My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 182: The Arrival of Ku Lao

"Let's go back."

Seeing Lin Taixu's figure disappear in front of his eyes, Ming Yue Niannian immediately turned around and said hurriedly.

As much money as there is, there are as many surprises as there are.

Then, let the surprise come more intensely.

She now wants to report it to her family immediately and raise more money.

It was night, and the faint moonlight fell on the earth, illuminating Lin Taixu's courtyard brightly and dimly, exuding a sense of tranquility and tranquility.

At this time, a figure was seen flying from a distance, and the moonlight fell on his face, illuminating his old, withered face and stern eyes.

If Diao BuDiao saw the face of this figure, he would definitely jump up in shock, because this figure is none other than Hua Yixiong's housekeeper, Ku Lao.

It turned out that Wu Yong had been out with the bloodthirsty guard for so many days, but he neither returned to recover nor gave him any news, so he was worried.

So I rushed over from the Imperial Capital day and night to find out.

"Lin Taixu, I don't believe you have such ability to leave a bloodthirsty guard leader."

Ku Lao looked at Lin Taixu's house in the distance and said in his heart. He saw his figure flying across the ground and soon appeared on the roof of a house.

And the person sleeping under this room was none other than Murong Changtian.

Yes, Murong Changtian.

Although Lin Taixu made him furious, he still turned around and left without the slightest grace of a strong man. After all, he cared more about Wuhua Jade Dew Pills than being angry.

If he didn't get the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill, he wouldn't leave even if Lin Taixu asked him to leave.

As soon as Ku Lao appeared thousands of meters away from the house, he felt it, but ignored it. In the Crescent Moon Country, except for those old antiques from big families that he could care about, no one else could come into his eyes.

Don't compare, just use one sword.

There's nothing he can't solve with one sword.

Therefore, sleeping is what he cares about.

"Huh? You were really caught?"

Ku Lao stood on the roof. The old god was there, and he didn't realize that he was standing on top of the god of death.

He was holding a jade-like round object in his hand, with a red pointer on it. As his energy was input, the pointer rotated differently. In an instant, the pointer was pointing in the southwest direction.

This round object is the tracking compass.

To track the compass, you only need to store the aura or blood essence of the person you want to track in it. In the future, you can lock the opponent's general direction within thousands of miles and the precise location within a kilometer.

The aura of each Bloodthirsty Guard will be on the tracking compass. Therefore, if a Bloodthirsty Guard is missing, as long as this tracking compass is used, the specific location of the Bloodthirsty Guard can be accurately traced within a certain range.

There hasn't been a single mistake over the years.

Obviously, there are no exceptions this time.

"It is indeed here."

Ku Lao looked at the house in the southwest with cold eyes, and a cold murderous intention arose in his heart.

Entering Qingfeng City, he activated the tracking compass. However, because the distance was still far away, he could only determine a rough direction. Now, within the effective distance, he had determined that Wu Yong and others were definitely in that room. inside.

The crime of imprisoning the bloodthirsty guard should be the death of the nine tribes.

Ku Lao shouted coldly in his heart. He stretched out his figure and flew towards the house in the southwest like a nightingale.

"Oh, I'll go."

Murong Changtian in the room couldn't help but uttered a curse word in his heart. He didn't want to talk to Ku Lao at first, thinking that if he stood for a while and then left, he would let him go and his fate would be ruined.

However, he never expected that his kindness would be met with ruthless dislike.

Instead of cherishing the stick, it flew towards the yard even harder.

Do you want to die, or do you want to die?

Immediately, Murong Changtian got up from the bed with a look of pain, opened the door and stood quietly outside the door.

His eyes were locked tightly on the withered body.

How dare a mere fourth-level Martial Sect be so presumptuous?

Could it be that after I retreated for a year, the world has changed?


The withered old figure fell down and appeared at the door of the room. Just as he was reaching out to push the door open, he suddenly felt chills all over his body, and an unprecedented death crisis filled his heart.

Immediately, Ku Lao stood up from the ground without thinking and flew towards the distance.

At the critical moment of his life, he could no longer care about Wu Yong and the others.

Now he only has one thought in his mind, and that is to escape, as far away as possible.

It would be best to escape to the ends of the earth and return to the imperial capital.

He fled to the young master's feet and hid there.

"Come when you want and leave when you want."

Murong Changtian sneered in his heart, did he still take himself seriously?

"Get off here."

As soon as Murong Changtian raised his arm, a dazzling sword light flew out, and he flew behind Ku Lao in an instant.


Seeing this, Ku Lao couldn't help but burst into a desperate roar.


The sword light was like a mountain, and it hit Ku Lao's back directly. He immediately swatted Ku Lao down from the air like a fly, and then fell to the small courtyard with a squeak, making a dull sound.

"What happened?"

Hearing the sound, Diao Budiao, Liu Sandao and other famous teachers and guards immediately rushed out and shouted loudly.

Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others were also alarmed and walked out of the room one after another.

"Withered old?"

Looking at the figure on the ground, Diao Butiao immediately recognized it. This person was none other than the housekeeper of the Hua family who had contacted him, Ku Lao.

He was shocked.

What happened?

Did he fall from a height?

This fall was too severe. Look, his nose was left. He was dying.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into my master's mansion?"

Murong Wushuang walked over and asked coldly at the dying Ku Lao on the ground.

"Miss, this is the housekeeper of the Imperial Capital Hua family,"

Diao Butiao said hurriedly, with a gloating expression on his face, thinking in his heart, aren't you arrogant?

Aren't you arrogant?

Aren't you a person of five or six in front of me, like a millionaire?

Why can't you do it now?

If you have the guts, get up and hit me.

"The Imperial Capital Hua family?"

Murong Wushuang frowned. Didn't a group of people just come a few days ago?

Now there is another one?

Is it over?

Do you really think my master is easy to bully?

"Xue'er, go and ask the master."

Then, Murong Wushuang ordered Zhao Feixue.

"Yes, senior sister."

Zhao Feixue responded immediately, turned around and walked towards Lin Taixu's room.

"Can you ask the master now?"

Murong Changtian in the distance couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It was such a trivial matter that he could ask Lin Taixu, and yesterday he went to Lin Taixu to discuss such a big matter as Wuhua Yulu Pills, which was related to the future of the Murong family.

It was related to the future of Xinyue Country.

However, he had to wait until Lin Taixu slept and ate well.

This niece is really filial.

Is there anything special.

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