My Sister is Tianzun

Chapter 866: Dong Zuo and the old head

The wooden boat creaked and drew ashore. It didn’t take long for Chen Ze to heal on the boat. He felt the hull shake and heard Su Lan say: "Chen Ze, Ding Qiao, it’s ashore. ."

Chen Ze opened his eyes and saw that the black lines on Ding Qiao's skin had faded a lot, and they would disappear completely in a short time. It seems that the source phagosome being invaded by the turbid gas cannot be judged by ordinary people's conditions. After all, if an ordinary person is like her, even the consciousness has been blurred for a long time, no matter how many pills of the body calming pill are taken, it can't be restored to this level.

"Oh, I thought I was dead this time, but I didn't expect that it was you who saved me in the end!" Ding Qiao glanced at Chen Ze.

"Sigh with emotion, don't fall in love with me. I have a daughter-in-law, and even the beautiful and temperamental fairy like Xiao Su has to reluctantly refuse, so don't jump into the fire pit yourself." Chen Ze said very arrogant.

Su Lan laughed happily after hearing it ‘chuckled’, Ding Qiao curled his lips: “Dream, if I’m still on you, I might as well jump straight into this muddy river.”

"Those girls said the same at the beginning, but unfortunately they couldn't help themselves." Chen Ze was still joking.

"Unexpectedly, brother Chen Ze turned out to be a master of lovemaking. My brother has been a bachelor for hundreds of years, and still lacks an immortal companion. I have to ask you for advice."

Dongzuo's joking voice came, and Chen Ze was surprised to see him. Su Lan was very dissatisfied: "Boss, why did you come here, pointing to you, I'm afraid the cucumber vegetables are cold."

"Isn't there a friend from the Blazing Flame Mercenary Corps for help? I brought people here without even saying hello. I used soldiers privately, and I might be scolded by the clan elder when I go back." Dong Zuo said.

After he finished speaking, he bowed to the old group leader on one side: "Dong Zuo has seen seniors."

"You don't need to be polite, you are an inspector, and your status in this great wasteland is much higher than me." said the old head.

"No matter how high you are, it was your pawn. In fact, the clan elder always wanted you to go back to be a coach, but you always refused." Dong Zuo said.

Chen Ze didn't know that Dong Zuo had such a relationship with the old head.

"I'm used to being lazy. The two clan elders are just afraid that I will be desolate in my old age. How can I teach people in these two moments? I can use my remaining heat on this small muddy river. Said with a smile.

"Auntie, it's okay if you are all right, so that we will be willing to be scolded by the clan elder when we go back." Su Xipo said.

Su Lan looked at the grandson of the clan: "Why do I listen to you expecting me to have an accident? What's the matter, I want to take over as the team leader?"

"You have wronged me, I am really worried about you." Su Xipo grinned.

Dong Zuo nodded to Ding Qiao, it seemed that they knew each other, and then smiled and said to Chen Ze: "Brother Chen Ze, I didn't expect it to be half done for you. I knew that Ding Qiao was in danger that day, Wuxiao Clan. I rushed over in person and couldn't find Ding Qiao."

"Actually, thanks to the bracelet that the old captain gave me Ding Qiao, otherwise I would definitely not be able to find him in such a big murky forest." Chen Ze was also humble.

After all, these people are Ding Qiao's lifesavers, and the woman solemnly bowed to several people in thanks.

Then Dong Zuo talked to the old leader for a while, planning to get up and say goodbye.

This was the ringing of the jade talisman from the waist, he read the information, his expression was a little surprised.

"What's the matter, is the clan elder blamed or has a task?" Su Lan asked.

Dong Zuo said: "There is a mission. But..."

He glanced at the old commander, and then said: "It's about the Explosive Flame Mercenary Group. Old Commander, have you attacked the Burning Mercenary Group?"

The old team leader smiled and said: "I have resigned as the team leader a long time ago, and now I don't know what actions are in the team. However, the opportunity is rare, and I must not miss it."

Chen Ze was curious: "Does the battle alliance between the mercenary groups also have to be managed?"

"The Alliance has certain restrictions on mercenary groups. The battle between mercenary groups that reach the size of a patrol team cannot be too much. After all, all the talents of the alliance are dead. And...Scorching Mercenary The regiment has been secretly working for the two inspectors and regularly handed in their merits to obtain asylum." Dongzuo said.

"After all, it is not a regular force of the alliance, there shouldn't be any major problems, right." Chen Ze was a little worried.

Dongzuo smiled bitterly, "Now the trouble is that the Burning Mercenary Group has sued the Blazing Mercenary Group, and now those two inspectors have led a team to arrest the people of the Blazing Flame Mercenary Group for questioning."

As for the outcome of this questioning, Chen Ze can imagine. After all, Blazing Flame's outrageous attack is totally unreasonable. If there are too many casualties, I am afraid the Alliance will really be held accountable. Moreover, the interests of these two inspectors were harmed, and it was impossible for them to easily spare the Explosive Flame Mercenary Group.

"Boss, you were an explosive person before. We owed the help of the old captain this time, and he also asked Captain Lihu to rescue Chen Ze. We can't forget this kindness, and I can't let them succeed." Su Lan said .

"I know that I have a very good relationship with Luhu, and of course I won't let him get involved. What do you think about this matter?" Dongzuo asked.

Chen Ze thought for a while: "Perhaps we can use Zhai Yelin's attack on Sister Xiaosu to make a fuss."

"Yes, the league has regulations. Unless it is our incumbent inspectors who take the initiative to take the initiative, ordinary doormen can't provoke disputes. Zhai Yelin is openly going to be against me, I ask the leader of the tiger group to help get out." Su Lan said.

"The problem is that he copied someone's home! Zhai Yelin won't let it go." Dong Zuo said.

Chen Ze smiled when he heard it, "George Zuo, Zhai Yelin is dead, and the entire Burning Mercenary Corps is dead except for the residents."


Dong Zuo was surprised when he heard this: "Zhai Yelin is dead? The kid branding tiger has done too much, right. This is really unsparing when he catches the opportunity, and there is a legitimate reason to avenge his personal revenge."

Su Lan glanced at Chen Ze, "Where is the head of the brand tiger so cruel? Chen Ze did it."

Afterwards, she told how Chen Ze used a plan to kill Zhai Yelin and the Burning Mercenary Corps, and Dong Zuo was dumbfounded. He unconsciously touched his sword: "I won't explode too."

"Of course." Chen Ze said with a smile: "It's just that you have to reach the upper and lower Qianyuan level, and force it to explode with vigorous true energy."

"Huh... that's good." Dong Zuo said: "If that's the case, it would be easy. I'll send a message to the clan elder."


On a fairy ship, the two stood side by side. They were very upset. Although the achievements of the Burning Mercenary Group were not many, after all, one of the three major mercenary groups could obtain one or two Turbid Pills every year. This was the bulk of their resources.

"This time the clan veteran is staring, we can't do too much. But this brand-new tiger still beats and beats well, even our people dare to move, I really think no one can control him." Zhu Wei said coldly.

"Of course we must beat and beat, and the claim should be larger. After all, if someone is dead, let him compensate Zhai Yelin, and then it will be ours." Another inspector Diao Wensi laughed.

The two of them seemed to have seen the picture of the merits of resources flowing into their pockets, and smiled very proudly.

Unexpectedly, the talisman on the waist suddenly rang.

The two of them read it directly, and their expressions changed drastically.

"This is impossible!" Zhu Wei said with a cold face.

Diao Wensi said: "The news sent by the clan elder himself cannot be false. Damn, why did Zhai Yelin's army be wiped out? What kind of muddy corpse did he encounter?"

"Damn it, why Dongzuo walked in front of the two of us. He was born in the Flame Mercenary Corps. After this incident, let him deal with it. Isn't it just a big thing and a small thing." Zhu Wei waved his hand and patted fiercely. After getting off the ship's side, the entire fairy ship was planted to one side.

"This matter is not that simple. Send someone to investigate it secretly. But the clan elder's order must not be violated. Let's go back for the time being." Diao Wensi said.

After saying that the two transferred the immortal boat and returned, they still secretly sent trusted subordinates to investigate.

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