My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 264 It’s my turn now

"You are dead."

Niu Jingyi couldn't help but trembled with anger, pointed at Diao Butiao and said.

"Brother Niu, it seems that the people in your Dahuang City are still simple and honest. If we were in the Imperial Capital, such unruly people would have been beaten to death long ago."

Hua Yiying on the side said with a smile.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you just kill him?"

Niu Jingyi had a murderous intention in his heart, but after being provoked by Hua Yiying, he saw him yelling at the guards behind him.

Damn it, you don’t have any eyesight at all.

Haven't you seen this young master being laughed at?


"Yes, Master."

The third-level martial artist and first-level guard behind Niu Jingyi immediately responded and walked towards Diao Butiao with murderous intent.

On the second floor, he taught Diao Budiao a lesson. Unexpectedly, he still offended the young master without knowing it. He deserved death.

He was even so involved that he was yelled at by the young master. If the young master was angry and stopped being his guard, what would he do?

Then he has no choice but to return to Golden Gun Camp to become a hundred households.

And returning to the Golden Gun Camp means having to face difficult choices of life and death at any time. How can you have the freedom and ease of drinking hot food and drinking spicy food with the young master now?

Therefore, between emotion and reason, in public and private affairs, whether someone is unruly or not will lead to death.

Even if God comes, he can't stop it.

"A mere third-level martial artist at the first level dares to act arrogantly in front of labor and management?"

Seeing this, Diao BuDiao couldn't help but sneered and strode towards the guard.

Although he himself is only the fifth level of a second-level warrior, so what?

As long as the young master is here, it's no problem, just fuck him.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but grab Diao Budiao's collar and pull him back. Are you so stupid? He is a third-level martial artist at the first level, and you are only a second-level warrior at the fifth level. You just rush in like this. Go up?

how? Give someone a head.

Or do you think you are so awesome that you can leapfrog the competition?


Seeing this, Diao Butiao couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu in confusion. Isn't it time to fight back and feel proud?

"Destroy him."

Lin Taixu was too lazy to talk to the fool, so he immediately said to Nangong Yida.

Although he can crush that arrogant bully Niu Jingyi's bullshit guard to death, but why not use free thugs?



Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu blankly, with many question marks on his forehead. He was just a theatergoer, what did it have to do with him?

"If I were killed, do you think you could still complete the mission?"

When Lin Taixu saw that Nangong was motionless, he immediately reminded him.

He now knows why the Zhenbei Army can only stick to Dahuang City and cannot advance northward to Dahu Country.


You see what you just explained to him so clearly, what the hell captain forgot again.

don't know?

Don’t you understand? Don’t you know the reason for payment?


Nangong Yidao couldn't help but feel a toothache. He had just been the payer, and now he was going to be a free thug?

Who can I ask to reason with this?

However, what Lin Taixu said made sense. The opponent was a third-level martial artist. With Lin Taixu's useless body, he could probably stab him to death with one finger.

So, for the sake of Lin Taixu's life, well, and for the future of his precious daughter, Nangong Yidao reluctantly agreed.

Free thugs are free thugs. Anyway, I am wearing a mask and no one can recognize me.

"Come out and die."

Seeing Diao Butiao retreating again, the third-level martial artist said with a ferocious smile. He strode forward to Diao Butiao and slapped Diao Butiao on the head.

I saw his vitality vibrating, and his palms were like iron. As he passed through the air, there was a terrifying whistling sound. If this slap were to hit, there would be no suspense, and Diao BuDiao's head would be shattered like a watermelon. .


The timid diners present had stopped talking and did not dare to watch such a bloody scene. They were afraid of spitting out the food they had just eaten. The money was not wasted.


"Going against me will kill you."

When Niu Jingyi saw this, a cold smile appeared on his lips. No matter who you are, in Dahuang City, if you are a dragon, you have to coil up, and if you are a tiger, you have to lie down.

The prerequisite is that you must not offend this young master, otherwise you will be waiting for the dragon's muscles to be peeled off and the tiger's skin peeled off.

"Things that don't know whether to live or die."

Hua Yiying said lightly, "You dare to be so arrogant if you don't have the strength. Isn't this because you are at odds with yourself?"

I hope you can understand in your next life.


Just when the third-level martial artist was about to slap Diao Budiao, Nangong Yidao reached out and took hold of Diao Budiao's wrist.


The third-level martial artist couldn't help but be stunned. Just when he was about to activate the vitality in his body to blast away Nangong Yida's palm, he saw a huge force coming from the opponent's palm, and instantly went down his arm, sealing his Yuanhai. got up.


Nangong Yidao flicked his arm and threw the third-level martial artist out like trash, with a "boom" sound.

The third-level martial artist smashed his body against a table, instantly smashing the wooden table into pieces, and then fell to the ground, letting out a scream.



Suddenly, everyone looked at Nangong Yidao in unison, dumbfounded.

Mommy, you just threw a third-level martial artist out casually. This fourth-level martial artist?

It is true that the real person does not show his true colors.

"Who are you? How dare you meddle in my business?"

Niu Jingyi was also frightened by Nangong Yidao. He subconsciously took a big step back and roared fiercely.

"So strong? Could it be a fourth-level martial arts master? This is troublesome."

Hua Yiying looked at Nangong Yidao and said in his heart that to be able to defeat a third-level martial artist so easily, at least a third-level martial artist of the seventh, eighth, or ninth level could do it.

And he saw Nangong Yidao so relaxed and comfortable, obviously his martial arts cultivation is only high, not low.

Only high, not low, that is a fourth-level martial arts master.

You should know that the guards he brought out at this moment also have at least a third-level martial arts master of the third level. This encounter with a fourth-level martial arts master is a bit tricky.


Nangong Yidao glanced at Niu Jingyi lightly, retracted his arm, and then sat down again, even if Niu Jingyi's father Niu Baichuan spoke to him.

Whether Nangong Yidao responds to him or not, whether he looks at him or not, all depends on his mood.

As for you, Niu Jingyi, I'm sorry, you are not up to the standard.


Lin Taixu slapped Diao Butiao on the head and cursed, "Why are you still standing there? Bring that kid to me."


"Yes, yes, yes."

Diao Butiao was stunned by the beating. After hearing Lin Taixu's words, he immediately walked towards Niu Jingyi happily.

Little guy, the world changes. Thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west.

Now, it's finally my turn.

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