My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 248: Instant Kill

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Seeing this, Zhou Yuncheng said disdainfully, and then he saw the vitality lingering on his arm, exuding powerful power, and he grabbed the long sword in the hand of the soft-armored girl.


Lin Taixu shouted loudly, and when he was about to step forward and pull the soft-armored girl away, his feet slipped and she fell onto the seat beside her.


Seeing this, Zhou Yuncheng couldn't help but smile coldly. He almost fell down when he walked. What is he not a waste?

People like this still want to be a hero and save the beauty?

You don’t even take a pee and take a picture of yourself, are you worthy?

"call out."

At this time, he saw a fierce sword roar piercing the air, and the soft-armored girl's long sword, which had been stabbing very slowly in his eyes, suddenly seemed like thunder, moving up his arm with incomparable accuracy. Stung him in the throat.

When Zhou Yuncheng saw this, he couldn't help but risk his life. This sword could definitely be stabbed by a second-level warrior. Let alone a second-level warrior, even a fourth-level martial artist must be a master of swordsmanship. Only then can he thrust out such a sharp and fast sword.

Suddenly, Zhou Yuncheng felt a death crisis instantly enveloped his heart. Just when he was about to make a move, he felt a sharp pain in his throat. The long sword in the soft-armored girl's hand had stabbed accurately. down his throat.

"This is impossible."

Zhou Yuncheng stared blankly at the soft-armored girl and said, his eyes showing deep disbelief.

He guessed the beginning, but not the ending.

I originally thought that I could easily complete the mission during this trip. However, the mission turned out to be full of twists and turns. In the end, I actually died in the hands of a little girl who was a second-level warrior.

What the hell, is it so hard to be a bad guy these days?

What kind of weird things can happen?



The soft-armored girl also looked at Zhou Yuncheng blankly, and deeply agreed with Zhou Yuncheng's words.

Not to mention that Zhou Yuncheng didn't think of it, she didn't think of it either.

Since when can a second-level warrior kill a fourth-level warrior?

And he is also a high-level martial arts master.

And he is also a high-level martial arts master with full blood.

Damn it, she had never done this in her wildest dreams.


When everyone else saw this, they couldn't help but be stunned. What's going on?

Are they dreaming?

A person with a fifth-level martial arts training at the second level actually killed someone with an eighth-level martial arts level at the fourth level.

And it’s still an instant kill.

This kind of thing, let alone seeing it, they have never heard of it when they grow up.

Then you see it now: Lin Taixu.

"Could it be him?"

The soft-armored girl turned to look at Lin Taixu who was sitting in the chair. She remembered that her arm seemed to have been touched by something just now, and then, by the time he felt it, the sword had already been inserted into Zhou Yuncheng's throat.

Therefore, she strongly suspected that Lin Taixu had secretly done something to help her kill Zhou Yuncheng. After all, there was no one else around her except him.

However, when he saw the surprised look on Lin Taixu's face, he felt unconfident in his heart.

No matter how well he hides himself, he is only about the same age as himself. It would be great to be able to support a third-level martial artist to death. Even if he wants to help himself, I'm afraid he doesn't have the strength.

But besides him, who else could it be?

The soft-armored girl was puzzled.


Seeing this, the golden-winged eagle couldn't help but scream in fear. Its legs gave out and it fell on the back of the iron-winged eagle. It looked at the soft-armored girl with great horror in its eyes.

If anyone could get into its heart, they would definitely know that at this moment, in its young heart, there are countless grass and mud horses whizzing past.

What's more, it thought that only Lin Taixu could scare it. It felt that Lin Taixu was the most powerful person among this group of people.

But I never expected that there was a fierce god hidden inside.

After a disagreement, Zhou Yuncheng was killed effortlessly.

This is so frightening.

Run, er, not, fly.

The golden-winged eagle has only one thought at the moment, fly, fly far, the farther the better.

This human being is so cunning. He is obviously a dragon, but he pretends to be an ant to tease the eagle.

Not counting one, there are actually two of them. They are simply a couple of bitches.

Thinking of this, the golden-winged eagle immediately stood up staggeringly and flew in one direction in a panic.

By coincidence, this direction was exactly where Lin Taixu was sitting.

What's even more coincidental is that at this time, Lin Taixu's mind was filled with the crisp electronic sound of the system.


"The fourth-level monster Golden-winged Eagle was discovered."

"Can be captured and tamed as pets."

Found the fourth-level monster Golden Winged Eagle?

Ouch, hold the grass.

You are a dog system,

It’s been on for dozens of episodes since they came, are you blind? Did you just find out?

When Lin Taixu heard what the system said, he almost wanted to pull out the system and kill him. Is it okay?

No, change the system.

However, Qi returned to Qi. When he heard that the system said that he could tame the golden-winged eagle into a pet, Lin Taixu's eyes lit up and he had no intention of arguing with this dog system anymore.

Pets are the way to go.

And it’s a pet that can fly, but it doesn’t smell good.

Suddenly, he saw a golden-winged flying eagle flying in front of him, a pair of crystal clear feet, uh, no, a pair of powerful eagle claws were handed to his chest.

Without thinking, Lin Taixu reached out and grabbed one of the golden-winged eagle's talons.


The Golden-winged Eagle, which was already scared to death, screamed, and its huge wings vibrated violently, and it soared into the sky with Lin Taixu.

"Young Master."

The soft-armored girl couldn't help but shout in surprise. Because of the Golden-winged Eagle's size, the soft-armored girl didn't know that Lin Taixu took the initiative to catch the Golden-winged Eagle, but thought that the Golden-winged Eagle took Lin Taixu away when he left.

You took the opportunity, and your whole family took the opportunity. : Golden-winged Eagle.

"Young Master."

The soft-armored girl retracted her arm, pulled back the long sword inserted in Zhou Yuncheng's throat, and chased forward without thinking.


The long sword was pulled out, and a stream of blood spurted out from Zhou Yuncheng's throat. Then, Zhou Yuncheng seemed to have been drained of all his strength and energy, and his body fell softly to the ground.

His body trembled for a few breaths, and then he completely lost his breath of life.

A warrior with the strength of the fourth level martial arts sect and the eighth level died inexplicably.

I am afraid that he still can't figure out why when he is about to die.

He was fine when he came, but in the end, he couldn't go back.

"Sister, calm down."

The blue-clothed boy quickly untied the rope on his body and chased after him. He chased for dozens of meters and grabbed the soft-armored girl.

"Sister, I can't catch up."

Watching the golden-winged flying eagle flying farther and farther in the sky, the blue-clothed boy told the truth.


The soft-armored girl shook off the blue-clothed boy's palm, walked forward a few steps, and then stopped, silently watching the golden-winged flying eagle grabbing Lin Taixu and slowly disappearing in the sky, feeling that something in her body was quietly broken, and it hurt her so much.

It hurts so much.

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