is indeed good, with the murderous intent of the Qiuli Immortal Medicine for insight, as well as the inheritance from the ancient land of the Chen clan.

Although Lotte Shu's talent is extraordinary, he has spent most of the past few years in the Qin Tianxian Mansion, and he does not have two seed of the law as his backing. In addition, the mysterious fairy tactics obtained from the Rubik's Cube, the nameless fairy scriptures of the master, the power of the blood of the golden scale demon ancestor, and the secret technique of true dragons are nearby.

It is difficult to defeat Bai Yuanning!


There was an explosion from the opposing side.

Chen Ze opened his eyes and saw the two figures constantly intertwined among the thousands of immortals. The big brother seemed unremarkable, but he was able to fight Bai Yuanning inextricably, which really surprised Chen Ze.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen him for two years. After Brother Bai was seriously injured, his fighting power has become stronger." Feng Xunyi said.

"From this can we see that the newly promoted Saint Child of Tianxuan Dao Sect is extraordinary." Saint Ao Jin stared at that side.

Lotte Shu's offensive seemed unremarkable, but he could always block Bai Yuanning's offensive with the most direct and reliable method.


Bai Yuanning was forced open by Le Tianshu's fist, panting a little. He seems to be more powerful now, and the flammable blood energy can't simply be replenished, unless there is a rare elixir. Although he has the Immortal Medicine Yaoli, his extinguishing breath is too strong, if he takes it directly, it is tantamount to death.

After several confrontations, his qi and blood obviously couldn't keep up.

"Young Master Bai doesn't seem to have an immortal companion, why is it so fast?"

Lotte Shu joked mockingly, making Bai Yuanning annoyed: "The argument of tongues, I originally wanted to save you some face for the Tianxuan Taoist. In that case, die!"

Bai Yuanning's breath suddenly changed drastically, and his true energy was gushing and no longer restrained. Seeing his body's aura gradually condensed into half a huge lotus, exuding the creepy murderous intent of the sky.

"This is..." Ao Jin was shocked.

"It can't be wrong, it must be!" Feng Xuanyi also flashed a myth in his eyes.


In the room, Master Yunque's lazy appearance finally appeared serious, after all, the half lotus was too much involved.

Chen Ze was worried that he wanted to do it, but Ao Qing sent him a message: "Don't expose yourself first, your brother seems to have something to do."

Chen Ze was concerned and confused, only seeing that Bai Yuanning's lotus vision was powerful, but ignoring that the senior brother did not seem to be afraid.

Lotte Shu was still so mediocre, and the sword skills he used seemed to be less advanced than the advanced swordsmanship. But the offensive that stood up made Chen Ze feel suffocated.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

The blue sword aura cut into Bai Yuanning's Qinglian vision like a long dragon.


Before the dazzling light covered the sky, they saw Bai Yuanning's body burst open! Chen Ze involuntarily closed his eyes and dodged, only feeling that his eyes were jerky and there were tears, and it took a long time to recover from the whiteness.

After a long time, everyone looked at it, but saw Lotte Shu Changjian lightly lifted, only a cloud of blood in the sky gradually dissipated.


Many geniuses all involuntarily took a deep breath to relieve the shock when they saw this scene.

Bai Yuanning, just died like that!

From then on, who would dare to laugh at the Heavenly Jade Taoist without a son?

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