My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 119: The Emperor's Frustration

"Teacher, you are really generous."

"The resources to cultivate half of a ninth-level martial emperor are not considered many in your eyes?"

Emperor Fengyun said with both anger and amusement. How many resources does a ninth-level martial emperor need?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if an ordinary domain devotes all its resources, it cannot cultivate half of a ninth-level martial emperor.

The resources must be massive and massive.

And this teacher actually said it was not much.

What is considered a lot?

Then Emperor Fengyun squinted his eyes and looked at Bai Qi. When he was a disciple before, this old guy was so stingy. He calculated the resources for his cultivation and never gave more. Why is he so generous now?

"This resource is not bad. It's just that when I branded the tracking array last time, I didn't grasp it well, resulting in too much power. I'm afraid that Lin Taixu's master token can no longer withstand the second array branding."

Bai Qi said with some embarrassment.


When Fengyun Emperor heard this, he subconsciously clenched his palms and clenched his teeth. He wanted to slap Bai Qi to death with a slap. You can do such a stupid thing?

You can't, don't you know to find me?

Damn it.

He was convinced.

"Then according to you, we can only wait until ninety-seven years later?"

Fengyun Emperor said secretly, gnashing his teeth, feeling that his chest was about to explode, half of which was because of Lin Taixu.

The other half was because of Bai Qi.

"Well, according to common sense, yes."

Bai Qi nodded honestly.


Fengyun Emperor looked at Bai Qi sullenly, thinking about what to do with this good teacher. Then, a light bulb went off in his head and he said, "Teacher, you forgot that the issuance of the Master Teacher Order is recorded in the original archives."

The Master Teacher Orders of Fengyun Continent are uniformly supervised by the Master Teachers' Hall, and the issuance of each Master Teacher Order is clearly recorded.

Therefore, what he said was not without reason. As long as you check the serial number of the Master Token, you will know which domain, state, county, or city the Master Token was issued in.

Although it is not certain which Master Token will eventually be in the hands of, it will not be able to escape from which city.

As long as these are confirmed, can Lin Taixu still escape?


Even if he runs out of Fengyun Continent, he, the Emperor Fengyun, has the ability to catch him back.

Thinking of this, the corners of the Emperor Fengyun's mouth curled up, as if he saw Lin Taixu kneeling in front of him to repent, and the Emperor was very relieved.

"Emperor, that Master Token of Lin Taixu is the first generation Master Token."

Bai Qi replied, looking at the Emperor Fengyun as if he was looking at a fool. Other Master Tokens have traces to follow, but Lin Taixu's Master Token is the first generation Master Token.

The first generation Master Token was issued through the Tongtian Formation. Where that thing landed was all random, you fool.


Emperor Fengyun seemed to be choked by his food, his face flushed, and then, an amazing aura emerged from his body, "Could it be that this emperor has countless territories and judges the lives and deaths of countless people, but can't do anything to a pervert?"

"I don't care, you go and do this, and you must bring Lin Taixu to me."

"Otherwise, I will announce to the Holy City that no woman can approach you within ten meters. Those who violate the rules will be killed with nine clans."

As he said, without waiting for Bai Qi to answer, the vast aura rushed up to the sky and directly pushed Bai Qi out of the palace, and then, with a "bang", the huge palace door closed.

Oh, my god.

Bai Qi stood outside the palace, looking at the closed door, and his mouth twitched with anger.

This guy.

His wings have grown hard, and he dared to threaten his master?

Besides, my master has reached the top of martial arts and the position of the emperor's teacher. He has reached the peak of his life. In addition to girls, there is nothing else to look forward to.

Do you want your teacher to have nothing to love in life and die in depression?

Alas, unfilial disciple, unfilial disciple.

Then, Bai Qi cursed and turned into a beam of light and flew away.

Just as Emperor Fengyun shattered the spatial projection in front of him, in the famous teacher hall of Qingfeng City, which was countless distances away.

"Plop plop."

Diao Butiao, Wei Haolin and a group of famous teachers were caught off guard because the Tongtian magic formation suddenly broke off the connection and lost the powerful pulling force. They all fell to the ground at the same time.

Fortunately, the Tongtian magic formation was broken in time. If it was a few minutes later, someone among them would definitely die because of exhaustion of vitality.

Thank God for mercy, thank the emperor for blessing.

Diao Butiao and others lay on the ground with pale faces, muttering to themselves, thankful that they could escape death today and save a life.

If they knew that all this was actually thanks to the so-called Emperor, I wonder what they would think.

The formation closed, and the Tongtian formation immediately turned into an unremarkable pillar again. As for the tokens of Lin Taixu and the other two, they all fell to the ground with a "bang".

So far, Lin Taixu has successfully promoted to a two-star master teacher.

"I will never be a witness of a master teacher again. It's too damn scary."

Jia Ningran thought in his heart. Not only did he think so, Diao Butiao and Wei Haolin had the same idea.

After this, it is estimated that they have a huge shadow in their hearts.

"Master Lin, this is your master token, please keep it."

Diao Butiao handed Lin Taixu's master token on the ground to Lin Taixu and said.


Lin Taixu put the Master Master Token into the storage ring and asked Diao Budiao, "It seems that I have been promoted successfully. I can apply for resource rewards from the Master Master Hall."

"Yes, it's OK."

Diao BuDiao nodded.

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with excitement. He became Lin Taixu's sect and worked hard, waiting for this moment. After all, if you pay, you will always get something. As long as the fifth-level elixir Wuhua Yulu Pill is Once she got it, her merits were fulfilled this time.

However, he still felt a little uneasy. What if, as Lin Taixu said, he directly applied for level nine elixirs?

What should I do?

Thinking about it, she bit her lip, walked to Lin Taixu, secretly stretched out her little hand and gently pulled the corner of Lin Taixu's clothes, and looked at Lin Taixu pitifully.

Her look and demeanor was that of a little lady who had been wronged, which made people feel endless love for her.

Lin Taixu originally wanted to tease Murong Wushuang, but seeing her pitiful look, he couldn't bear to tease her anymore. He immediately said to Diao Budiao, "I want to apply for Wuhua Jade Dew Pills. When can I get it?" ?”

"Wuhua Yulu Pills?"

"Level 5 elixir?"

Diao BuDiao almost bit his tongue. This guy was really not polite at all.

This is probably the only case in the Crescent Kingdom where a two-star famous teacher applied for a fifth-level elixir.

However, when he thought that Lin Taixu's Master Master Token was the Ninth Five Supreme Order, he felt relieved. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, Master Lin, I will apply for Wuhua Jade Dew Pills for you later."

"But I can't guarantee when exactly it will be in your hands."

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