My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 15: Additional Fees


"In view of the fact that Murong Wushuang, the master disciple of the controller, leapfrogged the level and defeated an opponent at the ninth level of martial arts at the eighth level, the system will reward the controller with 1,000 famous teacher experience points and the system with 1,000 experience points."


"In view of the fact that Murong Wushuang, the master disciple of the controller, leapfrogged the level and defeated an opponent at the ninth level of martial arts at the eighth level, the system will reward the controller with 1,000 famous teacher experience points and the system with 1,000 experience points."

At this time, the system prompts sounded in Lin Taixu's heart.

"Damn it, is there a reward?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. This system was designed to allow him to upgrade even while lying down.

"enter the system."

Lin Taixu immediately said in his heart without hesitation. Suddenly, a huge virtual screen appeared in front of him, and time immediately stopped around him.

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Physical strength: 5000 pounds

Famous teacher level: first-level famous teacher

Apprentice: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0

Body refining level: martial artist fifth level (0/5000)

System experience value: 2220

Famous teacher experience value: 2000

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: waste body (spicy chicken)

Kung Fu: Basic body training technique (increases training speed by 10 times)

Combat skills: Taixu Dragon Claw Hand (god level) Black Tiger Fist (0/100)

Equipment: none

Making something out of nothing: 4

After entering the system, Lin Taixu found that there was an additional famous teacher with an experience value of 2000 on his character panel, and the system experience value became 2220.

It is actually estimated that the extra 200 system experience points are caused by the system automatically hanging up.

Because it has been almost twenty hours since yesterday, and the system experience value is automatically increased by 10 points every hour, which is almost 200.

"System, what the hell is this teacher's experience value?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously.

"The experience value of a famous teacher is a benefit that this system gives to the controller based on Fengyun Continent's famous teacher system."

"The experience points of a famous teacher can be used to upgrade disciples, or they can be used to upgrade yourself."

The system replied.

"I'll go, that's fine. Now I have an extra way to gain experience points for free."

Lin Taixu said with a smile, then he is one step closer to the goal of being invincible.


"System, how to increase the experience value of a famous teacher?"

Lin Taixu asked again, since it is welfare, then naturally the more the better.

He doesn't mind it.




After waiting for a long time, there was no reply from the system. Lin Taixu's face darkened. This broken system was still as good as before.


"But if you don't tell me, won't this controller be able to find a shortcut?"


Lin Taixu sneered in his heart, and immediately, instead of continuing to mess with the system, he set his sights on the body refining level to see if he could raise his level a little higher.

After all, it is the last word that one's own strength is strong.

As for the famous teacher experience points that could be used to upgrade Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and others, he simply forgot about it.

"Physical refining level: martial artist fifth level (0/5000)?"

"What the hell, it takes 5,000 experience points to advance to the sixth level of martial arts. Even if you add the famous teacher experience points and system experience points together, it's only 4,220, which is still not enough to advance to the next level."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but frowned. He was still short of 780 experience points. Doesn't this dog system know how to give out more?

"Exit system."

In the end, Lin Taixu didn't think about how to get the remaining 780 experience points, so he had no choice but to exit the system.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow will be better."

Lin Taixu comforted himself in his heart and said, since there is no other way, just hang up and be content.

But why didn't he feel the slightest happiness? Instead, his heart felt like it had been scratched by a cat, and it itched unbearably.


In the small courtyard, as Lin Taixu exited the system, time began to flow normally.


Seeing Sun Yiquan's miserable expression, the anger in Murong Wushuang's heart calmed down a little. She reached out and grabbed one of Sun Yiquan's feet, dragging Sun Yiquan towards Lin Taixu like she was dragging a sword-tailed tiger yesterday. walked past the pavilion.

"Master, my disciple has disabled him according to Master's instructions."

Murong Wushuang threw Sun Yiquan in front of Lin Taixu and said lightly.


Lin Taixu looked at Sun Yiquan, then at Murong Wushuang, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, what the hell.

He said he was disabled.

She really disabled Sun Yiquan.

And he is disabled in the true sense.


"You are dead."

Hearing Murong Wushuang calling Lin Taixu his master, Sun Yiquan endured the severe pain in his body and looked up at Lin Taixu, with an extremely sinister light in his eyes.

If Murong Wushuang was alone, he was really worried that he would be killed by him.

However, now that Lin Taixu exists, he is not worried about his own safety at all.

I thought that at most I would suffer a little more physical pain.

After all, he is the eldest son of the Sun family. Who dares to kill him in the Qingfeng City of Nuo Da?

The apprentice is ignorant, so you, the master, are also ignorant?

"I am dead?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy. Wasn't this guy beaten stupid? He didn't know what his situation was.

"He broke into the famous master's mansion without permission, and he also wanted to commit murder and hurt others."

"Come, come, let's chat, who is dead?"

Lin Taixu said with a chuckle.

"That is, in accordance with the laws of the New Moon Country, anyone who breaks into a famous master's mansion without permission will be punished by death regardless of the reason."

"Moreover, you dare to allow your subordinates to take action against Senior Sister, which is an even greater crime."

"A hundred deaths will never redeem you."

Zhao Feixue said with a sneer.

"A famous teacher?"

When Sun Yiquan heard Zhao Feixue's words, he was dumbfounded and looked at Lin Taixu blankly, that's it?

Famous teacher?

Just kidding.

He saw that Lin Taixu was only a teenager, and his body did not have any vitality fluctuations. He was a complete loser.

Will he be a famous teacher?

Sorry, the youngest famous teacher in the Crescent Moon Kingdom is also in his thirties or forties.

Do you really think he is a fool, so easy to fool?

"Don't be surprised. Famous teachers are also human beings. Naturally, they have the heart of a bodhisattva with compassion for heaven and earth. I remember that you are young and ignorant, and I will give you a chance to change your ways."

"The crime of trespassing into the famous master's mansion will not be pursued."

"This famous teacher will not pursue the matter of bullying my beloved disciple Wushuang."

Lin Taixu blinked and looked at Sun Yiquan with a kind smile.


When Zhao Feixue heard this, she couldn't help but become anxious. However, as soon as she shouted, Lin Taixu raised her hand to stop her. So, the little girl had no choice but to stamp her feet helplessly, not daring to say anything more.

Wang Luoyi and others also looked at Lin Taixu in surprise, feeling somewhat incomprehensible.

Someone knocked on my door, but I still...

They might have worshiped a false master.


Murong Wushuang glanced at Lin Taixu indifferently and said nothing, but it was obvious that the light in her eyes dimmed a bit.

She originally thought that Lin Taixu suddenly changed his personality and finally looked like a man. In addition, she was taught Taixu's dragon claw hand, which made her perception of Lin Taixu change a lot. However, she didn't wait long before she was pleasantly surprised. Woolen cloth.

Lin Taixu returned to his usual weak and fearful state.

Really, it is easy to change the country but hard to change the nature.

"The famous teacher really understands the righteousness, I admire you."

Sun Yiquan chuckled and said, he finally figured it out. Lin Taixu must know the strength of his Sun family in Qingfeng City, so he pretended to be a famous teacher, and then took the opportunity to forgive himself with the ethics of a famous teacher.

This is trying to find a way out for myself.

In this case, of course he was happy to take advantage of the situation and not pursue his crime of pretending to be a famous teacher.

Wait until you get out of here, hum.

He swore that in less than an hour, he would come with the family elders, crush Lin Taixu to ashes, and then capture Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and others for him to ravage day and night.

Otherwise, how can we relieve the anger in his heart?

"Well, it's easy to talk about."

Lin Taixu chuckled, then stood up, pointed at the door that Sun Yiquan kicked to pieces, and said lightly, "Please pay for the door."

"Well, let's pay less, just one million silver coins."


When Sun Yiquan heard this, the smile that had just risen on his face was immediately frozen. He broke the door and asked him to pay one million silver coins. Damn it, your door is made of gold.

Those few rotten boards couldn't bear even a light kick from me. One thing to say, fifteen silver coins, no more.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, Zhao Feixue couldn't help but laugh out loud. She was just wondering why the master was so easy to talk to. She was waiting for him here.

One million silver coins is not much.

But at least it will make the Sun family's flesh hurt for a while.

You know, in the Crescent Kingdom, an ordinary family's annual net income is only a few hundred thousand silver coins. The Sun family controls most of the businesses and shops in Qingfeng City, and their annual income is about one million silver coins at best.

This kick is equivalent to kicking away a year's hard work of everyone in the Sun family.

Just think about it, why Zhao Feixue couldn't help but laugh out loud. She looked at Lin Taixu with a smile on her face, feeling that her master was so interesting.


Murong Wushuang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, looking at Lin Taixu with a hint of smile in his eyes, this master is really good.

One million silver coins was enough for him to open his mouth.

But why do I feel so good?

Wang Luoyi and Ouyang Yanran also felt relaxed and happy, and at the same time, they deeply blamed themselves for their dissatisfaction with Lin Taixu just now.

How profound and profound the Master's approach is, how could they as disciples understand it?

They secretly made up their mind that in the future, as long as they watch the Master's decision, they will be fine, because the Master is always right.

"This is robbery, Chi Guoguo's robbery."

Sun Yiquan roared, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood and died. One million silver coins, just open your mouth?

Not to mention that he couldn't take it out, even if he could take it out, if the family knew about it, they wouldn't kill him alive.

Don't talk about the young master, anything less is useless.

"A famous teacher should not be insulted."

Lin Taixu looked at Sun Yiquan indifferently and said. As he spoke, an indescribable aura rose from his body, majestic and elegant. This made Sun Yiquan stunned and subconsciously thought that Lin Taixu in front of him was the real one. A famous teacher.

"You... you are the useless famous teacher Lin Taixu?"

Suddenly, Sun Yiquan seemed to remember something and pointed at Lin Taixu and shouted.


Lin Taixu's face darkened when he heard this. A famous teacher is a famous teacher, but you added the word "useless" in front of it.

Useless famous teacher?

Does it sound better?


Immediately, Lin Taixu looked at Sun Yiquan coldly and said lightly, "A famous teacher should not be insulted. You are making false accusations like this."

"You have to pay more!"

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