

After being stunned, within a moment, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Ouyang Yanran, and Wang Luoyi shouted crazily, with tears streaming down their faces.

They could feel the vibration of the pavilion from five or six meters away.

This shows how powerful Sun Dachang's slap is.

With the master's strength, which is not even that of a warrior, the situation is definitely in danger.

So, everyone ran up towards the pavilion while crying.

"Why are you panicking? Didn't you see Master standing there properly?"

Murong Wushuang grabbed Zhao Feixue and others and said, looking at Lin Taixu's eyes with enough shock.

She only saw Lin Taixu move his hand, and Sun Dachang flew out.


He slapped a three-level warrior away, is he still a good-for-nothing known to everyone?

If this can only be considered useless, then who do you think you are?

It's not even considered waste material.

Suddenly, Murong Wushuang felt bitterness at the corner of his mouth and began to look at Lin Taixu squarely for the first time.

It seemed that the master he had no intention of worshiping was hiding so deeply. If Sun Dachang hadn't come to make trouble today, I'm afraid he would have chosen to continue to endure it.

"so hard."

Lin Taixu looked blankly at Sun Dachang lying on the ground, and sighed in his heart. Just now, when Sun Dachang's palm was about to hit his face, he slapped him casually.

But he didn't expect to be able to slap Sun Dachang away and then hit his head against a stone pillar.

That sound hurt even listening to it.

But even so, this guy's head was still intact, not to mention not even bleeding, not even a piece of his scalp was broken.

Hey, it's really great.

It seems that there are still many powerful people in this world.

I can't be too high-profile in the future.

In fact, Lin Taixu didn't know that although Sun Dachang looked innocent on the surface, his head was actually a ball of paste, and it was still the kind that couldn't be any more paste.

"Ah, Master, everything is fine."

"Very good."

After being reminded by Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue and others saw Lin Taixu standing on the pavilion unscathed, while Sun Dachang was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead, and they burst into tears of joy.

Looking at Lin Taixu, there was a look of admiration in his eyes.


"It is detected that the controller has succeeded in killing someone by crossing a higher level. The system will reward the controller with 18,000 system experience points and 8,000 silver coins. (The next higher level will be rewarded with 1,000 system experience points, and the next higher level will be rewarded with 10,000 system experience points.)"

"The controller please pay attention to check."

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Lin Taixu's ears.

"It's done, it's done."

Suddenly, Lin Taixu couldn't help but feel ecstatic. He had gained eighteen thousand experience points in vain, which was enough for him to advance to several levels in a row.

"enter the system."

Lin Taixu immediately said in his heart without hesitation. Suddenly, a huge virtual screen appeared in front of him, and time immediately stopped around him.

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Physical strength: 5000 pounds

Famous teacher level: first-level famous teacher

Apprentice: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0

Body refining level: martial artist fifth level (0/5000)

System experience value: 21320

Famous teacher experience value: 2000

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: waste body (spicy chicken)

Kung Fu: Basic body training technique (increases training speed by 10 times)

Combat skill: Black Tiger Fist (increases strength by 10%)

Equipment: none

Making something out of nothing: 4

"More than 20,000 experience points."

Lin Taixu's eyes suddenly shone. He estimated that if he chose to upgrade, he would be able to upgrade three levels in a row from the fifth level of body refining to the eighth or ninth level of body refining.


This is so damn powerful.

When Lin Taixu was about to choose to upgrade, a bold idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

"Exit system."

Lin Taixu said with a sinister smile on his lips. If this was a bug, then his future upgrade path would be much easier.

"Great elder, great elder."

When the fifth elder saw Sun Dachang lying motionless on the ground, he shouted quickly. After shouting several times, he found that the other party had not responded. He immediately squatted down and touched the side of Sun Dachang's neck. His expression suddenly changed, because he found that Sun Dachang had no pulse.

In other words, it is already dead.

What the hell.

It seems that I just asked you to be merciful, and I didn't let you commit suicide by hitting the stone pillar.

How can I repay your deep friendship?

Thinking about it, the fifth elder couldn't help but have tears in his eyes, and looked at the sky speechlessly.

Is this the legendary love?

From the beginning to the end, there was no doubt that Sun Dachang did not commit suicide, but was slapped to death by Lin Taixu.


A useless person who can kill a second-level and third-level warrior with one slap.

If I told you this, would you believe it?

He didn't believe it anyway.


Lin Taixu looked at the fifth elder and couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. This was so full of homosexuality.

Does my slap break up a beautiful marriage?

However, it was not my fault. I only exerted half my strength, but who knew he would die.

If you don't have the strength, how can you show off?


"No, why is there a slap mark on the Great Elder's face?"

The fifth elder looked at the palm print on Sun Dachang's face and said to himself that there was no need to say more about this palm print, which was naturally left by Lin Taixu's palm.

In fact, according to common sense, Lin Taixu could not kill Sun Dachang with a slap, but Sun Dachang relied on himself to be a second-level warrior with a third-level cultivation, and did not guard against Lin Taixu at all. He was slapped away by Lin Taixu before he could react.

It is true that Lin Taixu did not use his full strength, but only used half of his strength.

But that half is more than 2,000 pounds.

If more than 2,000 pounds of strength hit his face, there would only be a broken word.

Sun Dachang's head was actually intact, which was considered to be his stubbornness.

"It was you? Did you kill our elder?"

The fifth elder turned his head and looked at Lin Taixu, and asked in a trembling voice, half angry and half frightened.

He was angry because he had misunderstood, and he was frightened because Lin Taixu was not the waste in the legend?

How could he kill the elder?

Playing the pig to eat the tiger?

Thinking of this, the fifth elder felt a chill from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Damn, it was chilling.

How could it not be chilling?

The waste known to everyone in Qingfeng City, everyone laughed and insulted at will, but in the end, it turned out to be a hidden master.

This is so fucking, isn't it good to be a human being?

"No, I'm standing in front of you like this, which eye of yours saw me kill your elder?"

Lin Taixu denied it flatly. Just kidding, he naturally wouldn't admit that he killed Sun Dachang. How could a handsome man like me kill people?

"You are lying. How could my master kill people? It was obviously your elder who hit his head on the stone pillar and committed suicide."

Murong Wushuang stepped forward a few steps to Lin Taixu and said, since Lin Taixu said he didn't kill anyone, then he didn't kill anyone.

Even if the king of heaven came, he didn't kill anyone.


The Fifth Elder's mouth twitched when he heard this. He looked at Lin Taixu and Murong Wushuang and wanted to ask, do you believe what you said?

Committing suicide?

Is there something wrong with the First Elder's brain? He came here to commit suicide?

And he had to hit your stone pillar. What's wrong? Is your stone pillar fragrant?


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