My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 13: A Teachable Child


Seeing the dirty eyes of Sun Yiquan and others looking at him, Murong Wushuang could not help but feel the hair on his body stand up, and subconsciously took several steps back.

Suddenly, a strange thought was born in her heart. Compared with the lustful and obscene looks of Sun Yiquan and others, the master's squinting eyes made her feel less annoying.

If Lin Taixu knew Murong Wushuang's unbridled thoughts at this moment, he would definitely scream, was he shot while lying down?

It's none of my business.


"I regret now why I didn't kill you yesterday."

After taking a few steps back, Murong Wushuang still felt a little uncomfortable, and said coldly, if he had known this, if he had killed him yesterday, he would not have been disgusted.

"Haha, kill me?"

"Murong Wushuang, in this huge Qingfeng City, who dares to kill me, Sun Yiquan?"

When Sun Yiquan heard Murong Wushuang's words, he couldn't help laughing.

What kind of existence is the Sun family?

It is no exaggeration to say that in Qingfeng City, it is the sky.

Whoever wants to die must die.

But Murong Wushuang said she wanted to kill him. Isn't this a big joke?

"That is, who dares to touch my young master in Qingfeng City?"

"It's no exaggeration to say that if my young master loses a hair, someone will have to pay for it with his own head and the lives of his family."

One of the guards laughed, looking at Murong Wushuang as if he were looking at a fool, and even looked regretful.

What a beautiful woman, but it's a pity that she doesn't have a good brain.

"Haha, those who dare to take action against our young master in Qingfeng City have not even been born yet."

"Murong Wushuang, you, a little first-level martial arts disciple, dare to offend my young master. Why don't you kneel down and apologize to my young master?"

"That's right, as long as you kneel down and apologize to my young master, and then go back to work as a maid with my young master for a few days, the big thing will be reduced to a trivial matter."

"Yes, yes, my young master is handsome and kind-hearted. He will never treat you badly."

Several other guards talked in various directions, and they all looked at Murong Wushuang with evil intentions.

Sun Yiquan was a lustful person, and Qingfeng City didn't know how many beauties he had ravaged. Moreover, the insurance period for each beauty was a few months or a few days, and then he got tired of playing and left it to them to deal with.

They guaranteed that if Murong Wushuang really fell into the hands of their young master, he would get bored in a few months at most, and then

It's their turn.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

"Even labor and management can't bear to see this pretense."

Lin Taixu, who was sitting on the pavilion, heard a few guards talking nonsense, and a trace of anger emerged in his heart.

You can make trouble, but please don't pretend.

There are only two things that this famous teacher hates the most.

One is that others are showing off.

Second, others show off in front of themselves.

"Damn it, he actually wants to let Senior Sister be his girl. Is he worthy?"

Zhao Feixue said angrily.

"That is, except Master, no one in this world is qualified to let Senior Sister be his maid."

"Besides, if Senior Sister becomes his maid, I don't know how he can do evil."

Zhao Feishang pouted and said, "Sun Yiquan looks so cowardly, how can he be as handsome as his master?"

Don’t you know how to take a mirror and look at yourself?

"Well, that's right. Children can be taught."

Lin Taixu listened to Zhao Feishuang's words and couldn't help but look at her with approval. As a master's maid, you can have this.

It seems that the pain for this girl is not in vain. She knows that good things happen and she always wants to be her teacher.

Gai'er will teach her a set of powerful skills tomorrow.

Well, it’s good for monkeys to steal peaches.

Like the Dragon Claw Shou, they are all skilled in the art, and they know everything.


"Master, Sun Yiquan is the young master of the Sun family in Qingfeng City. Will Senior Sister suffer a loss?"

Ouyang Yanran said worriedly, her face full of sadness.

"Why panic? As long as I am here, the sky will not fall."

Lin Taixu said calmly, with a sound understanding. As far as he knew, although the Sun family was one of the four major families in Qingfeng City, they were only at the tail end of the family, barely able to count.

There is only one person in the family who is a second-level warrior and a fifth-level warrior.

That's it?

It is no exaggeration to say that you have to be more relaxed when punching him, otherwise, you will blow him up.

"With Master here, why fear the mere Sun family."

Wang Luoyi said confidently.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Wang Luoyi's words immediately attracted the approval of Zhao Feixue and others, who looked at Lin Taixu with deep confidence and admiration in their eyes.

A master who can teach them such profound skills.

Are you still afraid of an unworthy Sun family?

Just kidding.

At this moment, Lin Taixu has become in their hearts a peerless master who is either hiding deep in the world, or he is definitely a second-generation Xiu who is hiding in Qingfeng City and experiencing life.

Otherwise, where did the powerful Taixu Dragon Claw hand technique come from?

Did it fall from the sky?

"low profile."

Lin Taixu said modestly, although he knew that he was a bit strong, but it was better to keep a low profile.

After all, he had only been in this world for two days, and the outside world was unknown to the powerful and dangerous.

If you can keep a low profile, you should keep a low profile.

Safety first.

"court death."

Murong Wushuang stepped on the ground with his toes, making a dull sound, and then he flew towards Sun Yiquan like an arrow off the string.

Her eyes were filled with cold light and murderous intent emerged.

In the New Moon Country, who dares to let her, Murong Wushuang, be a maid?

Do you know how to write the word death?

"Quick, catch her."

Seeing Murong Wushuang running towards him aggressively, and her momentum was much stronger than yesterday, Sun Yiquan's face suddenly changed drastically, and he shouted hurriedly, while shouting, he couldn't help but take several steps back.

It can be said that Murong Wushuang has left a psychological shadow.

"Master, don't worry, this little girl will be handed over to me."

A guard beside Sun Yiquan shouted, and then stepped out of the crowd to block Sun Yiquan.

He was a first-level martial artist of the ninth level, so naturally he didn't take Murong Wushuang, who was only a first-level martial artist of the eighth level, seriously.

So, if he didn't show it at this time, when would he show it?

As a lackey, if he couldn't beat him, he would give in, and if he could beat him, he would go up.

He could still grasp this bit of vision.

"Fuck, Sun Qi got there first again."

The other guards couldn't help but curse inwardly when they saw this. They were all martial arts disciples of the eighth and ninth levels, so they were naturally not afraid of Murong Wushuang.

Such a good opportunity to show off was lost in vain.

They felt their hearts hurt.

"Bold Murong Wushuang, you dare to offend my young master, kneel down."

Sun Qi shouted loudly, as if possessed by the god of war. He took a wrong step and punched Murong Wushuang. As his arm swayed, the ninth level of martial arts disciples' power erupted, shaking the air around him with a slight roar.

The sound was extremely terrifying.

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