My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 201: Level 4 Mall Opens

"Oh, I forgot, turn it on now."

The system replied.

"I have a saying in my heart: Mom sells batches, but I don't know whether I should say it or not."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but have a dark look on his face. This broken system, how can he forget this?

"System, I doubt you are alone."

Lin Taixu thought for a while and said to the system seriously. He felt that many aspects of the system were not rigorous.

Other people's systems operate based on programmed procedures.

On the other hand, what he does depends entirely on his mood.

You are in a system-shattering mood.

If you are in the mood, it means you are a human being.

"You are a human being, and your whole family is a human being."

Hearing this, the system cursed loudly, as if it was trying to fight Lin Taixu.


Lin Taixu was confused by the system's reaction. As he said, I am a human being, and my whole family must be human beings too.

If he's not a human being, could he be a monster?

"Why such a big reaction? Am I not curious?"

Lin Taixu said immediately, almost forgetting that this system is no different from a lunatic. If it messes up, it seems that he will be the one who suffers.

So, let’s coax a little first.

You have to be discerning, right?


"It has been detected that the controller's body refining level has improved, and now a shopping mall of the corresponding level is opened. It is a small business. Welcome to patronize."


"The secondary mall is newly launched."


"The third-level mall is newly launched."


"The fourth-level mall is newly launched."

"Congratulations to the controller for successfully opening the fourth-level mall. From now on, the mall is in your hand and you can leave it once you buy it."

Immediately, the system said happily.


When Lin Taixu heard this, his face darkened again.

You see, I was right, this broken system is insane.

A shopping mall opened, and he said it so obscenely, as if something from the previous life was online.

Can you be more mature?

It's still a small business, welcome to patronize, if you damn it are a small business, no shop in the world will have any money to operate.


Lin Taixu immediately opened the system to check what the new mall looked like. When he saw the results, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, because he found that there was no difference between the mall and the first-level mall.

Just changed one word into four words.

Depend on.

Moreover, the contents inside are exactly the same, except that the word "one" has been changed to the word "four".

Damn it.

This system is broken, can I change it?

Lin Taixu cursed in his heart, feeling that his life was full of darkness and there was no future at all.

Hey, no, it’s really different. Well, the price is a thousand times more expensive.

Yes, my mother no longer has to worry about me buying elixirs.

Because I can't afford it.

"System, please explain to labor and management why the fourth-level healing pill requires one hundred thousand silver coins."

Lin Taixu said angrily, one hundred thousand system silver coins can be exchanged for ten million real silver coins.

What the hell, do you dare to get hurt again in the future?

Even the richest man can't bear it.

"Dear, here it is, I don't recommend buying it."

The system responded promptly.

Oops, I'll go.

Lin was so angry that he almost killed the system. I suggest you not buy it?

Is this what people say?

Uh, no, you're not human at all.


Lin Taixu angrily closed the dialogue with the system, letting you get used to it.

Can’t afford it? :system.

The next day, Lin Taixu had lunch and said to Diao Budiao, "Lao Diao, go and see if Ming Yue is still there every year. Just tell her that the young master has a business worth hundreds of millions and wants to talk to her."

There is nothing he can do, he is now poor.

Moreover, the pills in the system mall often cost tens of millions. He fell asleep last night, but he was always dreaming about how to make money.

After finally making some money, I woke up again.


"Yes, young master, I will go right away."

Diao BuDiao replied.

"Master, what business do you have to do with Miss Mingyue?"

Murong Wushuang asked curiously.

"Well, I plan to sell some elixirs to her."

Lin Taixu said, there is no way, this is the only way he can make money at the moment.

Although I got more than 15,000 system experience points by killing those men in black yesterday, I also got more than 15,000 silver coins.

However, compared with the prices of things in the fourth-level malls, these are simply a drop in the bucket.


Murong Wushuang rolled his eyes and asked, "Master, are you planning to sell the Ning Yuan Pill to Miss Mingyue?"


Lin Taixu looked at Murong Wushuang in confusion, as if he didn't understand why she asked this.

"That's right, Master, if you and Miss Mingyue are trading Yuan Ning Dan, can you also sell some of the Ning Yuan Dan to your disciples?"

Murong Wushuang said a little embarrassed.

The reason why she was able to advance so quickly was due to the Condensation Pill given by Lin Taixu.

You must know that the Condensing Yuan Pill sold outside takes one day to absorb, but the Condensing Yuan Pill given by Master only takes ten minutes.

Although the efficacy is similar, in terms of time, the latter is unknown how many times the former.

If the family had such a large amount of Yuan Ning Dan, it would not take long to cultivate batches of elite disciples.

She had this idea before, but she was too embarrassed to mention it. Now that she saw Lin Taixu taking out such a pill for trading, she couldn't help but ask.

It's all trading anyway. Trading Mingyue Niannian is a trading.

Trading disciples and families is also a trading.


After listening to Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran looked at Lin Taixu eagerly.

Murong Wushuang wanted to buy some for the family.

They wanted to too.

"No, it's a healing pill. Well, the effect is also ten minutes."

Lin Taixu said, looking at Murong Wushuang and others. He knew what they were thinking, but he had to think about it.

Because he didn't know what position these disciples of his occupied in the family. If he really sold the Ningyuan Pill to them, what kind of impact would it have on him.

He had to think about all these.

Otherwise, if he was not careful, he would end up being attacked by everyone.

That would be bad.

As the saying goes, a man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

"Healing pill?"

"Ten minutes?"

Then, Murong Wushuang and others were also enlightened. Compared with the pills for cultivation, the healing pill is also one of the must-have pills for major families.

Moreover, the curative effect is ten minutes, which is simply shocking.

"Master, how much is this pill worth? Can you sell some to your disciples?"

"Master, don't worry, I will pay the same price as you sell it to Miss Mingyue."

Murong Wushuang said that the Murong family is not only a family of immortal cultivation, but also controls the vast territory of Xinyue Kingdom, with countless people under its jurisdiction. In order to rule, there are naturally countless troops.

Soldiers die from injuries every day. If there is such a curative pill, it will inevitably reduce the number of casualties of soldiers to a great extent. Whether it is for the rule of the Murong family or for humanity, this is undoubtedly a great act of kindness.

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