My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 18 You are teaching me how to do things

"I wonder if Master Master wants his subordinates to kill Sun Yiquan now, or to bring back Master Master Guards and show his head to the public?"

Liu Sandao asked again. According to the rules of the Master Master Hall, if you break into the Master Master's mansion without permission, if you are caught by the Master Master, you can be killed on the spot, or you can take him back to the Master Master Guards for processing.

Therefore, he has a firm grip on the rules.

At the same time, his right hand had already grasped the handle of the soul-breaking knife. As long as Lin Taixu agreed, he would chop off Sun Yiquan's head without hesitation.

"Hey, actually killing people is not the best way to solve the problem."

"Convincing people with virtue is in line with the true teachings of a famous teacher."

Lin Taixu sighed softly, showing an expression of compassion.

"This famous master, are you planning to let him go?"

Liu Sandao looked at Lin Taixu in surprise and asked. According to regulations, famous masters have the right to decide whether to let or kill anyone who breaks into a famous master's mansion without permission.

If Lin Taixu really let Sun Yiquan go, there would be nothing wrong with it.

However, if you plan to let him go, why do you send someone to invite him over?

Show off your superiority?

Suddenly, Liu Sandao felt a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Ah, the famous teacher guard?"

"Don't kill me, I'll give you money, I'll give you money."

Perhaps Liu Sandao's murderous intention was so shocking that Sun Yiquan, who was unconscious, couldn't help but wake up. When he saw a man wearing a flying fish suit and holding a soul-cutting knife looking at him with murderous intent, it was not clear. what happened.

Suddenly, an excited spirit got up from the ground and pleadingly said to Lin Taixu.

"Give me money?"

Liu Sandao was stunned. He had never heard of anyone who broke into a famous master's mansion and could be settled with money.

Doesn't this idiot know that famous teachers should not be insulted?


Of course, he has not seen any idiot so far who is so bold as to break into the famous master's mansion.


Lin Taixu smiled slightly, expressing his happiness and appreciation for Sun Yiquan's transformation.

Sure enough, only when faced with life and death threats can people make the most appropriate choices and judgments.

"What? Si?"

"Tear him apart?"

After hearing Lin Taixu's words, Liu Sandao asked a little confused, still muttering in his heart, it seemed a bit difficult to tear him apart, and it was far less clean than cutting him down with a knife.


When Sun Yiquan heard this, he felt his legs go weak and fell to his knees, trembling as if he had malaria.

"Take him back to Sun's house and bring back two million silver coins and give them to me."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and ordered Liu Sandao, too lazy to talk to this stick.

"Master Master, are you planning to agree to him buying your life with money?"

Liu Sandao asked in disbelief. Immediately, a trace of anger appeared on his face. A famous teacher cannot be insulted. Is offending a famous teacher something that can be solved with money?

That is related to the majesty of a famous teacher.

Not to mention the entire Fengyun Continent, at least within the Crescent Kingdom, there is no precedent for this.

"Why not?"

Lin Taixu asked back, "You are a bastard if you don't make money. You can go with anyone in this world, but don't get along with money."

"Nature is not allowed, and famous teachers cannot be insulted."

"How can the majesty and integrity of a famous teacher be compensated or replaced by mere worldly things?"

Liu Sandao argued with reason, with anger rising in his eyes, as if Lin Taixu's actions had tarnished the noble title of famous teacher.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

When Lin Taixu saw this, he smiled coldly, his eyes were cold, and he had an intimidating aura.


Seeing this, Murong Wushuang moved his steps and appeared beside Lin Taixu to prevent Liu Sandao from hurting anyone in anger.

Although she was only a first-level martial artist with an eighth-level cultivation, even if she was no match for Liu Sandao, there was still no problem in resisting him for a while.

As soon as Murong Wushuang moved, Zhao Feixue and others surrounded Liu Sandao without leaving any trace, secretly gathering their energy. As long as Liu Sandao dared to harm Lin Taixu, they would definitely fight to the death with him.

They don't care about famous teachers who should not be insulted. In their hearts, only the master should not be insulted.

Whoever humiliates him will be punished until death.

"My subordinates dare not."

Seeing Lin Taixu's anger, Liu Sandao reluctantly handed over his hand, but looking at his expression, he was clearly dissatisfied. He couldn't help but smile with contempt in his heart at the actions of Murong Wushuang and others.

That's it?

It is no exaggeration to say that if he really wanted to take action, only Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and others could stop him, and he would stand on his head and pee.

As for Lin Taixu, he simply ignored it.

What can a waste do?

I can't even pee while standing upside down.

Seeing the actions of Murong Wushuang and others, Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. Although it was another matter whether Murong Wushuang and the others could defeat Liu Sandao if they really took action, but their intentions should be praised.

As the saying goes, I don't care what you do, but you have to have an attitude.

Yes, attitude is important.

Well, tomorrow, I must teach them another magical skill, monkey stealing peaches.

Immediately, Lin Taixu waved to Murong Wushuang and others, stood up, looked at Liu Sandao coldly, and said with a sneer, "Oh, you are so righteous."

"Then tell me, five years ago I asked your famous teacher guards to track down the information about my parents. Why didn't you uphold the dignity of the famous teachers and get to the bottom of it?"

"In the past few years, when I was insulted and beaten by others, why didn't you uphold the dignity of the famous teacher and stand up for me?"

According to the memory in his mind, he had been insulted and ridiculed by others in recent years, and the famous teacher Wei Ke had never asked about it.

What's more, when he was provoked and beaten by others, the famous teacher and guard pretended not to notice.

Now, you Liu Sandao actually have the nerve to tell him that famous teachers cannot be insulted?

This is simply a big joke.


Liu Sandao couldn't help but be speechless for a while when Lin Taixu asked him. He could not help but feel the muscles on his face twitching a few times, and some of them did not dare to look at Lin Taixu. He had acted openly and above all in his life, and he was conscientious, fair and strict when he joined the famous teacher guard.

It can be said that he has had a clear conscience since he joined the famous teacher guard for more than ten years, but this is the only thing.

He was ashamed of his own integrity, he was ashamed of the famous teacher guard, and he was even more ashamed of Lin Taixu.

"If you still dare to violate my famous master this time, then I will go to the famous master headquarters in the imperial capital to seek justice."

Lin Taixu sneered and said, he must not be as easy to bully and fool as his previous master. Now that the famous master guard dares to pretend to be deaf and dumb, he will never give up.

"My subordinates will do it now."

In the end, Liu Sandao chose to compromise and surrendered to Lin Taixu again. He jumped out of the pavilion, grabbed Sun Yiquan who was lying limp on the ground, and walked out.

Lin Taixu was right. Since he can't be fair and just, he should go all the way.

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being too low in status and unable to influence the overall situation.


Lin Taixu watched Liu Sandao and Sun Yiquan leave quietly, and smiled coldly, "Don't think that the matter is over like this. It means that your predecessor is weak and incompetent and can only be at your mercy."

But for now, wait.

He will definitely investigate the unfair treatment he received and the whereabouts of his cheap parents.

All participants back then will be liquidated by him.

No one should be missing.

However, there is no rush now. The best thing to do is to get the money first.

Because, if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

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