My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 110 Double the Reward

"Master of the Hall of Guards, Sheng Ming, this person talks a lot of lies and is stubborn. In my opinion, depriving him of his status as a famous teacher is too frivolous. He should be imprisoned and jailed by the famous teacher guard to serve as a warning to others."

Jia Ningran said adding insult to injury, looking at Diao Budiao with a gloomy look, thinking viciously in her heart, if labor and management can't deal with you, how can they not deal with your people?


"That's not the case. Didn't I just wash the robe of a famous teacher? Do I have to be deprived of my status as a famous teacher?"

"Is it illegal to do laundry?"

Lin Taixu said dumbfounded, looking at Wei Haolin, Mr. Wei, you have so much authority.


Why is there no reward this time?

After Lin Taixu finished speaking, he found that he didn't hear the system's reward sound. He couldn't help but be confused. Could it be that he was wrong?

However, I mentioned the keyword "famous teacher's robe".

"Key words?"

"The key is your face."

The system yelled directly.

"Then why don't you give me a reward?"

Lin Taixu asked unconvinced.

"Because this system has detected that what you just said happened in this Crescent Moon Country, and it is not considered fabricated."

The system said.


"Is there really someone who was dismissed from his position without wearing a famous teacher's robe?"

Lin Taixu was shocked, this is nonsense.

"So, the double reward is over."

The system said.

"That's right, why should my master be deprived of his status as a famous teacher?"

Wang Luoyi said angrily, looking at Wei Haolin as if he would kill this pretender with a hammer.

The deputy hall master is amazing, he dares to deprive others of their famed teacher status at will.

"Ignore him, he can't take it away."

Murong Wushuang whispered to Wang Luoyi, looking at Wei Haolin with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

The Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order, you, the deputy head of a small second-level famous master hall, can be deprived of it just by saying?

Sorry, you don't deserve it.


Wang Luoyi looked at Murong Wushuang in surprise and asked.


Murong Wushuang nodded and said, if the master is an ordinary one-star famous teacher, it is okay for Wei Haolin to find any excuse to remove the master's status as a famous teacher.

However, the question is, is Master an ordinary famous teacher?

Haha, I can only say that Wei Haolin is too naive.

Diao BuDiao also gave Lin Taixu a reassuring look, telling him not to panic and to stay calm.

The Master Master Order in Lin Taixu's hand was the first Master Master Order, and it was personally supervised by the emperor, which had special significance.

This is not the point. The point is that the emperor didn't know what was wrong three hundred years ago. He actually issued an imperial edict and granted many privileges to the last famous teacher order.

There are more than a dozen of them.

It can be said that this incident caused a sensation at the time, and later the Master Teacher Order No. 99999 was called the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order.

One of them is that no one has the right to revoke his qualifications as a famous teacher.

Therefore, this was also the reason why when Diao BuDiao was arranged by the big shot behind him, Lin Taixu's qualification as a famous teacher could not be revoked.

He can't even remove Lin Taixu's qualification as a famous teacher. Can you, Wei Haolin, do it?

Do you really think that the Nine-Five Supreme Order has gained its reputation in vain?


Diao BuDiao folded his arms and could foresee that a wonderful slap in the face plot was about to take place.

Lin Taixu naturally would not panic, because Murong Wushuang told him that he was somewhat privileged.

Although I don't know how many there are, it is definitely not something that can be easily kneaded by the mallet in front of me.


Hearing Murong Wushuang's words, Wei Haolin couldn't help but burst into laughter. This laugh almost brought tears to his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Seeing Wei Haolin laughing, Jia Ningran also laughed, feeling that this was the most ridiculous joke she had ever heard in her life.

The deputy hall master of the dignified second-level famous master hall, a three-star famous teacher, can't remove a one-star famous teacher?

I would never dream of being so whimsical, I am just being self-righteous.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Three years ago, there was a two-star famous teacher who was seen by Hall Master Wei because he was not wearing a famous master robe. He also lied and sophistry like you. Hall Master Wei revoked his status as a famous teacher on the spot and withdrew his order. ”

Jia Ningran stopped laughing and said triumphantly, looking at Lin Taixu with sarcastic eyes, meaning that he is a two-star famous teacher. If Deputy Hall Master Wei says to expel him, he will be expelled. You are a one-star famous teacher, you are just a ball.

Lin Taixu was stunned. The system just said that there were famous teachers in the New Moon Kingdom who were dismissed because they didn't wear the robes of famous teachers. He still didn't believe it, thinking that the system was deceiving him.

After hearing what Jia Ningran said, the feelings were real.

Moreover, the culprit was Wei Haolin in front of him.

Damn it, Wei Haolin, you are simply not a son of a man.

Lin Taixu glared at Wei Haolin, destroying people's financial opportunities, such as killing their parents, and it was nothing of value that could not even be bought with money, and it was double the value of nothing.

This hatred is irreconcilable.

"I, the deputy hall master, will revoke your qualification as a famous teacher now. Do you have any objections?"

Wei Haolin put his hands behind his back and looked at Lin Taixu with a sneer and asked.

Do you have any opinion?

Sorry, your opinion is useless.

Haha, Wei Haolin couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. The depression and anger that had just been rebuked by Diao Budiao disappeared instantly.

"It's useless if you have any opinions. Of course, you can apply to the Second-level Master Master Hall for reconsideration. If the Second-level Master Master Hall unanimously approves and rejects Hall Master Wei's decision, your status as a Master Teacher can still be restored."

Jia Ning said with a smile.

There are many famous teachers in the Crescent Kingdom who have been expelled for various reasons, and there are also some who have been reinstated as famous teachers through reconsideration.

However, that is very rare. Unless the other party suddenly has a high-level famous teacher to deal with and take care of him, otherwise, who would offend others for the sake of someone who has revoked the qualification of a famous teacher?

But can Lin Taixu be so lucky?

Obviously it's impossible.

"Hall Master Diao, are you sure these two funny guys are from the Second-Level Famous Master Hall?"

Lin Taixu asked Diao Budiao, since the precious disciple said that Wei Haolin could not withdraw his qualification as a famous teacher, then he absolutely could not withdraw.

Therefore, faced with Wei Haolin's deliberate attempts to make things difficult and Jia Ningran's ridicule, Lin Taixu directly started the taunting mode.

Since you guys are so ruthless, I'm sorry, but I'm not your father.

I won't spoil you.


Diao BuDiao was stunned by Lin Taixu's words and subconsciously glanced at the famous teacher level mark on Wei Haolin's chest again.

it is true.

In Fengyun Continent, imitating famous masters' robes is a serious crime, even more serious than imitating dragon robes.

Because of the imitation dragon robe, at most one dynasty will hunt you down.

If you imitate the famous master's robe, the entire Fengyun Continent will not let you go.


Unless you escape from the huge Fengyun Continent.

If you really have that ability, you probably don't need to imitate the famous master's robes. The famous master's hall will give you several or dozens of sets.

"Asshole, what did you say?"

Wei Haolin couldn't help being furious at Lin Taixu's words. His whole body was shaking slightly with anger. He pointed at Lin Taixu and shouted, "Catch this rebellious person and break his limbs."

"Yes, Vice Hall Master."

A group of famous teachers and guards standing beside Wei Haolin immediately agreed and rushed towards Lin Taixu.

"Break their limbs and let them know what it means to be a famous teacher and not to be insulted."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu smiled coldly.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi leaned forward and responded.

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