My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 175: News Leaked

"Yes, the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. We will investigate this matter later."

Murong Changtian nodded and said, a murderous intention appeared in his eyes, but it quickly turned into helplessness.

Only the strong can know the true power of the Famed Master Hall.

That kind of power is something that you will never be able to catch up to or surpass even in your lifetime.

People who have not experienced that kind of despair cannot understand it.

"But how did they know?"

Murong Wushuang was still a little confused.

"Silly girl, you forgot that New Moon Kingdom only has one Five-Flower Jade Dew Pill, and it is kept in the Imperial Capital Famous Master Hall. As soon as you apply here, they will know about it."

Murong Changtian said dumbfounded.


Murong Wushuang was shocked, "Didn't Dad say that the Wuhua Jade Dew Pills are kept in a place so powerful that even our Murong family cannot reach out and snatch them away?"

"Besides the Famed Master Hall, is there any place in the New Moon Kingdom that our Murong family doesn't dare to go to?"

Murong Changtian smiled and said, this is confidence.

Others didn't dare, but he, Murong Changtian, did.

Because Murong Changtian has been invincible in the New Moon Kingdom for eighteen years.

"Not that much."

"I almost demolished Qingfeng City's Famous Master Hall. Second uncle, you can't beat them?"

Murong Wushuang blinked her big moving eyes and said, she didn't think that the Hall of Famed Masters was like a dragon's pool or a tiger's den. It was no exaggeration to say that she followed her master Lin Taixu in and out of the Hall of Famed Masters in Qingfeng City several times.

He almost killed Diao Budiao, the master of the Master Teacher Hall.

No, people were so frightened that they came over to serve as Master's housekeeper.

Therefore, the concept that the Famed Master Hall is very powerful cannot be equated with it in her mind.

"That's your master, not you."

"Besides, my second uncle is not as capable as your master."

Murong Changtian stretched out his finger and tapped Murong Wushuang's forehead and said, "If your master hadn't been here, you would have been captured by the famous teacher guard. By then, even your father wouldn't be able to save you, so how could you be tolerated?" So rude."

He broke into the Hall of Famed Masters without authorization and beat up the master and guards of the Hall of Famed Masters.

It is estimated that Lin Taixu is the only one in the world who can do it.

He was the only one who could be safe.


Murong Wushuang asked puzzledly.

"Because of his status, your master is a famous teacher. If there is any trouble, that is the matter of the famous master hall itself."

"If the second uncle dares to do this, it will be a provocation from outsiders. This is a qualitative difference."

"As long as my second uncle dares to go to the Imperial Capital's Famous Master Hall to take away the elixir, within two days, a peerless expert will arrive in a cross-domain teleportation array and kill the entire Murong family, do you understand?"

Murong Changtian explained that when he came to Qingfeng City, the elders of the Murong family stationed in Qingfeng City told him everything about Murong Wushuang and Lin Taixu.

For this reason, he couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for Murong Wushuang.

"However, Master's status is not high."

Murong Wushuang said, "Then why no strong person came to take action on Diao Budiao's behalf."

"Is your master justified in taking action or not?"

When Murong Changtian saw Murong Wushuang breaking the casserole and asking for the truth, he could only explain patiently that if it had been anyone else, he would have slapped him away.

However, he was reluctant to part with Murong Wushuang.


After hearing this, Murong Wushuang thought for a while and said, "Well, it's not too reasonable, but it's not unreasonable either. In short, Master always has an excuse for his actions. This is correct."

"Isn't that right? As long as it's reasonable, let alone beating up the master of the first-level Famed Master Hall. If he has the ability to tear down the Imperial Capital Famed Master Hall, no one will dare to question him."

Murong Changtian rolled his eyes and said, "Because the Hall of Famed Masters is a place for reasoning, and it must at least be true on the surface. Otherwise, how can we convince the public?"

"Oh, I got it."

Murong Wushuang nodded, then looked suddenly enlightened and said with a smile, "Master is lucky. Every time the other party is looking for trouble, he deserves to be beaten by Master."

"Let me see if you are sick."

Hearing this, Murong Changtian put his hand on Murong Wushuang's forehead and said seriously.

"Second uncle, what are you doing?"

Murong Wushuang stretched out her hand and pushed away Murong Changtian's hand on her forehead. If she had not reacted so much before, she didn't know why she felt awkward now, and even turned her head to look at Lin Taixu's room with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Lin Taixu's door closed, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second uncle, let's see if you have a fever. Why are you running out of brains?"

Murong Changtian was slightly stunned, as if he did not expect Murong Wushuang's reaction to be so big, but he still said with a smile, without the slightest anger.

But I couldn't help but secretly sigh in my heart. Sure enough, the girl had changed her mind. She had only left the imperial capital for less than two years, and she already knew that men and women were no longer close to each other.


"I don't have a fever"

Murong Wushuang said, then pouted and said, "Second uncle, you have become bad. You actually turned around and called me stupid, so I ignored you."

"It's not that you don't have enough brains, why can't you see that every time your master makes a move, he either deliberately waits for the other party to make a mistake, or forces the other party to fall into the trap he wants?"

Murong Changtian said.


When Murong Wushuang heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed. It seemed, seemingly, that his second uncle was right. Every time Master took action, the reason was as if the other party had given it to him on purpose.

She didn't take it seriously at first, thinking it was a coincidence, but now she thinks about it

Master, are you good or bad?

"I got it?"

Looking at Murong Wushuang's look, knowing that this girl had thought of it, Murong Changtian asked jokingly.

"Master is indeed smart."

Murong Wushuang said proudly, his brows were filled with excitement, and he felt smarter than himself and even happier.

"Hey, this kid is hopeless."

Seeing Murong Wushuang's extremely happy expression, Murong Changtian said in his heart that he actually had a taste of eating, as if he had eaten a green orange.

very sour.

Once upon a time, this girl never paid attention to any man in the imperial capital, but now she has only been in Qingfeng City for a short time, and she is actually smiling so happily for a man.

It seems that this smile has only been shown to myself once before.


"Then uncle, what should we do now?"

Murong Wushuang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, the sky won't fall down yet."

Murong Changtian smiled slightly and said, he would like to see how many ghosts, ghosts and snake gods pop out at that time. Whoever dares will be killed!

"How about I go find Master to discuss it?"

Murong Wushuang asked, obviously she had no idea, and couldn't help but think of Lin Taixu.

"Just him?"

Murong Changtian was stunned, looked at Murong Wushuang and said, with a hint of disdain in his words.

In a small fight, Lin Taixu might be able to fool Lin Taixu for a while, but when that time comes, the strongest man in the world will appear, all because of his strength.

Who has time to listen to you and can you speak eloquently?

Please, this is not a debate competition.

"Second uncle."

Murong Wushuang suddenly said in a long tone, looking at Murong Changtian, not knowing whether he was angry with Murong Changtian for not believing in Lin Taixu or something else.

In short, the princess was very angry.

Think about the consequences yourself.

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