This sudden situation was unexpected to everyone present.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone looked at Lin Feng with surprise.

Lin Fengyi put his clothes on without wind, staring at him with murderous in his eyes. Even so, his teeth were still bitten and creaking.

Zhang Dongcheng's eyes widened desperately.

" are not afraid..."

He was speechless, but he still pointed his finger at a camera not far away with difficulty, with a weird smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

This probably means that Zhang Liang can see these things that are happening now, and now that Lin Feng has already discovered that he has done something, so Luo Yi is more than auspicious.

Fortunately, I had already learned that Lin Feng was a very cunning person before he started his hands. He had to do a few more preparations for everything.

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhang Dongcheng smiled more and more.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the corridor.

The crowd followed the sound reflexively.

At the end of the corridor came a woman with long hair, wearing a suit and a pair of red high heels.

The woman's aura is so powerful that everyone in the room can't move his eyes.

"Zhang Dongcheng! Even you are worthy of bullying my brother? Your little tricks were leftovers from us!"

Having said that, I took out a piece of wire with a plug from my pocket and threw it directly on the ground, then wrapped his hands around his chest, naturally raised his chin, and looked at everyone with contemptuous eyes.

"When you do this, don't you want that batch of equipment?"

The moment Zhang Dongcheng saw this woman, Zhang Dongcheng felt a bit of a chill, and instantly spread all over his body...

"Qiu Shuang? You... how could you?"

Thousands of counts, but never counted that Qiu Shuang would come at this time.

And he even kept calling him Junior Brother Lin Feng.

what is happening!

Qiu Shuang snorted coldly.

"Oh, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind."

At this point, I set my sights on Zhang Dongcheng.

"I originally brought ten instruments to do marketing for you, which is considered a fixed-point experiment, but looking like this, your company doesn't seem to need our products, so it's better to sell them to my younger brothers at a cheaper price. ."

Zhang Dong was beaten to death by Lin Feng with a fist when he came, and now he has said that he is uncomfortable. After hearing this, he is even more anxious and angry.

I wanted to say something and quickly explain it. After all, this project was won after we worked together for half a year, but now it is ruined because of such a thing. If this is let Chen Junfeng know, then it will be worth it?

But before he could speak, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Qiu Shuang couldn't help laughing covering her mouth.

"Oh, didn't you just bully my junior brother when you were bullying? Why can't you even speak now?"

Having said that, he then turned his gaze on Lin Feng.

"Little brother, don't worry, I had a foreboding that something would happen before I came here, so I picked up the wires of the surveillance camera. Then you can do whatever you want. If something happens, your sister will be responsible for it!"

With Qiushuang's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and the expression in his eyes became more murderous!

The hair on Zhang Dongcheng's back is standing up!

Fear hit him like a tide, and then drowned it. The proposition couldn't breathe at all, and even the pupils were shrunk to the extreme, and he could only look at him tightly.

It seemed that the man standing in front of him at this moment was not Lin Feng, but a demon who had just returned from hell!

He has steel-like claws that can tear him into pieces with a single move, and he has a frightening spout of blood, which can crush his head in just one click.

Before facing absolute fear, everyone's head was blank, only the instinctive muscle reaction of the body was left, that is, the uncontrollable loud scream and escape!

"Don't... don't kill me, don't kill me, I was wrong, I know I was wrong..."

Without saying anything, Lin Feng raised an iron fist and hit him on the head!

With a splash of blood, it seemed that the whole world had quieted down.

To deal with this kind of person, Lin Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all.

Even he can't bear to touch people, this kind of mess, like a clown, dare to use it, really enough!

This fist was hammered down, directly squeezing Zhang Dongcheng's head.

Lin Feng stood up, spit on the ground, then repaid the loan, and turned to look at the group of security guards.

A few seconds later.

The scream resounded across the sky!

The few people present hurriedly threw down their weapons and wanted to run downstairs!

However, it didn't take long for them to discover that the passage going down was blocked long ago...

"What...what should I do?"

"Help, is there anyone? Help, I don't want to die!"

"Let us out, let us out! Is there anyone outside to let us out quickly!"

The attentive person suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind.

The footsteps are not hurried or slow, like walking in a leisurely courtyard, but every step is like a heavy drum hammering in the heart, and the whole body trembles uncontrollably, like a Hades's life-threatening drum.

I was timid, I just felt that my feet were soft and I sat on the ground, looking pale in the direction of the corridor.

"Don't... don't come, don't come... kill someone!"

With his voice, other people began to scream.

"Don't come over, I beg you, don't come over, I am waiting for my parents and children to raise them, please don't come over, don't kill me!"

"This... this matter has nothing to do with us. They are all working out, and we can't do anything about it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Someone kept kowtow in the direction he came while talking.

It seems to have forgotten the time when everyone laughed and pushed him.

Occasionally some people think of it, but they only think that the scene at that time is too ironic.

If he could do it again, he would never dare to do it again, but even if his intestines were all regretful, he still prevented Lin Feng from advancing.

A few minutes later, Lin Feng raised a man from the pile of blood, shaking uncontrollably.

When the man saw him, he shouted loudly as if he had seen a ghost, his tears and nose flowed together, and he couldn't even speak.

But Lin Feng just looked at him quietly.

"You go back and tell Chen Junfeng that this is nothing at all, but he actually wants to move me and move my people. Laozi doesn't share the same spirit with him! Let him wash his neck and wait, one day I will make him pay!"

After speaking, he let go.

The man was so scared that he nodded his head, and then ran away like rolling away.

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