My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 23 I Say a Number

"I just received a report from my disciples and am preparing to apologize to the famous master Lin Taixu. Lord Deacon, you are here."

Sun Chaohong replied. As he spoke, he carefully raised his eyes and looked at Liu Sandao's face.

Before Liu Sandao's attitude became clear, he was naturally not stupid enough to say something as stupid as asking the Great Elder to go to Lin Taixu to trouble him.

"so far so good."

Several elders of the Sun family couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when they saw this. They thought Sun Yiquan had offended someone, but in the end they just offended Lin Taixu.

A false alarm, a false alarm.


"Trespassing to the famous master's mansion without permission will be punished."

"Intention to murder a famous teacher is a crime worthy of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan."

"I wonder how Master Sun plans to make amends?"

Liu Sandao glanced at Sun Chaohong and several elders of the Sun family, as if to see if they were lying. After a while, he found no clues and immediately said with a sneer.


When Sun Chaohong heard this, he almost choked on his own saliva, "No, no, that's not the case."

That is the case for famous and powerful teachers.

But for Lin Taixu, a useless famous teacher, should he play such a big role?

He felt that if he sent someone over to tell him, he would be able to show his dignity as a famous teacher.

Otherwise, if it is left to others, they will be killed without being buried.

"No? What? Is Master Sun planning to defy the regulations of the Famed Master Hall?"

Liu Sandao sneered, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Famous teachers should not be insulted. How dare you tell this deacon that you can't?

So what's the point?

"I don't dare, it's just"

Sun Chaohong said quickly, even if he had the courage, he would not dare to go against the Famed Master Hall. If he really had the courage, it would not be your turn for a second-level warrior and a first-level person to act wild in front of him.

He had already slapped you to the ground, unable to dig you out.

"Just what?"

Liu Sandao sneered and said, "It's just that Lin Taixu is just a one-star famous teacher and can't get into the eyes of Master Sun?"


When Sun Chaohong heard this, he couldn't help but feel that ten thousand grass and mud horses were whizzing by in his heart.

Is this what the head of the family means?

What kind of virtue is Lin Taixu? How does Qingfeng City treat him? How does Famous Master Hall treat him? How do you treat him? Don't you have some idea in your mind?


However, even if he was beaten to death, he did not dare to say it, because he knew that if he did say it, his end would definitely be much more miserable than Sun Yiquan's.

Some things can only be done but not said.

Some things can only be said but not done.

Undoubtedly, Lin Taixu is the former.

"I would also like to ask Master Deacon to say a kind word to Master Lin and forgive Quanzi for his reckless behavior this time. Our Sun family is deeply grateful."

Helpless, Sun Chaohong had no choice but to say softly again.

The situation is stronger than the person, what can he do?

"I don't need my deacon's good words for this. There are many famous teachers and they convince people with their virtue. As long as your Sun family offers some compensation, this matter will be considered exposed."

Liu Sandao waved his hand, looked at Sun Chaohong with cold eyes, and said.


Sun Chaohong exclaimed again, looking at Liu Sandao in disbelief, thinking that he was hallucinating.

Famous teachers in Fengyun Continent are supreme. He has heard of criminal masters being killed, and he has also heard of criminal masters being exterminated. However, he has never heard of a famous master who offended a master, offered compensation, and then let things go.

Did you say that a famous teacher should not be insulted?

What about the integrity of the famous teacher?

What about the ethics of famous teachers?

Were they all eaten by dogs?


"That's it?"

Several elders of the Sun family also looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, which was strange.

They feel that they have lived in vain for so many years and have really learned a lot.

However, when I think about it, if something can be solved with money, is it still a matter?

It can't be.

The Sun family doesn't have much else but a lot of money.

Does this mean that whenever he feels unhappy in the future, he will give Lin Taixu a beating to relieve his boredom?

Anyway, just give me some money.

"Yes, compensation. What, does the Sun Family Master have any objections?"

Liu Sandao asked, frowning, and immediately a group of famous teachers and guards reached out their arms, grasped the handle of the soul-breaking knife, and looked at Sun Chaohong.

"No objection, no objection."

Sun Chaohong was startled by the reaction of the famous teacher Wei, and said quickly, just kidding, don't say he has no objections, even if he has opinions, he must have no objections.

Anyway, it's not him who is embarrassed.

Besides, is his Sun family, one of the four great families in Qingfeng City, in need of that little silver coin?

"Then I'll send someone to send a few hundred silver coins to Master Taixu as compensation?"

Sun Chaohong looked at Liu Sandao and asked tentatively.

A few hundred silver coins is quite a lot, enough for ordinary people to live for several months.


When Liu Sandao heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy. A few hundred silver coins?

If it only takes a few hundred silver coins, labor and management won't come over, and I just give it to you, and it's your turn to give it to me?

"The thousand silver coins?"

Seeing Liu Sandao's worried expression, Sun Chaohong doubled the compensation.

One thousand is already a lot.

Liu Sandao couldn't help but look cold when he heard this, feeling that Sun Chaohong was taking pleasure in himself.

"Ten thousand?"

Sun Chaohong had no choice but to grit his teeth and said, "Ten thousand can't be more."

You know, usually the annual expenditure of a first-level martial arts disciple is only around this amount. Any more would be unreliable.

Liu Sandao's expression turned cold again.

"Fifty thousand?"

"One hundred thousand?"

"Two hundred thousand?"

Seeing this, Sun Chaohong had to raise the price again, but every time he raised the price, Liu Sandao's face became more gloomy.

"Five hundred thousand."

Finally, Sun Chaohong gritted his teeth and shouted, feeling that there was blood in his mouth and it was about to spurt out.

Moms, five hundred thousand silver coins?

This is the income of my Sun family for most of the year. Who deserves to give it to a loser?

"Five hundred thousand?"

"I'm afraid the head of the family is crazy."

Several elders of the Sun family looked at Sun Chaohong speechlessly. Their Sun family is rich, but they don't spend money like this.

If you take five hundred thousand and take all the elders to Baihua Tower for a walk, they may not object.

But giving it to a loser for nothing is intolerable.


It's unbearable, no need to endure it anymore.

Listening to Sun Chaohong slowly raising the price like milking, Liu Sandao's mentality was fucking broken.

He suddenly stood up from his chair, and a shocking wave of air erupted from his body. The chair under him was instantly crushed to pieces, and some seats adjacent to it were also shattered by the powerful air wave. In an instant, the whole hall was in a mess.

"Sir, you?"

Seeing this, Sun Chaohong was shocked and looked at Liu Sandao in fear and asked, "You were fine just now, why did you turn against me so suddenly?"

Are you a dog?

"Sir, calm down."

"Sir, calm down."

Several elders of the Sun family standing aside shouted hurriedly, like quails in the cold wind, shivering.

"Shut up."

"I'll tell you a number."

Liu Sandao looked at Sun Chaohong with anger and roared, "Two million silver coins."

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