My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 582: He is my fairy


Several people got off the teleportation formation, but this was not the destination, not the Ao family’s ancestral land. Ao Qing saw that Ao Qingyu was really flying to the ancestral land with them, and couldn’t help but become curious: "My uncle, is it really going to be this time? Holding a domain war in the ancestral land of our Ao family?"

"The domain war will take some time, and the geniuses from the outer domain have not yet officially assembled. There are now several families in our house as guests." Ao Qingyu said.

When he arrived at Qilong Mountain, Chen Ze couldn't help feeling the breath here. Although the Ao family has experienced ups and downs, this ancestral land has been preserved to the present.

The flowers and trees here may have existed for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

Chen Ze looked at the stone steps at his feet, the mottled revealing the ancient aura, Chen Ze felt that there seemed to be something here that made his blood boil, and he couldn't stop excited.

"My little master is back." The entertainer at the mountain gate greeted him.

Ao Qingyu nodded: "Tell elder brother, I have brought Qing'er back. Let them rest temporarily, and let Qing'er go see him tomorrow."

"Little master, the owner is receiving guests."

Ao Qingyu was originally to pick up Ao Qing. Now he has more important things to send to the Beixian League. He turned around and said to Ao Qing: "I have something to tell. You take Chen Ze and the others to rest first."

Ao Qing nodded and arranged for Chen Ze and the others to stay. Ao Qing ordered people to prepare wine and food, and planned to treat them to a big meal.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Ao Qian came with people, and she couldn't help but smile when she saw a table of food: "Qing'er has guests."

"Knowing that you are still coming in, how do you have no eyesight?" Ao Qing didn't look good at this cousin.

"It's not that my sister has no eyesight, there are important people you must see!"

At this time, a man in Tsing Yi waved a folding fan at the door and looked at Ao Qing with a smile: "Long time no see."

Ao Qing's expression was very bad, and she glanced away: "It's better not to see it."

"Qing'er, you shouldn't talk to Master Jing like this." Ao Qian said.

Ao Qing ignored her, bowed her head and pushed the dish in front of Chen Ze and the others, "Quickly try it, my cook is very skilled."

Jing Yu was not annoyed, and stepped forward, "Qing'er is still angry with me? I was too reckless when I retired. I was young and vigorous at that time. Now I ask my father to come here in person, just to re-want you to propose marriage."

"No need! I am the saint of the Ao family now. How many saints have you seen married outside?" Ao Qing said coldly.

"Scarce doesn't mean there isn't. Besides, my Jing family is well-known in Dongzhou Xianyu, and I am the young master of the family, don't you deserve the name of your saint?"

Xi Shuai shook his head, "Ao Qing, your Ao family is not so good, why are there still flies flying around? How can people eat with this buzzing."

The words of this servant seem to be scornful of Ao's family, but in fact they are cursing people.

"Bold, dare to be so rude to my son!" A man came furiously.


The sound of Long Xiao shook the sky.

Ao Qing retracted his hand, and the figure smashed out of the yard: "Jing Yu, you have to figure out that this is my house. Take care of your dog legs, and then run into my friend and die!"

"Qing'er, why do you do this. Young Master Jing pulls the lower son to repair your relationship." Ao Qian said.

"I want to fix it now? Why did you go early. Now...night!" Xi Shuai said calmly, "Ao Qing is already my brother's fairy."


The killing intent on Jing Yu suddenly rose, and he turned his eyes on Zheqi and Chen Ze, "Who is so overpowered and dare to **** a woman from me?"

He wanted to kill Chen Ze, and he didn't participate in this kind of thing at all. Chen Ze didn't want to admit it, and at the same time he complained that Xi Shuai could provoke him. When did he and Ao Qing become immortal couples.

"Since I dare not answer, then all die!"

Jing Yu was so arrogant, he didn't listen to others, and attacked both Chen Ze and Chen Ze in vain!


Folding seven is not used to anyone, and directly shoots a knife at Master Jing. This Young Master Jing seemed to have a good cultivation level, but in fact it was completely a parallel import of resources. He was smashed and smashed in a single shot. If it weren't for the mark of the guard road that was lit up on his eyebrows, he would be hacked to death directly!

In fact, everyone didn't expect this guy to be a idiot from outsiders.


In the main hall, a man was suddenly shocked. Sitting next to him was Ao Jin's father, who asked puzzledly: "What's wrong with Jing brother?"

"Someone didn't do much to my son. If it weren't for my mark of guarding the road, I would be afraid of death." Jing Gongzi's father said.

"How come, is it because he went out and met someone who didn't open his eyes?" Ao Qingcang was surprised.

"No, he is at Ao's house at this moment!" Jingxun stepped out of the main hall after saying that.

A group of family elders stepped into the air, especially Jing Xun, and saw half of his son's body shattered, and there were also cuts on the eyebrows, and he couldn't hurt him anymore.

He rushed down and took out the precious pill and fed it to him. At the entrance of the medicine pill, Master Jing's face recovered a little, and he cried out, "Father, you want to avenge me!"

"Tell me first, what is going on here?" Jing asked.

"Father, when I saw Qingmei, I didn't expect these people to attack me and say that I was harassing Qingmei. I don't understand, we are about to get married, and I just came to have a look. Why are you harassing!" The boy turned black and white and began to grin.

After hearing this, Ao Qing was blue with anger: "Don't be silly! It's obviously that you domineering and domineering against my friend, you are inferior to others and injured."

"Even if Xiaoer's skills are not as good as that, you can't condone outsiders to hurt him like this," Jing Xun said.

Ao Qingcang glanced at Ao Qian, "What the **** is going on?"

Everyone here is deeply involved, only Ao Qian is an outsider who can tell the truth objectively.

Ao Qian never expected that things would develop to this point. She felt that the current atmosphere was very depressing, but when she thought that this incident could just shake Ao Qing’s position in the hearts of Jing’s family, maybe she would become the ultimate beneficiary. , Married into Jing's house and became Jing Xun's immortal couple.

"Uncle, things are just like what Young Master Jing said. These people hurt Young Master Jing overbearingly. I think it was the younger sister's instruction. Otherwise, in our Ao family, how dare they hurt our distinguished guests."

Ao Qing laughed when she heard her so black and white, "Ao Qian, you are really mean, you can say such things, and sure enough, things are gathered together and mixed with Jing Shangxiao."

"Shut up." Ao Qingcang scolded. He didn't completely believe in this incident, but it is true that Jing Xun was seriously injured. Ao Qing said these words at this time. Confess."

Jing Xun said with a cold face, "There is nothing to investigate about this matter, but it's just a few unknown people who will be killed."

"No!" Ao Qing immediately yelled, "No one can do anything to my friend! This incident is obviously Jing Shangxiao's fault, so why kill my friend."

Ao Qingcang also wanted to settle things down, "It's just a few people who want to cling to my Ao family, and they kill them. In your capacity, you can make friends with other people."

I wiped it, and I was indeed a superior person, who regarded human life as a waste.

Chen Ze thought to himself.

"I killed the people, and it has nothing to do with them." Zheqi stood up at this time: "Ao's family won't kill innocent people indiscriminately."

This kid is loyal enough.

Jing Xun said coldly, "I'm afraid they can't get rid of this matter!"

Ao Qian hurriedly said: "Yes. They said that this person is Ao Qing's immortal couple, I don't know if it is true or not. It is also because of this that Young Master Jing is a little anxious, and speaks too much."

Her words revealed Jing Shangxiao's first move, but now everyone is not concerned about this. If you dare to hurt the young master of the Jing family's direct line, you must die!

Ao Qingcang didn't expect to cause such a ridiculous thing. No matter how, Ao Qing is also the saint of their Ao family. Even if she does not marry into the Jing family, she will recruit a talented son-in-law to join the clan.

It's a shame for them to set a lifelong privately with others.

"Qing'er, what Qianer said is true?" Ao Qingcang's face was cold.

Ao Qing originally disagreed with this erratic marriage. He said that if you retired, you would retreat. If you want to marry, you would marry. What is Ao Qing?

"Yes, I just became an immortal couple with Chen Ze."

Chen Ze cried when he felt the killing intent of several people at the scene. This woman wanted to cheat him.

"You... let me down too much!" Ao Qing was so angry that he flicked his sleeves, "All killed, not one left! You, go to the ancestral temple and kneel, and when the domain war is over, you will roll me to the cold lake of Houshan. Face the wall for ten years!"

Ao Qian smiled secretly when she heard this, her goal was achieved. The cold energy of the cold pool can freeze part of the cultivation base, and ten years of facing the wall is enough to drink a pot of light.

"Uncle! You can't kill them!" Ao Qing yelled anxiously, standing in front of Chen Ze, looking like a concubine.

Jing Xun became even more angry when he saw this. This was the one who was about to become their Jing family's daughter-in-law. At this time, he defended a few men in front of everyone, which made him extremely humiliated!

"Come here!" Ao Qingcang waved his hand and grabbed Ao Qing over.

Jing Xun ordered: "Come here, cut them off!"

The elders of the Jing family made their moves, waved his palms and slapped several people with a fierce offensive.


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