My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 579: Uncle Ao Qing is online

The murderous intent of the coming person is overwhelming, and the blooming breath rushes out like the heavens and the earth.

An astounding body filled with the true dragon and divine might, and directly blasted the third grandfather of the Chai family with a palm.


Everyone in the Chai family was frightened. Chai Sheng hurriedly begged for mercy after seeing the person who came: "My lord, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

"Misunderstanding, the saint of my Ao family was forced to kneel by you. What misunderstanding is there!" The one who came here is a celestial image realm cultivation base, with a murderous intent.

Chai Sheng glanced at the four of them, and he all wanted to cry. Now if he can no longer see that the little white-clothed young man with a delicate skin and tender figure is a saint of the Ao family, these thousand years will really be a waste of life.

"My lord, this is really a misunderstanding. We don't know it is the arrival of the saint, otherwise how dare to be so bold." Chai Sheng begged for mercy.

Here, Mr. Chai, a few people turned pale with fright, and the seven souls ascended to heaven. Whether these people's identities are so terrifying, they turned out to be from the Ao family. It just happened that they had to kneel down just now.

People watching the excitement around were also dumbfounded, the drama turned so fast. The identities of the mortal people turned out to have a lot of origin.

"Regardless of whether you are bold or not, you have done what you should do. The reputation of the ancient Ao family, how can you allow you to wait for humiliation and death!"

The man shook his hand, and the magic body was mighty, and directly beheaded several people from the Chai family.


A young man fell directly to the ground and pulled it out, his face was green, and he was foaming at the mouth for a while.

After seeing it, Chen Ze was full of surprises. With this guy's cultivation base, he wouldn't die easily if he was cut down by half of his body. At this moment, he was scared to death.

Ao Qing could not help but smile bitterly when he saw that the person who shot was so decisive: "Uncle, you are really as violent as ever!"

What the hell?

Chen Zeren was so stupid, he stared at Ao Qing in a daze, his eyes still cursing undisguisedly: Dead woman, dare to lie to Lao Tzu!

Ao Qing shook her eyebrows, and the voice transmission said, "Cooperate obediently, or I will reveal your identity now!"


Chen Ze immediately lost his arrogance.

"The little princess who bullied my family must die!" Ao Qingyu's brows and feet were indifferent, and he squinted at the shaky young masters over there and waved to kill them all again.

It was just a battle in the teleportation array, because several dandies bullied others, and eventually the Chai family was killed and injured.

"Uncle, why did you come back so fast? I thought you wouldn't be able to come back in time." Ao Qing glanced at Chen Ze after speaking and told him that I really didn't know.

Ao Qingyu smiled and said, "Domain warfare is a major event. This time the Saint Yanxian League members are here to watch. Of course I can't let Luo Xian'er bear the pressure alone. Also, you juniors also have a duel, of course I want to come back. It depends on your cultivation level."

It turned out that the owner of Yunque was called Luo Xian'er.

Chen Ze speculated to himself, but he was still playing drums in his heart. With this guy's unreasonable posture, he really knew that he was Chen Ze, so he couldn't directly blow him up.

No, look for opportunities to slip away. What represents Xianmeng's show of prominence is bullshit.

"Of course I have made steady progress as always. Didn't you see that these are the followers I recruited." Ao Qing said without shame. Now that Chen Ze has the handle in her hands, he of course accepts threats.

Ao Qingyu glanced at them and said, "When I don't know him. This kid is Zheqi, a follower of Xian'er. When did he become a follower of you and want to succumb to your uncle?"

"Don't care about the details, anyway, we are now a gang, qualified to participate in the domain war on behalf of the Immortal League." Ao Qing said proudly.

"Furthermore, the candidate to represent the Immortal League is still being finalized." Ao Qingyu immediately looked at Zheqi: "Where is Xian'er? Why are you here?"

Chen Ze felt nervous when he heard this, and his identity might be leaked out.

"Why should I tell you!"

Unexpectedly, Zheqi opened his mouth and was very surprised, and even stunned Ao Qingyu.

"Why are you always hostile to me? There are so many people who pursue Xian'er. You can't just aim at me." Ao Qingyu smiled bitterly.

Zheqi is more like an important person with status, and he said coldly: "Because you are the one that bothers the owner the most."

"It's not anymore. I know about that. I will find the guy named Chen Ze and kill him!" Ao Qingyu's killing intent suddenly bloomed, and Chen Ze narrowed his neck in fright.

Zheqi said: "Killing Chen Ze is an order given to me by my master. You must not interfere."

"I just stepped in. I will definitely let you break your promise in front of Xian'er, which is not good."

Ao Qingyu shook his head triumphantly, making Ao Qing cover her face in shame, as if I didn't want to know you.

Zheqi closed his eyes, looking out of sight or upset. Chen Ze secretly rejoiced when he saw that he had not revealed his identity, and was proud to save his life for the time being.

Following Ao Qingyu are his followers, and they are also two powerful saints. One person stared at Chen Ze for a long time, and suddenly said, "Boss, this person seems to be Chen Ze."


Chen Ze had just been lucky enough to escape, who would have thought that he would be recognized by Ao Qingyu's followers. Knowing this guy could come back, he changed his appearance.


The killing intent instantly shrouded Chen Ze, shocked his teeth and his brain went blank.

Ao Qing hurriedly pulled Ao Qingyu: "Uncle, you can't kill him. Chen Ze is the main force in this domain battle!"

"I have a lot of talents in the North Fairy League, a lot less than him."

Ao Qing said, "Where is Jiji? Now, besides me and eldest brother, do you have anyone to choose? Feng Xianyi's injury is still not healed, who are you looking for for the rest?"

"Tianxuan Dao Sect's newly promoted Saint Son has some strength." Ao Qingyu said.

Ao Qing snorted coldly: "Le Tianshu is Chen Ze's senior brother. If you know that you killed Chen Ze, how would you follow your command?"


Ao Qingyu looked at Chen Ze with an angry face, but the famous saint child in the Huanbei Immortal League in his mind, it seems that he really can't think of anyone who can do it. This time he will have five saint children.

Just forget it?

I can't.

Ao Qingyu, of course, couldn't accept the woman whom he was thinking of because he was hugged by this kid.

"I'm not reconciled!" Ao Qingyu said, "I'll beat him first to solve the hatred of the head office."

Ao Qing shook his head: "Still not. If you provoke him and he doesn't participate, we still don't have enough people."

"I suppress the realm and fight him. Don't worry, I won't kill him. After the fight, if he can really play for the North Immortal League, this matter will be forgotten." Ao Qingyu said.

Unexpectedly, Zheqi suddenly said: "I can't forget, I must kill him!"

"That's your business." Ao Qing knew that he was not better than Chen Ze, and said, "It has nothing to do with this matter. I agreed to this matter for Chen Ze, and you will suppress the realm and fight him, and the outcome will be different! "

"How could I lose!"

After that, he began to condense the fairy tactics and infuse seals into his body. Not long after, his breath fell to the realm of refining the gods. However, Ao Qingyu's cultivation level was too high, and it was not easy to suppress it to the realm of refining the gods, and the specific small realms could not be distinguished in detail.

"Chen Ze, fight with me outside the city if you have the guts!"

Chen Ze hummed, I even dare to kiss the woman you talk about, will I dare to fight with you? He happily agreed to this battle, even if he couldn't fight it, and it was a bargain to lose life and death threats after being beaten.

"Outside the city duel in the same territory, why fear you!"

Chen Ze spoke domineeringly and strode to keep up.

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