My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 250: High-end joystick

"I only know that he is of a very noble status. The master of the Flight Department of Dafeng City has repeatedly told me to protect him."

"But, I didn't expect that there would be unexpected events, and he still got into trouble in the end."

Dong Daying sighed, his face full of worry. He was a little afraid to go back to Dahuang City now.

Because he didn't know how to explain.

"Is he of a very noble status? Could he be a prince or a grandson of the emperor?"

The young man in blue said, but the royal family of Xinyue Kingdom had never heard of such a person.

"Is he of a noble status?"

The girl in soft armor couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Could he be someone from the Zhenbei Army?"

"That's not right. The Zhenbei Army doesn't accept useless people."

Li Yigen also guessed in confusion. The Zhenbei Army was the most elite army stationed in Dahuang City to guard the Northern Wilderness for the royal family of Xinyue Kingdom. Every soldier was as brave as a dragon and a tiger.

It was known as the strongest army in Xinyue Kingdom.

How could such an army accept a useless person?


Sorry, you guessed it right. He is really a member of the Zhenbei Army, and he is also a confidant of the Zhenbei King. However, I just won't tell you. Are you angry?

Dong Daying looked at Li Yigeng indifferently and sneered in his heart.


The iron-winged goshawk glided quickly in the air, and the huge eagle head kept looking around, as if to prevent the golden-winged flying eagle from suddenly appearing again.

Several people followed the direction where the golden-winged flying eagle left for more than half an hour, but did not find the trace of the golden-winged flying eagle and Lin Taixu.

In the end, they had no choice but to return and fly towards the Great Wasteland City with those who survived.

After the golden-winged flying eagle took Lin Taixu out of everyone's sight, Lin Taixu finally climbed onto the back of the golden-winged flying eagle along the claws of the golden-winged flying eagle. The degree of difficulty is omitted here.

At this time, the mood is omitted by 100,000 words.

Lin Taixu climbed onto the broad back of the golden-winged eagle and found that in addition to a place for people to sit on its back, there was actually a hilt-shaped thing inserted in the middle of its back from the neck.

Lin Taixu was stunned when he saw it and burst out a swear word.

Ouch, what the hell.


Sure enough, this bus is different from a private car. There is only one seat on the iron-winged eagle, and this golden-winged eagle is not only a luxurious single room, but also has such advanced configurations.

"What a sophisticated person."

Lin Taixu sighed and sat on the chair tied to the back of the golden-winged eagle, reaching out to hold the hilt.

You are a sophisticated person, and your whole family is sophisticated: Golden-winged Eagle.

: Lin Taixu.

That's a sword, stupid, it's stuck in my body, are you blind: Golden-winged Eagle.

"To the right."

Lin Taixu turned the hilt to the right with his hand, intending to try the joystick to see how it feels, whether to hold it or not.


When Lin Taixu turned, the Golden-winged Eagle immediately screamed in pain, and his eyes went black, and he fell headfirst into the forest below.


Lin Taixu was shocked when he saw this, and felt that the use of this joystick must be different from the gears used in cars in his previous life. He turned left again without thinking, intending to adjust the falling posture to the original position first.

After all, he still had a good life to enjoy, and he didn't want to fall to death in such a muddle.

"Cri, ri"

Suddenly, the Golden-winged Eagle screamed again, and the pair of eagle claws suspended in the air trembled in pain.

This is not a human being.

He drew his sword when he disagreed with something, please, can't you be a human being?

If the Golden-winged Eagle could speak human language, he would definitely scold Lin Taixu and greet his ancestors for ninety generations.

Perhaps at the critical moment of life and death, the Golden-winged Eagle finally stopped falling and staggered to one side.

"Oh my god, it's bleeding."

Lin Taixu saw that under his control, the Golden-winged Eagle did not fly in the direction he wanted, which was fine, but he actually found blood coming out from under the joystick.

Suddenly, I felt that my brain was not enough.

Be more confident, your brain is not enough. : Golden-winged Eagle.

Lin Taixu was curious and pulled the hilt of the sword upwards, and found that it was not a joystick, but a long sword.

Alas, I am still too young.

Since I thought it was a joystick.


When the long sword was pulled out, a column of blood burst out from the body of the Golden-winged Eagle. Lin Taixu hurriedly moved away, otherwise, he would really be sprayed with eagle blood.


The golden-winged eagle felt the blood flowing out of its body, and it kept screaming. It felt that it was about to die. No, it had to go to the doctor. Uh, no, it had to go to the veterinarian.


The golden-winged eagle fell towards a forest. Its wings were like knives. All the trees touched by its wings were cut in half.

The whole forest seemed to be ushering in the end of the world.


The golden-winged eagle stopped in the forest, turned around and called to Lin Taixu, meaning that it had arrived at the station, please get off the plane.

"Now I'll give you a chance to become my pet."

Seeing the golden-winged eagle stop, Lin Taixu stood on its back and did not get off. Instead, he stepped on its neck and shouted loudly.


Be your pet?

The Golden-winged Eagle was a little stunned. What's wrong? Does I look easy to talk to? Does anyone want to be my master?

"Fuck, this beast doesn't understand human language?"

Lin Taixu frowned when he saw that the Golden-winged Eagle did not respond.

Then, he grabbed his hand and a purple-gold hammer appeared in his hand. Purple light lingered on it, and it looked very high-end.

Yeah, very solid.

That's right, it was the purple-gold hammer, the same as the one given to Wang Luoyi, a first-level weapon.

He spent 100 silver coins to buy it from the first-level mall in the system.

As for the fourth-level purple-gold hammer, there is one.

But he can't afford it.

However, it is enough in his heart.

Looking at the purple-gold hammer that suddenly appeared in Lin Taixu's hand, the Golden-winged Eagle suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Lin Taixu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and smashed it on the Golden-winged Eagle's head without saying a word.


With a dull sound, the Golden-winged Eagle's head was smashed to the ground involuntarily, and a severe pain spread from its head to its whole body.


The Golden-winged Eagle screamed, and just as it was about to fight back, the second hammer quickly fell on its head.

Then, the third hammer, the fourth hammer

The Golden-winged Eagle was beaten to the ground and screamed, "Brother, I didn't say I didn't agree, why are you so rough?"




For the sake of his own life, the Golden-winged Eagle quickly expressed his agreement to be Lin Taixu's pet.

However, he didn't expect that the more fiercely it screamed, the faster Lin Taixu would hammer it.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen hammers were thrown, and the Golden-winged Eagle was hurt and confused.

Brother, master, I agreed to it, but you still beat me?

Then, a terrible idea emerged in the Golden-winged Eagle's mind.

Damn, this beast doesn’t understand bird language.

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