"Congratulations, Master."

Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and others congratulated Lin Taixu with smiles on their faces.

"Haha, good. From now on, Master will also be a decent person."

Lin Taixu laughed and immediately put the token and famous master's robe into the storage ring.

"Storage ring?"

Seeing this, Zhang Yida couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he looked enviously at the storage ring Lin Taixu wore on his finger.

He wanted to buy a storage ring in his dream, but unfortunately, it was too expensive. Even if he struggled for hundreds of years, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Not even Wang Tianlin, the leader of their second-level famous master hall.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you."

Lin Taixu said, immediately purchased a first-level storage ring in the system and handed it to Zhang Yida.

"This is not okay. I can't have such a valuable thing."

Zhang Yida quickly declined and said that although he had dreamed about it, it was the same thing. If he really wanted to take such a valuable thing for nothing, his conscience would not allow him to do so.

"What's the price? I'm giving this to you. Accept it. If you don't accept it, you're looking down on me."

Lin Taixu deliberately turned his face, said angrily, and threw the storage ring towards Zhang Yida. Seeing this, Zhang Yida was frightened and hurriedly caught the storage ring.

He looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly.

This is a storage ring, worth thousands of gold.

If you throw it away like this, what if it breaks?

"Yes, Uncle Master, just accept it. You and Master are not outsiders."

Wang Luoyi said.

"Yes, Uncle Master, you see, we all have them."

Zhao Feixue waved her hand in front of Zhang Yida and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yida glanced at the fingers of Murong Wushuang and others, and found that they all had storage rings on their hands. He couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu, and seeing that he had no intention of taking them back, he had no choice but to accept them immediately.

"Thank you too much."

Zhang Yida said sincerely that he really deserved to be given such an expensive storage ring as a gift.

"Hurry up and recognize your master."

Lin Taixu said quickly.


Zhang Yida immediately lost his ink mark, and immediately attached the power of his mind to the storage ring. He immediately took off his baggage and put it on the table with a thought.

Sure enough, the package in front of him disappeared before his eyes and was put into the storage ring.

Suddenly, Zhang Yida couldn't help but smile, looking extremely happy.

I feel that my plea for mercy six years ago was extremely prescient.

Praise Master, praise Widow Li.

"By the way, Brother Zhang, you said you would come to me even if you don't have official business with the Famed Master Hall. I wonder what the matter is?"

Lin Taixu asked.

"Oh, it's like this. When I left Master, Master told me that if you become successful in the future, let me tell you some news before your sixteenth birthday."

Zhang Yida said.

"Before my sixteenth birthday? My sixteenth birthday passed two months ago."

Lin Taixu said with a dark look on his face.

"It's okay, I think I can say it now."

Zhang Yida said with a smile. He didn't know whether he was happy to receive Lin Taixu's storage ring, or whether he was happy to be able to complete the task assigned by his master.

That’s what you feel. I don’t want you to feel it, I want what I feel.

Is this how you carry out what my cheap dad told you?

Lin Taixu looked at Zhang Yida speechlessly.

"you say."

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu was also curious about what his cheap dad had told him, and he had to make himself successful before he could tell him.

It's also thanks to the fact that he has some potential. Well, no, it's also due to the fact that Zhang Yida's standard for being promising is not high.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even want to know in this life.

"It's about your fiancée."

Zhang Yida said.

"What? Fiancée?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost bit his tongue. When did he have a fiancée?

Pretty or not?

Um, no, why didn’t I know?


Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi and others couldn't help but be startled, a strange emotion suddenly appeared in their hearts, and something was obviously wrong in the eyes looking at Lin Taixu.

Well, it's like eating a lemon that's sour.

They have been here for more than a year or two, and they have never heard Lin Taixu say that he has a fiancée.

I don’t even know, you know a hammer. : Lin Taixu.

"Yes, fiancée."

Zhang Yida nodded and looked at Lin Taixu's eyes with envy. He smiled and continued, "Taixu, you are very beautiful. Do you know who your fiancée is?"

"I do not know."

Lin Taixu shook his head and said, in fact, he was very disgusted with this kind of marriage arranged by his parents. He and his employer have never met each other, so he still wants me to marry her?


Besides, two people have no emotional basis at all. Isn't this a bit childish?

"Nangong Changhuan."

Zhang Yida watched Lin Taixu speak word by word. He wanted to see a look of shock appear on Lin Taixu's face, but he was disappointed.

Because when he finished speaking, he found that not only was there no shock on Lin Taixu's face, there was no expression of surprise at all.

Damn it, Brother Taixu’s standards for choosing a mate are so high?

Even Nangong Changhuan can't fall into his eyes?

Be more confident, I don’t know anything about Nangong Changhuan or Nangong Short Huan: Lin Taixu.

I didn’t even know, I was so shocked.

"Beihuang City, Nangong Changhuan?"

Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others couldn't help but exclaimed in shock. Murong Wushuang also opened his seductive little mouth slightly when he heard this and looked at Zhang Yida blankly.

Lin Taixu had never heard of the name Nangong Changhuan, but they had heard of it.

She is the most famous and proud daughter of the New Moon Kingdom. Not only her appearance is stunning, but her martial arts talent is even more astonishing. At only fifteen years old, she is a second-level warrior. It is said that those who pursue her can surround Beihuang City for ten years. A few laps.

Could such a person be Master's fiancée?

That's nonsense.

"is it beautiful?"

Lin Taixu asked, just ask if you don't understand, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, a black line suddenly appeared on Zhang Yida's face, and Murong Wushuang and others also looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly.

You are obscene and lustful, we know this.

But, as for expressing it so superficially?

"Of course it's beautiful, and it's quite beautiful."

Zhang Yida replied, looking at Lin Taixu's face as if he was teasing him, he immediately knew that maybe Lin Taixu really had not heard of Nangong Changhuan's name.

Thinking about it, if he hadn't asked someone to check Nangong Changhuan's information out of curiosity, wouldn't he have known about it?


Lin Taixu asked immediately, looking at Zhang Yida with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He knew what beautiful meant, but how beautiful was quite beautiful?

To be honest, based on his father's ability and the past strength of the Lin family, he didn't think his cheap father could arrange a beautiful wife for him.

Because this is unscientific.

Therefore, Lin Taixu had reason to suspect that Zhang Yida was deceiving him.

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