My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 703: One sword scared Jiang Qinghe away

The nine-handed swords refined by Chen Ze not only follow Jiang Yinrou's design in appearance, but also each have their own merits.

But when he saw him with a sword in his hand, a sky fire swept out when it was cut out, drawing a dazzling red light on the sky, as if to melt the space.

Immediately after he flipped his hand, another piece of ice rolled toward the sky, making people tremble with chills. Jiang Qinghe's face was solemn, and she clearly saw the law of the cold attribute from it. Is this the seed of Chen Zeshen's understanding of her law?

The two attributes of fire and cold collided, sending out a violent explosion with amazing power. The entire Jiang family was attracted by this shock, and it seemed to be eye-catching.

After showing the attributes of the nine swords one by one, Chen Ze turned his head and said to Jiang Yinrou: "Well, every sword has unique attributes."

Jiang Qinghe didn't wait for Jiang Yinrou to speak, and took the lead in taunting him: "Your display is meaningless, Yinrou can do it herself. It's boring, I thought you could have a matching fairy formula for her to practice."

Jiang Yinrou didn't understand. Aren't these two immortal couples? Why did they seem to have a lot of hatred in their tone, and they kept fighting each other.

Chen Ze said: "Of course I have a matching fairy formula to use. Sister Yinrou, look forward to it!"

Chen Ze's figure suddenly divided into nine, each holding a sword and soaring into the air, condensing a huge sword in the air.

"That's it?" Jiang Qinghe sneered.

Chen Ze said: "If you are not convinced, come and try, I will use the sword that I learned last night to defeat you!"

Jiang Qinghe's eyes brightened when he heard it. In terms of combat power, she is naturally inferior to Chen Ze. But if he was dealing with the sword move he had discovered temporarily, Jiang Qinghe felt that he was still confident.

"Come on, afraid of you?"

She rose into the air and waved her hand to reveal her vision. At this time, her vision of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers was completely covered by ice and snow.

This is……

Jiang Yinrou covered her mouth. Among the younger generations, the only person who had cultivated a vision of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers was Young King Jiang Family. Where is Jiang Qingyao in front of me? It is clearly Young King Jiang Qinghe!

But... how does she differ from the image in her own cognition.

"That is... the vision of the young king of the royal family!" Someone pointed to the vision that appeared in Tiantian and said.

"It doesn't look like it. I've seen Sister Qinghe make a shot before, and it's not like that."

"Sister Qinghe got the seed of the law of cold attribute, and it is reasonable for her vision of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to be changed by thousands of miles of ice. And I heard that the law seed has been integrated, and now the combat power has increased more than three or four times."

Everyone is expecting that Chen Ze defeated Dongfang Xiuyao and also defeated Jiang Qinghe. But now that so many days have passed, the two confrontation again must be because their young king is confident to defeat Chen Ze.

"Sister Qinghe, come on!"

"To revive the family glory, Chen Ze can't let Chen Ze hide his glory!"

The people below shouted to you, no matter what work they had in their hands, they stopped, full of expectation.

Jiang Qinghe ignored these people's words for the time being, and waved: "Don't say my sister is bullying you, let you do it first."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "Then you have no chance to shoot."

His body is very honest, the nine figures of long swords are held high, and the sword moves of various attributes bloom with amazing aura, but this is really trivial to Jiang Qinghe. If she couldn't even take this kind of attack, would she still be the young king of the Jiang family.

Chen Ze can refine alchemy very well, refining equipment is very powerful, formation is very powerful, and his cultivation base is very good, but he can't comprehend the sword moves that are so powerful overnight, right.

Certainly not!

Jiang Qinghe was confident and cheered himself up secretly.

Unexpectedly, the nine Chen Ze in front of her suddenly merged into one, and the nine sword auras overlapped and cut out.

I rely on!

Jiang Qinghe was awe-inspiring, but after Chen Ze mutated with this sword, she concluded with years of escape experience that she would definitely not be able to take this blow.

"What a strong sword aura! What kind of attack is this? How can I see Lihuo surrounded, how can there be chills, and there are many middle attributes."

"No matter what his attributes are, he will definitely fall behind when he meets the young king of my clan."

"That's right, that's my Young King of the Jiang Family."

Before everyone could say anything, they saw Jiang Qinghe turned around and ran away, leaving a group of people bragging about her stunned.


In just a moment, Jiang Qinghe was completely enveloped by sword aura, and the arrogant and domineering vision was immediately shattered.


Jiang Qinghe vomits blood and pushes out Xu Yuan, forcibly suppressing his injury from being crushed by the vision.

"This kid, why do you start so hard? Qinghe is afraid that he will have to cultivate for a while." Jiang Zuxuan sighed.

Jiang Zuxing has regained control of the family and stopped to wait and see, but there are different opinions: "I think it is just right. With Chen Ze, the mountain standing in front of her, I don't believe that my Jiang family will not be able to turn over."

Jiang Qinghe was already angry, and Chuanyin told Chen Ze: "You bastard, let my old lady not come to Taiwan so much, my identity and dignity are completely destroyed."

Chen Ze smiled and said, "You deserve it."

Young King Jiang was defeated again by Chen Ze, and the news left and spread.

Most people want to learn this style of fairy tactics.

Jiang Yinrou was blinded by Chen Ze's blow, and Xian Jue had a strict rating according to his level. This blow, less to say, has to be more than the immortal grade technique. In Jiang's family, the exercises above the heavenly rank will be exchanged in the treasure pavilion. Where can she exchange merits?

Chen Ze's breath returned to calmness and was improved on the basis of the Sanjue Sword Array. Although the power is enhanced during the merger, it is not a multiplier attack that consumes terror. It is entirely for the use of fairy swords with different attributes.

"What I am showing is a combined attack with nine-handed swords at the same time." Chen Ze said: "In reality, you don't have to control nine-handed swords at the same time. Using the best long swords to cooperate with each other often has unexpected effects."

Different combinations have different effects. Chen Ze carved an array of mutual traction in each sword, and the power of a single handle was not as powerful as the combination of swords.

As for how Jiang Yinrou matches in actual combat is his own business, Chen Ze only needs to give her how to do it as a clone.

Jiang Yinrou is very stupid. She has learned this fairy formula modified by Chen Ze for three days before getting started. Now she can only control two clones, which is a bit slow.

It is rare for Chen Ze to settle down quietly, stepping down from Shaowangfeng, planning to go out for a stroll.

Unexpectedly, seeing a figure on the mountain road seems familiar from a distance. After a few glances, he determined that it was someone he knew, and stepped straight up.


Before he got closer, he saw Liu Shuhan being knocked down by a Jiang family, "Dare to come to my Jiang family to defraud, I'm really tired of it. Sweep the floor well, otherwise it's not as simple as abolishing you!"

Liu Shuhan rolled down the mountain road, barely stopping the falling body for half a mile, but he was already battered and embarrassed.

Chen Ze saw that her limbs were weak and her Qi and blood were weak, and her cultivation level had indeed been abolished.

Seeing this scene, he immediately became angry and rushed up directly. The Jiang family disciple was still looking triumphant, he suddenly felt that he was flying out, and then his body rolled down the mountain road. He wanted to stabilize his body, but the zhenqi in his body was completely out of control, his limbs seemed to be trapped, and he rolled down the mountain road in a whisper.

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