My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 193: Don’t just vomit blood

"Say, don't just vomit blood."

Lin Taixu said, "It seems you don't have much blood. If you vomit it again, you will be dead."

Then what nonsense are you talking about?


Yin Wucheng spat out a mouthful of blood again and looked at Lin Taixu with a stern look, as if he wanted to remember Lin Taixu's appearance. Then he saw his neck soften and his head hang down feebly.

I don't know whether it was because of Lin Taixu's anger or because of Lin Taixu's interference. In short, there is only one word.


"Master, he...he is dead."

Immediately, Diao Butiao reached out to explore Yin Wucheng's neck and found that there was no pulse, and immediately reported to Lin Taixu.

"Oh, forget it."

Lin Taixu said, reaching out and scratching his head. Sure enough, what the TV series said was true. When an emergency comes, the person involved will die.

Fortunately, labor and management did not let go of the chain at the critical moment and seized the last opportunity to stab him.

Hi, system, wake up and get to work.


"It was detected that the controller killed Yin Wucheng, the eighth level of the fourth level Wuzong, and successfully killed the enemy. The system rewards the controller 39,000 system experience points and 39,000 silver coins."

"For super large levels, an additional 10,000 system experience points will be awarded. If the controller exceeds three major levels in a row, the system will also reward the controller with 30,000 system experience points."

"This system rewards the controller with 69,000 system experience points."

"The system reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it."

"The current system experience value of the controller is 210,000 points, the experience value of the famous teacher is 39,000 points, and the silver coins are 5,982,650. The value of making something out of nothing is 110 points."

Suddenly, the system's voice rang in Lin Taixu's ears.


When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but smile so hard that he couldn't close his mouth. 69,000 system experience points.

One step closer to conquering the world by myself.

Uh, low key low key.

Immediately, Lin Taixu stopped smiling and walked up to Murong Wushuang seriously.


Murong Wushuang called softly, and then looked at Lin Taixu expectantly.

"Silly girl, what are you worried about?"

Lin Taixu reached out and pinched Murong Wushuang's little face, and cursed with a smile, "Do you have so little trust in me, your master? Do you think I should be beaten?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Taixu felt a chill in his heart. He felt as if he was being targeted by a peerless ferocious beast. Mummy, Lin Taixu suddenly remembered that Murong Changtian was present.

How could he, as an uncle, not be angry if he pinched someone's eldest niece's face like this?

Is labor and management getting carried away?

Well, not really. I can only say that he is informal and a bit pro-apprentice.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu twisted the hand on Murong Wushuang's small face, not knowing whether to take it back or continue to twist it.

Forget it, it's better to stop it in moderation, lest your life is in danger, let's talk about it later, let's talk about it later.

Immediately, Lin Taixu withdrew his finger.

Murong Wushuang was also confused by Lin Taixu's sudden move. He was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to do. His delicate face was as red as something.

"This bastard."

Murong Changtian gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart. He really wanted to chop off Lin Taixu's claw with a sword. In front of him, he dared to treat his precious niece lightly.

Are you looking for death, or are you looking for death?

This king has never done this.

You pervert.

fed up

Forget it, for Wuhua Yuluwan's sake, I'll bear with it.

"No, here you go."

Lin Taixu handed the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill to Murong Wushuang and said.

"Thank you, Master."

Murong Wushuang stretched out his hand to take the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill and bowed to Lin Taixu to thank him.

Seeing Lin Taixu handing the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill to Murong Wushuang, Murong Changtian couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart that although this pervert was a bit shameless, he was still a gentleman who kept his promise.

Immediately, his anger towards Lin Taixu dissipated, and at the same time he thought in his mind that he must take Xiao Shuang'er back, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"My master, I have nothing to thank you for. Remember, whatever the master promises you, no matter what the process is, you will definitely do it in the end."

Without Murong Changtian's murderous warning, Lin Taixu felt that he was pretty good again, so he waved his hands in a pretentious manner and said.

"Yes, Master."

"Disciple knows that he is wrong. He should not doubt the master. Please punish him."

Murong Wushuang bit her lip lightly and said.

"I have already been punished."

Lin Taixu said, and as soon as he finished speaking, he felt his heart tighten again, and his whole body felt like an ice cellar had been drained.


Lin Taixu's face suddenly darkened. It would be a shame if you don't do air conditioning. You like refrigeration so much.

“It won’t be an example next time, and it won’t be an example next time.”

Immediately, Lin Taixu immediately changed his words and said, "There is nothing I can do about it. With such a nosy person like Murong Changtian, he has to give in no matter how courageous he is."

Sure enough, only with strength can you do whatever you want.

"Well, thank you, Master."

Murong Wushuang nodded and said, immediately walked up to Murong Changtian, handed over the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill in his hand, and said, "Second uncle, hurry up and send the elixir to my aunt."


Murong Changtian nodded and carefully received the Wuhua Jade Dew Pill into his arms.

After receiving the Wuhua Yulu Pill in his arms, Murong Changtian felt relieved and said to Lin Taixu, "Brother Taixu, thank you very much this time. I will definitely repay you in the future."

"You're welcome. I applied for the Wuhua Yulu Pill for my Shuang'er's sake. Brother Changtian, you don't need to thank me."

Lin Taixu smiled slightly, but as soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to feel something was wrong and was embarrassed and stunned on the spot.

It seems that this statement makes people feel that he did not give face to Murong Changtian, but to Murong Wushuang.

You're welcome?

Your Shuang'er?

Suddenly, Murong Changtian's eyes flashed with cold light again. He really wanted to slap Lin Taixu to death. How shameless is he? When did my precious niece become yours?

"Brother Taixu, this storage ring is for you. I see you put the Wuhua Yulu Pill in your arms. I'm a little worried that it might fall."

Immediately, Lin Taixu bought a first-level storage ring from the system and threw it to Murong Changtian. At the same time, he wanted to slap himself in the face. If you don't know how to speak, don't say it.

Isn't it obvious that you don't give Murong Changtian face?

Not giving face to a prince in Xinyue Country, isn't it looking for trouble?

Hurry up and get a storage ring to coax him.


Murong Changtian took the storage ring thrown by Lin Taixu and was stunned for a moment. He was about to refuse, but then he thought that although this guy was a little shameless, he was still thoughtful.

He is a warm man.

Putting the Wuhua Yulu Pill in his arms, if the battle starts later, he might really lose it. It will be different with a storage ring.

Putting it in the storage ring is like taking double insurance.

As long as I am alive, no one can take away the Wuhua Yulu Pill.


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