My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 150: Martial Arts Oath

“What everyone expects is good.”

Lin Taixu laughed and said, when he put the pile of silver coins in front of him back into the storage ring again, then the smile on his face faded, he looked at Sun Chaohong and others, and said, "Then, now"

"Let's do some calculations and settle our accounts today."

"Since you all agree that this famous master can collect compensation, then you brought so many people into my mansion again today."

"What do you want?"

Lin Taixu asked coldly. As he spoke, he was seen holding the railings of the pavilion with both hands, leaning forward, and saying word by word to Sun Chaohong who was kneeling below, "Are you trying to murder this famous teacher?"


"Don't dare, don't dare."

Sun Chaohong was so frightened by Lin Taixu's sight that she felt a chill running through her heart. She quickly denied it and said, although everyone knew that he came here to murder Lin Taixu, but naturally he couldn't admit it if he couldn't.

"I see."

Zui Xian lived on the top floor, and Mingyue Niannian realized Lin Taixu's intention. Lin Taixu tried his best to prove that it was reasonable for him to collect Sun Yiquan's silver coins. In this way, Sun Chaohong came with Han Qingshan, then It's just making trouble.

Since it is causing trouble, how to deal with the next matter depends on Lin Taixu's mood.

Because even if Lin Taixu killed Sun Chaohong and others, Qinglin College would have to hold its nose and admit it. Afterwards, even if Qinglin College wanted to take revenge on Lin Taixu, it would have to find other excuses.

Moreover, because of this incident, Qinglin College did not dare to deal with Lin Taixu in a big way, otherwise, it would definitely be known as being narrow-minded.

It has to be said that Lin Taixu's moves seemed to be without any rules, but in fact, he secretly had a basis for advancing and retreating, and he was invisibly toying with everyone's applause.

Is this still the legendary good-for-nothing master Lin Taixu?

Immediately, Ming Yue Niannian's eyes shined with a ray of admiration.

This guy is really impressive.

"Conspiracy to kill the famous teacher?"

Everyone in the small courtyard felt their hearts skip a beat. Good guys, they are so good guys.

If this hat is firmly attached to the Sun family, not to mention that Sun Yian is just an elite disciple of Qinglin College, even if he is the dean of Qinglin College, he will not be able to bear it.

In the entire Fengyun Continent, who dares to murder the famous master openly?

Except for Emperor Fengyun, no one dared.

Anyone who dares will be condemned by all the famous teachers in the world and will not stop until death.

Immediately, everyone looked at Sun Chaohong and others with gloating. The crime they had laid on Lin Taixu was overturned by Lin Taixu. Now, it depends on your ability.

If you can't lift it, then I'm sorry.

I'm just afraid that it was fine when I came here, but now I won't be able to go back.


Sun Chaohong said hesitantly. After talking for a long time, he couldn't explain why.

"Hall Master Diao, how should the crime of murdering a famous teacher be judged?"

Lin Taixu turned to look at Diao Butiao and asked.

"Everyone was killed."

Diao BuDiao glanced at the Sun family members who were kneeling on the ground and said loudly.

"Have mercy, my lord."

"We are just guards."

"I don't want to die yet."

Suddenly, all the guards of the Sun family were scared to death and hurriedly begged for mercy.

When Sun Chaohong saw this, the expression on his face couldn't help but change, including anger, fear, and even regret.

Yes, I regret it. If I had known this, I wouldn't have dared to trouble Lin Taixu even if I killed him.

The only thing to blame is that Han Qingshan was useless. He said that he was the best in the world, but in the end, he was slapped to death before he even jumped up.

Now it's better. Not to mention that the fifteen million silver coins can't be recovered, now even I have to get involved.

Han Qingshan, you mistook me.

"No, no, no, you can't kill me. I am an elite disciple of Qinglin College. If you dare to kill me, just wait for Qinglin College to avenge me."

Sun Yian shouted,

"Qinglin College?"

Lin Taixu heard this, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Then if I let you go, will you continue to deal with me with the recognition of Qinglin Academy after a while?"

"No, as long as you let me go, we will cancel this matter."

Sun Yian said quickly, but in his heart he said, let you go and dream.

When I get back, I will definitely report it to the Master and ask him to send strong men here. I won't crush you, a loser, into ashes. I will take your surname.

"Then you swear, as long as you swear by martial arts, I will let you go."

Lin Taixu thought for a while, finally sighed and said.

The martial arts oath is the most serious oath in Fengyun Continent. According to legend, if a warrior takes the martial arts oath but fails to fulfill it, he will be devoured by the oath and will never be able to advance in his life.

It is difficult for a warrior to advance throughout his life. You can imagine how painful this is for a warrior.

Therefore, the martial arts oath is also considered to be one of the most vicious oaths in Fengyun Continent.


Lin Taixu was so cheerful that Sun Yian didn't believe it and asked immediately.

Although the martial arts oath was too harsh, compared with his own life, it was not so difficult for him to accept.

"of course it's true."

Lin Taixu nodded and said with that serious look, not only others, but also himself believed it.

"Okay, I swear, if I send someone to deal with you when I go back, if I break this oath, I will never be able to make any progress in martial arts in the future."

Sun Yian swore quickly, but he was laughing at Lin Taixu's stupidity in his heart. Although in Fengyun Continent, almost no one dared to go back on their oaths, but just because he didn't send people to deal with Lin Taixu didn't mean that his master didn't send people to deal with him. ah.

"Hey, it seems that having a good backer is the last word."

Seeing this, everyone around couldn't help but sigh and said, "Look, even the powerful Lin Taixu has to lower his head in front of Qinglin College and dare not do anything to Sun Yian."

This is the power of backing.

"Dad, do you think Master Lin is really going to let it go like this?"

Huang Baihai on the side asked curiously. Thinking about it, Qinglin College is a behemoth. No one in Qinglin County dares to offend him.

If Lin Taixu is really afraid of the pressure from Qinglin Academy and chooses to minimize big things and minimize trivial matters, that would be blameless and understandable.

"What is Master Lin? I will call him Deputy Hall Master Lin from now on."

Huang Taiji glared at Huang Baihai and said.

"Yes, yes, Deputy Hall Master Lin."

Huang Baihai said quickly.

"We should let it go. After all, Qinglin College is a giant. Who dares to offend them easily?"

Huang Taiji said, I am afraid that after this, Qingfeng City will become dominated by the Sun family.

"This is a wise move."

On the top floor of Zui Xian's residence, Du Lengfeng sighed again, doing something even though he knew he couldn't do it, that's not being powerful, it's just stupidity.

As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes.

Why should people have to live with their own lives?


As he said this, he secretly looked at his young lady and saw that she had no expression on her face and was just drinking tea quietly, which made her feel relieved.

As for why he was relieved, he didn't know.

Mingyue Niannian has no opinion whether Lin Taixu kills or releases Sun Yian. However, there is a trace of curiosity in her heart. According to Lin Taixu's performance just now, he should not be a timid person.

Why did it change again in the blink of an eye?

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