My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 190 Who can prove that it was this king who beat him?

"you dare."

Hearing this, Yin Wucheng roared angrily and immediately ran towards the window on the side without thinking.

As long as he broke through the window and escaped from the famous master hall, he didn't believe that Murong Changtian dared to kill people in the street.

It's a pity, but the idea is a good one.

As soon as he ran to the window, he saw Murong Changtian move his body in front of him.


Immediately, Murong Changtian punched Yin Wucheng on the chest. With a click, Yin Wucheng was knocked out and fell to the floor of the hall more than ten meters away. He vomited blood from his mouth and looked horrified. Looking at Murong Changtian.

What about the strength of the fourth-level martial arts master at the eighth level?

He was equally vulnerable in front of Murong Changtian.

"Hey, he's so handsome."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but look envious, and punched out a fourth-level martial arts master, which made him want to upgrade now.

"Murong Changtian, you. You dare to attack me. You are dead."

Yin Wucheng roared angrily, struggling to get up from the ground, but as soon as he got up, he fell again. Obviously, Murong Changtian's punch was not light.

However, this must be thanked for Murong Changtian's mercy, otherwise, Murong Changtian's strength would have killed him with one punch.

"Who can prove that it was me who beat him?"

Murong Changtian sneered, and then looked at the stunned Zhuo Bufan, his eyes filled with coldness.

There is a strong tendency to kill people and silence them.

You know, he is not a soft-hearted person.

"Me, I didn't see anything."

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan said, just kidding, would he dare to help Yin Wucheng at this time?


They are not familiar with each other.

"I prove it was you who hit me."

Lin Taixu said seriously.


Suddenly, Murong Wushuang shouted to Lin Taixu in a coquettish voice, "Is there any master like you?"

That's my second uncle, and you actually proved it for others.


Murong Changtian looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Haha, just kidding."

Lin Taixu laughed loudly and said, isn't this a way to relieve the tense atmosphere? You see, this old Yinbi ran away as soon as he disagreed with him. He was so frightened that he thought he was just allowed to run away.

Fortunately, Murong Changtian responded promptly.

Otherwise, he will have to worry again.

"Lin Taixu, you colluded with outsiders to attack and kill the deputy hall master. It is a heinous crime and you deserve to die."

Yin Wucheng roared, looking at Lin Taixu with vicious eyes, wanting to skin and remove Lin Taixu's bones to vent his hatred.

"Take off his storage ring."

Lin Taixu said to Diao Budiao, too lazy to pay attention to the idiot Yin Wucheng.

He doesn't even know how to assess the situation, but he still has the nerve to say that he is a famous teacher.

You look like a famous teacher.

It simply brought shame to all the famous teachers in the world.

"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao responded happily, immediately walked to Yin Wucheng's side, raised his foot and stepped on Yin Wucheng's palm, then reached out and forcibly pulled off Yin Wucheng's finger wearing the storage ring.


Suddenly, Yin Wucheng let out a heart-breaking scream. As the so-called ten fingers are connected to the heart, one finger was torn off. You can imagine the severe pain.

"Nima, so cruel."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but shuddered. The employer asked you to get the storage ring. Do you need to tear off his finger?

Diao BuDiao didn't think too much about it, he just thought that holding the storage ring in this way would fit his name.

Diao or not?


Diao Budiao took the storage ring in his hand, then threw Yin Wucheng's finger away with a look of disgust, walked up to Lin Taixu in three or two steps, and said respectfully, "Master, here is the storage ring. "

"Get out of the way."

Lin Taixu got the storage ring, and after working on it for a long time, he found that his mind couldn't get in, so he immediately threw the storage ring to Murong Changtian.

Without saying a word, Murong Changtian immediately and forcefully erased Yin Wucheng's mental imprint on the storage ring, and then threw it to Lin Taixu again.


The mark on his mind was forcibly erased, and Yin Wucheng screamed again, vomiting blood in his mouth. He felt as if his head had been severely chopped by a knife, which made him miserable.

He kept rolling on the ground and screaming.

Without Yin Wucheng's mind mark, Lin Taixu's mind immediately penetrated into Yin Wucheng's storage ring without any hindrance.

As the saying goes, you don’t know if you don’t see it, but you will be shocked when you see it.

When Lin Taixu discovered what was inside Yin Wucheng's storage ring, his eyes lit up and his mouth watered.

He unexpectedly discovered that Yin Wucheng's storage ring actually contained a woman's pocket.

Uh, wrong, he actually found that Yin Wucheng's storage ring was filled with shining silver coins.

One pile, two piles

Hiss, good guy, there are more than 123 million.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel like a good guy. Is this how the deputy master of the Imperial Capital Master Hall makes money?

One hundred and twenty-three million.

The exchange system silver coins are 1.23 million, which is 1.23 million system experience points.


"Do you have?"

Murong Changtian came over and asked, his voice trembling.

"Still looking, wait a minute."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but said a little embarrassedly. He was busy counting the silver coins and hadn't had time to find them yet.

However, he found that Yin Wucheng was not a good person. This storage ring was a bit big, at least about 100 square meters.

This is dozens of times bigger than the storage rings he gave to his precious disciples.


"What is this?"

"What is this?"

"What is this?"

Lin Taixu searched in Yin Wucheng's storage ring, and saw that in addition to silver coins, there were some other messy things in Yin Wucheng's ring.

For example, grass that looks like a tree.

For example, a tree that looks like grass.

For example..

Lin Taixu immediately threw out the messy things in disgust, cursing in his mouth, how old he is, he still collects garbage.

"Master, this grass that looks like a tree is Wanshuhua, and the tree that looks like grass is Wuxinmu, both of which are fifth-grade spiritual medicines, worth ten thousand gold"

Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly and said.

I told you to read more when I have nothing to do: system

"What rice? Worth a million gold?"

Lin Taixu was stunned, and immediately waved his hand and took back the things he had thrown out, and did not forget to glance at Murong Changtian on the side.

Oh my god, worth a million gold?

Is it so valuable?

It can't be thrown away.


Murong Changtian on the side saw this and couldn't help but twitched his eyes. If it weren't for Lin Taixu, uh, if it weren't for the Wuhua Yulu Pill, he would slap Lin Taixu to death.

Just like beating Yin Wucheng, no, beat him harder than beating Yin Wucheng.

Otherwise, it's really unfair to his face that deserves a beating.

It's as if someone wants to snatch it. The key is, if this king wants to snatch it, can you keep it?


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