My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 127: Mingyue’s Curiosity

In a luxurious room on the top floor of Zuixianju.

"See Miss."

Du Lengfeng knelt in front of Mingyue Niannian and shouted respectfully.

"Get up."

Mingyue Niannian raised her hand and said, sitting casually on the sofa beside her, her movements were elegant and graceful, and there was a sense of nobility permeating the air.

"Thank you, Miss."

Du Lengfeng stood up and said, standing aside respectfully, bowing his head and ears.

"I'm just passing by here this time, so you don't need to panic. Although Qingfeng City's annual profit is not up to standard, I also know that in a poor place like Qingfeng City, it's not easy for you to do this. "

Mingyue said in a young voice.

Zuixianju is sponsored by her and is spread throughout the Crescent Kingdom. Every year, the profit performance of each Zuixianju will be a criterion for her to evaluate the management ability of each Zuixianju.

The more profits she makes, the more rewards she gets.

On the contrary, if it is not completed, there will naturally be corresponding punishment.

"Thank you, Miss, for your mercy."

Du Lengfeng said quickly, with a hint of shame on his face. Every year, his profit performance has always been at the bottom, and has never been surpassed.

He knew that if he hadn't risked his life to save Mingyue Niannian's life, he would have been kicked out of the Mingyue family long ago.

"Do you know that there is a young man named Lin Taixu in Qingfeng City?"

Mingyue asked every year, reaching out to take the cup of fragrant tea brought by the maid, and drank it slowly.

"Lin Taixu?"

"Trash Master?"

Du Lengfeng was stunned and said subconsciously.


When Ming Yue heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. A useless famous teacher? What's the plot?

"Miss Qi Zhen, this is what happened."

Du Lengfeng saw Mingyue looking at him in confusion and quickly told Lin Taixu's story bit by bit. Of course, he didn't know what Diao Budiao was ordered to deal with Lin Taixu, so he naturally didn't tell him. .

"I just don't know if this Lin Taixu is the same person as the lady said."

Then, Du Lengfeng added another sentence.

"It shouldn't be him. Famous teachers seem to wear famous teacher robes. The Lin Taixu I just met didn't wear any robes."

Mingyue Niannian said that the famous teacher's robe is a symbol of the identity of a famous teacher. The famous teacher hall stipulates that in principle, all famous teachers should wear the famous teacher's robe neatly when they go out to show their demeanor as a teacher.

Moreover, being a famous teacher, whether in the Crescent Kingdom or the Fengyun Continent, is an extremely noble profession.

Therefore, whoever is able to become a famous teacher would not be proud of it happily, as if he were afraid that others would not know about it.

I wish I could wear the robe of a famous teacher twenty-four hours a day and be respected by everyone.

If the Lin Taixu she just met was really a famous teacher, then why did he do the opposite?

Fishing for fame or reclusiveness?

"May I ask, Miss, where did you meet Lin Taixu?"

Du Lengfeng asked.

"Just now, on the street not far from the entrance of Zuixianju."

Mingyue said every year.

"Oh, then he should be the Lin Taixu that my subordinate just mentioned, because he was eating at Zuixianju just now."

Du Lengfeng replied that based on time calculation, it was obvious that his young lady met the Lin Taixu he mentioned.


Mingyue Nian said "Oh, young," and an imperceptible smile appeared in her bright eyes.

The useless famous teacher Lin Taixu?


Sun family.

"See Master Han."

Sun Chaohong led the elders of the Sun family to pay homage to Han Qingshan, and happily invited Han Qingshan to sit down at the main seat in the hall.

Han Qingshan did not refuse and sat in the top position.

"Dad, this time Master asked Master Han to accompany me back, so you don't have to worry about that good-for-nothing Lin Taixu."

Sun Yian said with a smile, his words showing a strong sense of pride.

He was accepted as a closed disciple by Lin Yunzhi, just when he was proud of the spring breeze. Now, seeing that his master knew that his family was in crisis, he arranged for Han Qingshan to accompany him back without saying a word, which was enough to show that he was in Lin Yunzhi's heart. position in the heart.

So, why not make him happy?

When he saw his father, Sun Chaohong, he couldn't wait to take credit.

"Haha, yes, yes, it's thanks to An'er this time."

Sun Chaohong laughed loudly, with a proud expression on his face.

Once my son is safe, he has the qualities of a strong man.

Several elders of the Sun family also stepped forward and knelt and licked him, which made Sun Yian's vanity expand to an unprecedented level, and his steps became a little unsteady.

"Dad, where is eldest brother? Why didn't An'er see it?"

Seeing that his eldest brother Sun Yiquan was not in the hall, Sun Yian asked curiously.

"Don't mention your eldest brother, I let him shut up and think about it."

Sun Chaohong said angrily, if it weren't for this treacherous son, how could his Sun family have done such a thing as offending Lin Taixu?

Just thinking about it made him furious.

He thought that if Sun Yiquan was half as good as Sun Yian, he would be satisfied.

No matter what you do, you will be the first to get into trouble.

"No need, dad. Now that An'er is back, that good-for-nothing Lin Taixu has finally reached the end of his life. Please let me come out."

Sun Yian said that he and Sun Yiquan had been working together since childhood, uh, no, they had a deep brotherly love.

The relationship can be said to be okay, and Sun Yiquan helped him the first time.

"That's fine. Dad only let him out for your sake. Otherwise, he would have to be locked up for at least half a year."

Sun Chaohong thought for a moment and said.

"Come here, invite the young master to come and meet Master Han."

Sun Chaohong ordered immediately.

"Yes, Master."

Immediately, a guard took the order and left.

"Haha, Master Sun is too polite."

Han Qingshan couldn't help but chuckled when he saw this.

"It's my duty, it's my duty."

Sun Chaohong said with an apologetic smile, and turned around to sit next to Han Qingshan.

"Master Sun, don't worry. Vice Dean Lin Yunzhi arranged for me to accompany Young Master An back this time to solve the problem of your Sun family being blackmailed by Lin Taixu."

"Don't worry, this time it was definitely Lin Taixu abusing his authority as a master teacher and committing despicable blackmail."

"Vice Dean Lin was very angry about this and asked me to punish him severely, give justice to your Sun family, and give an explanation to the masters of the world."

Han Qingshan said with a smile, his words were very righteous, plus he was a third-level master teacher, and he was also a third-level martial artist. It can be said that he is a peerless strongman in Qingfeng City.

For a mere useless master teacher, no matter his identity or strength, he can easily crush him in all directions.

So, he didn't take Lin Taixu seriously at all.

"That's great."

"That's great."

"It's just that I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Han, for making you come all the way here."

Sun Chaohong said with a smile. With Han Qingshan's words, he felt relieved.

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