My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 810: Drop grade

Chen Ze didn't rush, he had already refined more than half of the materials over there, and he hadn't done anything yet.

Optional materials do not have to limit the material, and there is no upper limit on the quantity. However, with the addition of Xian-level equipment, the auxiliary ordinary equipment must be purified to the maximum, and the quantity is very large.

At this time, in order to achieve the best casting effect, the purification is not to remove impurities from the material, but to select the most pure material from the impurities.

Two thirds!

Ke Chen glanced at Chen Ze's side, a little relieved, and said: "They haven't started yet, we can slow down appropriately to ensure the success rate."

Anyway, there is no time limit for this competition. There is no difference between ending early and ending later, as long as everyone can tolerate it.

"We were prepared long ago. Even if Daoist Gu started to prepare in these two days, it was definitely not enough. I asked the disciple in the door to find out. He has never been to the treasure house in these two days." Sun Jingqing said.

"Pediculous, he is even more pedantic than the old palace master." Ke Chen said: "Although the refining artifacts follow the rules, how can we generalize the sale of artifacts? Low-level artifacts can be sold by others, why can't my Heavenly Tool Mansion sell them? No wonder the old guy calculates that our brothers will be assisted by Dao Ren Gu, and the temper is exactly the same. In this case, I don't use the treasure house of the equipment in the mansion, idiot."

Here Ke Chen cursed in a low voice, but it didn't affect their casting speed in the slightest. On the right side, Chen Ze finally started to ignite after repeated planning.

Taoist Gu is not easy to bother at this time, and now there is no restriction on equipment refining, the materials are precious and the upper limit of the equipment is high. A stray spirit may affect the final quality, he can be defeated, but the Heavenly Tool Mansion cannot be defeated, and it must not be handed over to these two people.

Chen Ze started the previous casting mode again, throwing a piece of material into it every ten breaths on average. The seemingly complex multiple materials were completely tempered in just a while.

Compared to the hilly materials over there, there is only a small part left after tempering, and Chen Ze needs a lot more here.

After reading it, everyone couldn't help but smile, secretly saying that Chen Ze's skills are not good. Keeping so many impurities, the quality of the finished product must not be too high.

After refining the fusion material, Chen Ze took the lead to complete the material extraction afterwards. Xiaguang danced in the cauldron, faint beasts croaked, and spiritual plants blossomed. Such visions were spread out during the refining, which is really puzzling.

The three people on the other side were affected by this scene, especially Chi Buwen, shocked in their hearts. Why is this kid's refining tool so weird and so much higher?

"Don't be distracted, we have to work harder." Ke Chen reminded Chi Buwen to lose weight quickly.

They are now also starting to cast embryos. At this stage, we must ensure that the fusion of the materials is uniform, otherwise there may be hidden dangers when carving the artifacts in the later stage, which may directly affect the quality of the artifacts.

What they want to refine is a knife, the simplest, direct and easy tool. Moreover, swords are the most commonly used magic weapon in the fairy world, and the deduction of artifact patterns is also the most developed. Nowadays there are thousands of mature sword and sword patterns, and any set of them can be easily made.

On the other hand, Chen Ze's side is much more delicate. Chen Ze asked Taoist Gu, the magical artifact that this old man had to refine in his heart turned out to be a lamp, which Chen Ze did not expect.

After asking carefully, it became clear that it was the love of the deceased. As for who this deceased is, Chen Ze guessed that it might be the love of Gu Dao people.

Refining what he loves, this old man is quite romantic.

This hexagonal exquisite lamp Chen Ze condensed embryo shape is not difficult, and the subsequent engraving of the veins is difficult.

Fortunately, Chen Ze is good at deduction. From the time he made up his mind to help Gu Daoren refining this lamp, he has begun to improve the pattern combination, and now he has deduced almost the same.

Seeing that Chen Ze's tool was turned into a lamp, Master Luo Qian was stunned, "What the **** is this kid Jiang Biefeng doing? This thing is not difficult to refine, even if it is refined, how powerful is it?"

"Who knows, I think he should have been bought by Ke Chen too. Nowadays, only Taoist Gu can't tell that he has no friends." Chao Chang said coldly.

"Don't want to dream dreams. Xiaoyou Jiang thinks that refining simple artifacts is too much of a blow to the first refiner. But this kid is also complicated and difficult to refine. Wouldn't it be even more destructive if you win." Seemingly, can't help but ridicule.

The few people here didn't want to talk to him, and they didn't talk to each other, so as not to be boring.

The three of Ke Chen and Chen Ze began to engrave the pattern almost at the same time, and the three of them had a clear division of labor.

It was Sun Jingqing who condensed the pattern that was depicted at that time, and Ke Chen condensed the next pattern that was about to be depicted. The two took the lead in going through the pattern once, so that Chi would not make mistakes. In fact, most high-end magical artifacts use the same process to suppress refining patterns.

On the other hand, Chen Ze's side, as before, one person, one weapon, turbulence in spiritual consciousness, and rapid carving of the veins.

This hexagonal exquisite lamp is very delicately refined, and Chen Ze added his own whims to refine the lamp with different magical device characteristics, making it a fusion of magical array, trapped array, and attack.

At the same time, the six lamp faces can also be cultivated into six different beast souls, which can be summoned to help in the battle.

Chen Ze engraved the patterns of each piece accurately, only because the lamp bones of Linglong Lamp were too scattered and complicated, and the difficulty of the pattern was increased hundreds of times.

Fortunately, Chen Ze liked this kind of challenge, and his spiritual consciousness was highly condensed, without a trace of error.

Boom... Click!

However, on the high platform on the left, the long knives made by the three of them had already taken shape, and they even attracted the baptism of the weapon, which made the faces of many of the students in the audience show their excitement.

"There is a weapon robbery, it seems that it can become a high-grade weapon immortal level or even higher!"

"The combination of the three master-level masters will surely be able to cast high-end magical weapons!"

A group of people whispered, the Fang Qijie surged down, and Chi Buwen took the lead to throw out a substitute jade talisman to block the Fang Qijie.

They know very well that even if it is a pseudo-dao weapon level, it can't withstand the two-memory robbery. They blocked one, and the remaining one was borne by the magic weapon itself, sublimating the quality.

The three of them took a look at each, and then pushed them away, hitting out the real energy from the air and submerged in the long knife, causing it to argue continuously, and the rays of light diffused.


Another dazzling Lei Ze descended, but saw that the long knife trembled and ferocious like a spirit, suffering in the thunder catastrophe.

However, the aura is also rising rapidly, breaking through the immortal step directly when Lei Ze is most dazzling.

Pseudo Dao!

Chao Chang and others on the viewing platform were also shocked. Although he is very prestigious in this wild fairy city, after all, it is not as good as the outside world, and he has not been able to personally refine a pseudo Taoist tool.

Now that I saw the pseudo Dao Qi Cheng with my own eyes, I was very excited.

"Successful!" Ke Chen clenched his fists, "Huh, even if that kid ghosts refining a fake Dao weapon, as long as we are level, we are in an invincible position."

Sun Jingqing smiled and said: "How is it possible. I want to refine a fake Taoist artifact with a piece of dragon-patterned gold. I'm crazy about dreams. Lord Ke, we succeeded, haha..."

This guy actually changed his tune directly, and the name Ke Chen felt at ease. He is the palace chief, and Sun Jingqing is naturally the deputy palace chief. The two are in the same heart, plus the prestige originally in the Heavenly Tool Mansion, it won't be difficult to take over.


But this was an uncheckable voice that made the three of them feel nervous. Turning his head and looking around, he saw a trace cracked on the blade of the long knife.

Before they allowed them to think about it, the aura of this long sword just ascended to the pseudo-dao device instantly dropped, and the gods were much dim.

"Damn it, I failed at the last moment." Sun Jingqing clenched his fists in anger.

"It's okay, at least it's a high-grade immortal rank." Ke Chen said a little self-comforting, "there is only one piece of dragon-patterned gold over there, and it is already the limit to reach the middle-grade!"


Right here, the magic artifact engraved by Chen Ze shook all over, and the gods of the world rushed into the sky. The cloud condensed on Chen Ze's head for a short time, and there was obviously a condensed weapon.

"How is it possible!" Ke Chen's eyes were full of doubts, "How could the refining magical artifacts attract a weapon!"

"It must have secretly released other precious materials and made me wait for the slightest. It's really mean!" Sun Jingqing said.

But even if you are not reconciled, you have to endure it. There is no material limitation for this competition, and they can't control what they add temporarily.


Finally, the lightning strike that had been brewing for a long time came down and directly struck the delicate and exquisite hexagonal lamp.

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