My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 170: A bear of the Hua family

"Hua Yixiong?"

Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "As expected, a bear from the Hua family is so stupid. He actually wants to offend this famous teacher. He simply doesn't know how to live or die."

A bear in the Hua family?

Murong Wushuang and others were stunned for a moment, then almost laughed out loud. The master was still so humorous.

If Hua Yixiong heard this, I'm afraid he would be angry to death.

"Haha, yes, yes, the Hua family is a bear. Deputy Hall Master Lin really hit the nail on the head. I admire him."

Diao BuDiao burst out laughing, his eyebrows were dancing with joy, and he looked extremely happy.

"A ferocious dog actually dares to break into the famous master's mansion. Do you want to die, or do you want to die?"

"Perhaps the dog has been doing this for so long that he thinks he is a person."

Diao BuDiao smiled, and Liu Sandao and others naturally started laughing too, not taking Wu Yong and other bloodthirsty guards seriously.

Take life and death lightly and do it if you don't accept it.

"Go up, kill them, kill them all."

Wu Yong suddenly couldn't hold back anymore and roared. He was laughed at by a group of dying people, and they were also laughing at the greatest young master in his mind. He should be cut into pieces.

Only by killing them all can the anger in his heart be calmed and the blasphemy against the young master be washed away.


The bloodthirsty guard responded and fiercely attacked Liu Sandao and others.


Liu Sandao shouted loudly, and he immediately found a bloodthirsty guard with Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing, while more than a dozen famous master guards surrounded the other bloodthirsty guard.

"Kill kill kill."

Just hearing roars one after another, the two sides immediately fought together.


Wu Yong smiled coldly when he saw this. Not to mention that the martial arts strength of Liu Sandao and others was far lower than that of the Bloodthirsty Guards. Even if they were at the same level, the Bloodthirsty Guards could still kill them easily.

But now, they still dare to fight to the death, which is simply ridiculous.

Are you happy just by jumping around?


"Bang bang bang."

I saw the bloodthirsty guard who was surrounded by a group of famous teacher guards with a cold and stern look on his face. The knife in his hand was like the wind, and he flew several famous teacher guards away in an instant.

In the face of absolute strength, the little strength of the famous teacher guard is simply vulnerable.

Compared to the famous teacher guards, Liu Sandao and others were in a slightly better situation, but they were still unable to fight back under the attacks of the bloodthirsty guards, and fell into a disadvantage within a few breaths.


A few minutes later, Liu Sandao, Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing were slashed by the bloodthirsty guards until they had numerous wounds, and blood suddenly flowed out.

"Shuang'er, Yi'er, each of you deals with each other."

"Xue'er, Shuang'er and Ran'er, you deal with one of them."

Seeing that Liu Sandao and others were in danger under the attack of the bloodthirsty guards, Lin Taixu immediately said, no matter what, although Liu Sandao did not deal with him before, now they can be regarded as one of his own.

Of course he couldn't just watch them being killed.

"Yes, Master."

Immediately, Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others responded. They jumped out of the pavilion and followed Lin Taixu's instructions to target a bloodthirsty guard.


Wang Luoyi gave a sweet shout and took the lead to find the bloodthirsty guard who was besieged by the famous master guard. With a wave of his arm, the huge purple gold hammer hit the bloodthirsty guard with an ear-splitting whistling sound.


This bloodthirsty guard kicked a famous teacher guard away, and with a twist of the long knife in his hand, he struck the Purple Gold Hammer. Suddenly, he felt a strong force coming out, and his figure was knocked back four or five steps.


The bloodthirsty guard couldn't help but turn pale with shock. He looked at Wang Luoyi solemnly and found that the other party was actually only a second-level warrior with a third-level cultivation level, which was comparable to his own. His confidence suddenly increased.

Bloodthirsty Guards are never afraid of fighting with the same rank.


"You can not."

Wang Luoyi sneered and said, she already knew the level of this bloodthirsty guard's strength with the blow just now. Against ordinary warriors, they might be able to kill each other with their bloody courage.

But, am I an ordinary warrior?

of course not.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

The bloodthirsty guard shouted coldly, roared again and charged towards Wang Luoyi.

Here, Murong Wushuang reached out with his long sword and snatched away the bloodthirsty guard who was fighting with Liu Sandao.


The sword light fell to the ground like a galaxy, hitting the bloodthirsty guard with a loud bang. The bloodthirsty guard was instantly knocked four to five meters away.

"Fifth level martial artist?"

The bloodthirsty guard couldn't help but take a breath when he looked at Murong Wushuang's cultivation.

That's right, Murong Wushuang has been promoted to a small level in the past few days.

Just ask you if you are afraid.

"You go help others."

Murong Wushuang ignored the bloodthirsty guard's words and said to Liu Sandao.

"Yes, thank you Miss Murong."

Liu Sandao nodded to Murong Wushuang, turned around and left.

"This man befriends us."

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran replaced Cheng Wuwei and formed a three-legged stance to surround the bloodthirsty guard.

"Lao Li, let's take his turn."

With no target left, Liu Sandao and Cheng Wuwei ran to Li Yuanxing's side. Without waiting for Li Yuanxing to speak, they attacked the Bloodthirsty Guard.


Li Yuanxing had suffered several wounds from the attack of this bloodthirsty guard, and he was simmering with anger. When he saw Liu Sandao and Cheng Wuwei coming to help, he immediately roared and started attacking the bloodthirsty guard crazily. And go.

Liu Sandao and his men were all second-level warriors, first level, while the Bloodthirsty Guard was a second-level warrior, third level.

Can three first-level warriors fight against a third-level warrior?

Normally, that would not work.

However, this was not an ordinary moment, because Li Yuanxing had been really angry, and he didn't care about his own safety at all. He was determined to cut the opponent with a knife even if he died, and he was like a mad bull, entangled with the Bloodthirsty Guard.

Liu Sandao and Cheng Wuwei assisted, and they were also as fierce as tigers. For a while, they fought back and forth with the Bloodthirsty Guard, and they were evenly matched.


Ouyang Yanran shouted, and stabbed the Bloodthirsty Guard in the chest with the long sword in her hand. The sword body glowed, and it was much stronger than before.

It seems that during this period of time, in addition to practicing, she also did not fall behind in swordsmanship.

"Sword light?"

The bloodthirsty guard was shocked. You know, those who can cultivate sword light are all talented. Suddenly, his face became serious.

Lin Taixu calmly watched the fight in the field, with a smile on his face. Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi had already gained the upper hand. Zhao Feixue and the other two fought three to one and ended up in a tie. Liu Sandao and the others were not in any danger for the time being.

Immediately, he was very happy.

I immediately looked up at Wu Yong, and you were the only one left.

He originally thought that the Hua family would send Ku Lao, a fourth-level martial arts master, to come over. He didn't sleep well these days, and he didn't even dream of playing games with his disciples. He was so sad.

However, when the Hua family sent someone to find him, it turned out to be just a weak chicken of the third-level martial arts master of the fifth level.

This is fucking.

Lin Taixu instantly felt that he was fine again.

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