My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 276: Flying Dragon Slash

"I'll go, this is true."

"Isn't it true?"

"Didn't you see that all the cattle were taken away?"

"Now I'm afraid I'm going to break the law and arrest the son of Qianhu from the Golden Spear Camp of the Zhenbei Army in Dahuang City."

"If Niu Qianhu finds out about this, he won't be able to bring the entire Golden Spear Battalion to kill him."

"So what if we kill them? Are they afraid? You haven't seen that they even plan to capture the eldest son of the Hua family in the imperial capital."

"You know, the Imperial Capital Hua Family is much more powerful than the Golden Spear Camp."

Seeing the famous teacher guard's series of actions, the people in the restaurant couldn't help but be dumbfounded. They were planning to go against the grain.

Although the Imperial Capital is extremely far away from Dahuang City, no less than 108,000 miles away, they also know the distribution of power in the Imperial Capital very well.

In the Hua family of the imperial capital, there are countless strong men, there are as many martial sects as dogs, and the whole courtyard is full of martial lords.

For such a powerful family, your famous teacher guard actually dares to arrest the eldest son of their family?

This is nothing less than poking a hornet's nest. As long as the Hua family sends a Martial Lord out, tsk tsk, life is short, but you still want to take shortcuts.

Um, but it seems like they don’t care about our business and just watch the show.

"Wait and watch, if that martial artist makes a move, kill him."

Lin Taixu leaned towards Nangong Yidao and whispered.


Nangong Yidao couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu speechlessly, you really don't regard yourself as an outsider.

"It's not in vain, this is for you."

Lin Taixu also seemed to feel a little embarrassed. He took out a simple-style wine bottle about half a foot high from the storage ring and placed it gently on the table next to Nangong Yidao.

A great tonic wine.

He bought this from the system's third-level mall. The items in the third-level mall start with tens of thousands of silver coins, which is equivalent to millions of actual silver coins. It can be said that he spent a lot of money this time.

In fact, the reason why he did this was not simply because he might need Nangong Yida to take action later, but because he planned to bribe him.

Think about it, if a fifth-level Martial Lord has such subordinates, it would be honorable to take them out by yourself, right?

Moreover, it feels safe.

Therefore, in order to achieve his goal happily, he specially chose this wine.

According to the 100,000-word introduction to this wine in the mall, Lin Taixu finally concluded that this wine can make up for the sky at the top, the earth at the bottom, and the younger brother in the middle.

This is simply good news for men.


"What's this?"

Nangong Yidao asked quietly as he looked at what looked like a wine bottle in front of him.

"Taixu greatly tonic wine."

Lin Taixu said seriously that the name Shiquan Dabujiu was too vulgar, so he might as well use his own name.

How about it?

Isn’t it noble?

"Taixu Datongjiu?"

Nangong Yidao said in confusion, what the hell? I have drunk countless wines, why have I never heard of this name?

"Try it."

Lin Taixu said, with a smile on his face, "Drink my wine, you will follow me from now on."

What future do you have as a squad leader of the Zhenbei Army?

Only by following me is your best future.

"Just try it."

Nangong Yidao said, then he picked up the wine bottle, opened the cork, smelled it gently, and found that it did smell like wine, so he immediately opened his mouth and took a sip.

He likes to drink by nature. It can be said that he has fun every day without drinking. Since he has wine to drink, why should he be polite?


Nangong drank the wine in one gulp and felt the liquid entering his throat. The originally slightly sweet liquid exploded in his body like a stream of magma and quickly spread throughout his body.

Immediately, Nangong Yidao's body froze, and he hurriedly mobilized the energy in his body to refine and suppress the wine.

"I wipe it, is it poisonous?"

When Lin Taixu saw Nangong take a gulp of wine, his body suddenly became stiff and his eyes almost popped out. "The conscience of heaven and earth, the system did not say it was poisonous. If you are poisoned, you can't come to me."


After a while, Nangong Yida refined the wine, and found that some of the hidden wounds in his body were actually showing signs of recovery, and well, he had been out for so long, and suddenly he missed his wife at home.

"Good wine."

Nangong Yidao closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and then said to Lin Taixu that just because it could heal the hidden wounds in his body, it could be called a peerless wine, not to mention that it could nourish yin and yang. He even felt that his martial arts bottleneck was There was a little bit of looseness.

This kind of wine is not a good wine, so what is a good wine?



Lin Taixu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Nangong Yida was not poisoned. Fortunately, he was lucky.

If this guy dies, the masked girl won’t be able to fight against me.

While secretly breathing a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but look at Nangong Yidao speechlessly, "What the hell is wrong with you? You feel like you're about to burp after drinking."

Can you be more mature like me?

"No problem, as soon as that martial artist makes a move, you will kill him."

Lin Taixu said to Nangong Yida.

"no problem."

Nangong Yidao agreed boldly. He raised his arm and an invisible force enveloped the Hua family guard, and then directly caught him in front of him.

"Kneel down."

Nangong Yidao shouted in a low voice, and as the sound fell, a powerful force suppressed the Hua family guards.


The Hua family guard immediately fell to his knees, feeling as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his back, and looked at Nangong Yidao in horror.

But he heard Lin Taixu tell Nangong Yidao that if he did it, Nangong Yidao would kill him. He was so frightened that he trembled and didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that Nangong Yidao would misunderstand that he had moved.

And put your own life at risk.

But, brother, I haven’t done anything, so you just do it.

Isn’t it good to be a human being?

"Take it down. Anyone who dares to resist will be shot to death."

Without Hua family guards, Liu Sandao immediately ordered. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Hua Yiying and took action directly. This deacon has long disliked your Hua family, but will I tell you?


I had no reason to attack you before, so forget it. Now that I have a reason, do you still want me to let you go?

Dream on you.

"Yes, Lord Deacon."

Several famous teachers and guards responded. With a flick of their wrists, the chain of elemental locks in their hands roared out and swept towards Hua Yiying.

"How dare you"

Seeing this, Hua Yiying couldn't help roaring. He saw a surge of vitality all over his body, exuding an astonishing aura. Then, he pulled out the weapon on his body and slashed towards an elemental chain.


As Hua Yiying slashed out with his sword, a sword light several feet long appeared out of thin air and slashed forward.

Flying Dragon Slash!

The clan-suppressing technique of the Hua family in the imperial capital, level, mid-level Xuan level.

This set of exercises is powerful and domineering, capable of killing enemies unparalleled. It is a very offensive sword technique. It is precisely because of this set of exercises that the Hua family has established its status as the first family in the imperial capital.

It is said that an ancestor of the Hua family relied on this set of sword skills to kill an opponent with a fifth-level martial arts cultivation level and a third-level cultivation level.

Retrograde and defeat the immortals, shocking the world.

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