My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 242 You should be thankful to have met me

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Seeing that Lin Taixu still had time to write his own ink, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but roared, "This bastard, can't you see that my brother is in a hurry now?"

Do you plan to wait for my brother to fall before rescuing him?

Although she was angry, and furious, the sound produced by her soft and melodious vocal cords, instead of giving people a sharp feeling, was like orchids in the empty valley, like water and song.

Indescribably beautiful and moving.

Lin Taixu's bones felt like his bones were going numb when he heard it, but enough was enough, enough was enough.

If the teasing continues, the young man in green will really fall to his death, and the soft-armored girl will really have a fight with him.

Therefore, Lin Taixu decisively rejected the temptation, turned around and walked towards the young man in green.


A shrill cry sounded, and a faint fiery red light appeared on the body of the iron-winged goshawk. After being beaten by the golden-winged eagle for so long, the iron-winged goshawk was finally driven out of its demonic nature, and the demonic nature in its body was burned. Essence and blood.

You are not the only one who has essence and blood, labor and capital also have it.

The iron-winged goshawk directly burned more than half of its blood essence, and suddenly became fierce and powerful. It grabbed the left wing of the golden-winged eagle with one claw and pulled it hard. The left wing of the golden-winged eagle was almost severed by its sharp claws.

Countless golden feathers and blood sprayed out from the wound. The golden-winged eagle let out a piercing scream in pain and attacked the iron-winged goshawk crazily.



The two level four monsters suddenly started fighting crazily in the air again. You pecked me, and I clawed you.

Come on, let's hurt each other.

"Zhou Cao, can't you stop for a while?"

The fierce battle between the iron-winged goshawk and the golden-winged flying eagle made Lin Taixu's walking extremely difficult. It could be said that he retreated three times in one step. The distance was obviously only twenty or thirty meters, and he walked for several minutes before reaching the halfway point.

"Faster, faster, faster."

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl urged, "Is this okay?" Can't even walk.

If she had not been tied up by Lin Taixu, she was confident that she would have brought her little brother back long ago.

Who gave you your confidence? Come and let me take a look. : Lin Taixu.

To be honest, Lin Taixu really planned to save the young man in green this time. The blood in his body was boiling, and all the strength of the fourth-level martial arts burst out. However, the movements of the iron-winged goshawk were too large. If he hadn't had the fourth-level The fifth level of martial arts training.

I'm afraid I've been thrown out long ago.

Haven't you seen Dong Daying, who possesses the fourth level and fifth level of Wuzong strength, holding the railing with both hands and looking pale?

Even he didn't dare to move.

If this were a soft-armored girl, I'm afraid I would have sang a song long ago. I want to fly higher, fly even higher.



Just hearing a bang, the Golden-winged Eagle was knocked away again by the Golden-winged Eagle, and its body rolled and fell downwards. Blood was flowing all over its body, and it was too miserable to watch.

Although it is large in size, it is far from the opponent of the Golden Winged Eagle in terms of strength. However, it can be considered relatively strong for being able to persist for such a long time.


As a result of this roll, everyone on the back of the Iron-winged Goshawk suddenly let out a series of terrified screams. Under the huge rotation force, even if they held on to the railings or chairs tightly, many people were still thrown away again. go out.

The soft-armored girl was tied to the chair, so it was nothing serious. She just felt dizzy and her hands were subconsciously clutching the seat under her body. At this moment, she seemed to understand why Lin Taixu tied her up. .


At this time, the young man in green slipped his fingers and his body fell off the back of the iron-winged goshawk, "Sister, take good care of daddy."

The young man in green looked up to the sky and shouted.

"Little brother."

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help shouting, her body was struggling desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the rope to save the boy in Tsing Yi. Her beautiful big eyes looked at the position where the boy in Tsing Yi fell, and crystal clear tears kept flowing. welling up from her eyes.

In the haze of her tears, she saw a figure jumping down, and she was stunned.

This figure is naturally none other than Lin Taixu.

Just when the young man in Tsing Yi's fingers became loose, Lin Taixu noticed it. When he reached the railing as he moved forward desperately, he saw the young man in Tsing Yi had fallen. Lin Taixu immediately jumped down without thinking. .

Jumping out of the back of the iron-winged goshawk, Lin Taixu grabbed the collar of the young man in green and held on to the iron pillar on the railing with one hand. It was a critical moment.

"Hey, I'm not dead?"

The young man in green clothes originally thought that he was dead, but he didn't expect that his body didn't continue to fall down, so he couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Yes, you must be lucky to have met me."

Lin Taixu said, in fact, what he wanted to say most was that you should be lucky to have a good sister.

Of course, you can think about this, but don’t say it out loud.

As soon as he said it, he was worried that the young man in green couldn't bear the stimulation, so he took off his clothes and fell to his death.

Then how can he face the anger of the soft-armored girl?

So, keep a low profile.


Looking at Lin Taixu, the young man in green showed a shocked look. He didn't expect that Lin Taixu would dare to jump down in order to save himself. Such kindness.


They heard a sharp roar and strong winds. Lin Taixu and the young man in green felt their eyes go dark, and a huge eagle head appeared next to them. It was a golden-winged eagle.

It turned out that after the golden-winged eagle knocked the iron-winged eagle away, it chased after them and appeared beside them by chance. It immediately stretched out its claws and grabbed the young man in green without hesitation.

"Help, help."

The young man in green was frightened when he saw this. Oh my god, is God going to kill me?

He finally fell down and was rescued by Lin Taixu, and escaped from death.

Now he encountered the golden-winged eagle again and was attacked by it.


It is no exaggeration to say that even on the ground, with his strength, he would only wait for death when facing a fourth-level monster.

Not to mention that he is now in mid-air and cannot exert force, uh, and cannot escape. In his limited knowledge, he can't think of a second possibility except death.

"Go up."

Lin Taixu shook his arm, grabbed the collar of the young man in green and threw him up with force.


The young man in green yelled, and felt his body soaring into the sky uncontrollably, narrowly brushing against the sharp claws of the golden-winged flying eagle and falling into the railing on the back of the iron-winged goshawk.


The golden-winged flying eagle missed its attack, and with a tremor in its body, it continued to attack Lin Taixu.

"Are you looking for death?"

Lin Taixu smiled coldly at this, and his blood and qi surged, as if a mad dragon had awakened in his body, and then he punched the right claw of the golden-winged flying eagle.


There was a roar, and Lin Taixu punched the claw of the golden-winged flying eagle, and the huge force surged, directly knocking the golden-winged flying eagle back dozens of meters.

"Oh my god, is it so weak?"

Lin Taixu was stunned. You know, he only used less than half of his strength in this punch, and he thought the fourth-level monster was very powerful.

That's it?

He felt that he was very good again.

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