My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 199: Advancing to Level 4 Wuzong

"System, advance me. I will kill these bastards with my own hands."

Lin Taixu said to the system in his heart. The anger in his heart and the murderous intention towards the man in black were intertwined and burning.

The anger is three thousand feet long, one foot after another.


"The controller chooses to automatically advance, and the advancement begins."


"The current controller's physical training level is the fifth level of a martial artist. Upgrading to the sixth level of a first-level martial artist requires 6,000 system experience points."

"Successfully consuming system experience points, the controller's system experience points will be deducted by 6,000."


"The controller's level has been successfully upgraded. He is currently a first-level warrior at the sixth level."


"First level martial artist seventh level."

"Eighth level first level martial artist."

"Ninth level first-level martial artist."


"The system detects that the controller's system experience is insufficient and cannot upgrade the controller. The promotion fails."

"May I ask if the controller chooses to purchase system experience pills to upgrade?"

The system's happy voice sounded in Lin Taixu's heart. As for why he was happy, no one knew.

"Buy, buy, buy."

Lin Taixu shouted directly in his heart, staring closely at the man in black at the head, fourth level martial arts eighth level?


I will blow you up with one punch and let you know the consequences of bullying this famous teacher and disciple.


"The purchase of the system experience pill was successful, the controller successfully took the system experience pill, and the current body refining level is level two warrior first level."


"Purchase 450 system experience pills, and deduct 450,000 silver coins from the controller."


"The controller successfully took the system experience pill, and his body refining level was raised to the first level of a third-level martial artist."


"Purchase 4,500 system experience pills, and deduct 4.5 million silver coins from the controller."


"The controller successfully took the system experience pill, and the body refining level was raised to the fourth level of Wuzong, first level."


"Purchase 1,000 system experience pills, and deduct one million silver coins from the controller."

"The controller successfully took the system experience pill, and his body refining level was raised to the second level of Wuzong by four levels."

"The current controller's system experience value is 0, the famous teacher's experience value is 39,000 points, and the silver coins are 0. The value of making something out of nothing is 110 points."

"Since the controller's system experience value is 0 and the silver coins are 0, the system cannot help the controller improve his cultivation. Please be informed."

The system said quickly.

"I'll go."

When Lin Taixu heard this, a few black lines could not help but appear on his forehead. With so many system experience points and so many system silver coins, he could only upgrade himself to the second level of the fourth level of Wuzong.

This shit, is it still okay?

Please know that the controller is not good, it is not the system that is bad, but the controller. :system.

If you have money, this system will allow you to ascend directly to heaven. But you are too poor, so you blame this system. Do you have no idea?

"Level 4 Martial Arts Level 2?"

"Top up all my money."

Lin Taixu felt a hint of ruthlessness in his heart. He felt a little unsafe when facing a man in black at the second level of the fourth level of martial arts.

Therefore, I plan to recharge all the money in my green card that Ming Yue has given me every year, and including other miscellaneous things, it will be enough to upgrade a few levels.


"The system recharge was successful, and 12,000 system experience pills were purchased."

"The controller successfully took the system experience pill and is currently at the fourth level of body refining and the fifth level of the Wuzong."

"Will the body refining level be distributed?"

The system immediately recharged all Lin Taixu's rechargeable items, barely raising Lin Taixu to the fourth level of martial arts and the fifth level of physical training.

I don’t know if you believe it or not, but I posted a lot of them. :system.

thank you. : Lin Taixu.

I really flipped. :system.

How much money do you have? Don’t you have any idea?

I really thank you. : Lin Taixu.

"Let it go, why are you keeping it if you don't let it go?"

Lin Taixu was almost angry with the system and vomited blood. He worked hard for dozens of days, and once he returned to before liberation, he just wanted to beat them after promotion.

You actually have the nerve to ask me if I will let you go?

No, do you keep it to eat?



"The controller's body refining level has been issued, please pay attention to check it."

The system said.

As soon as the words fell, Lin Taixu suddenly felt a powerful force awakening in his body. The blood was boiling and burning, and then turned into a sky-high momentum erupting from the inside out.


Lin Taixu's momentum burst out, and the first thing he felt was Murong Wushuang, who was holding him.

She felt that the Master she was holding was hot at the moment, as if a divine dragon was awakening in Lin Taixu's body, exuding a domineering aura that dominated the world.

"Fourth level and fifth level of martial arts, and also physical cultivation. Is this the master's true strength?"

Murong Wushuang looked up at Lin Taixu's face, with endless joy and admiration in his eyes.

This is her boyfriend, Master.

Who said he was a waste?

The Fengyun Continent probably doesn't even have a sixteen-year-old fourth-level martial arts master who has reached the fifth-level body refining realm.

Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran also looked at Lin Taixu in shock. They thought the master was very powerful, but they found out that the master was not very powerful, but quite powerful.

Suddenly, everyone was excited and proud, and their eyes were full of obsession.

"Oh my god."

Compared to the admiration of Murong Wushuang and others, Diao Butiao felt that he was about to faint. How stupid was I to think of dealing with Lin Taixu.

Level 4 Wuzong, Level 5.

Damn it, he can send me to walk three circles on the Naihe Bridge with just a sneeze.

As expected, the young master was right. Hua Yixiong of the Hua family is really a bear.

He actually had the fantasy to deal with such a wise and powerful young master.

He would never look for death like this.

However, it's very good.

I have turned back from the wrong path, stopped at the brink, and abandoned the dark and joined the light. Thinking of this, Diao Butiao and Liu Sandao and others were happy in their hearts.

"This is not right."

"Kill him."

The black-clothed man in the lead was stunned when he saw this, and then shouted loudly. He never dreamed that he was a waste just now, who couldn't even walk steadily, but now he actually burst out with such a strong momentum.

Moreover, looking at the other party's breath, it is obvious that it is not the fluctuation of vitality, but the fluctuation of blood.

This means that Lin Taixu is a physical cultivator.

A physical cultivator of the fifth level of the fourth-level martial arts sect, damn!

He was horrified.


The black-clothed man in the lead said, and then he ran towards Lin Taixu. While running, he drew his weapon and chopped Lin Taixu's head.


A knife light cut through the night sky, like thunder suddenly appeared, the world was just beginning, exuding endless murderous intent.

It seemed that nothing could stop him, and he was destined to be cut in half.

"Awesome, this knife has reached the peak of spirit and energy, even a martial arts sect ninth level person has to retreat."

"It seems that he was chosen as the leader of this operation, and it is not in vain."

Looking at the sky-shattering knife of the leading man, dozens of black-clothed men present could not help but look at it, and said in their hearts.

Their operation was divided into two groups, one group was to stop Murong Changtian.

The other group came to Qingfeng City to capture Murong Wushuang.

The black-clad man who was originally the leader was chosen as the leader. They were quite dissatisfied, but since it was the family ancestor who agreed, they had to accept it.

Now it seems that the family ancestor's vision is indeed beyond their reach.

With just this one sword, he can achieve the invincibility of the martial arts realm.

Everyone looked at Lin Taixu with a teasing look, so what if he is a fourth-level martial arts master of the fifth level?

Can he withstand the attack of the invincible martial arts master?


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