My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 278: One Punch, Ten Million

"Thank you, Lord Hall Master, for your kindness. Thank you, Lord Hall Master, for your kindness."

Seeing this, Niu Jingyi quickly thanked Lin Taixu.

"Actually, according to the regulations of famous teachers, if you beat a famous teacher, you should be beheaded as a warning to others."

"However, I think that you are young, ignorant, and impulsive, so I will give you a chance to change your ways."

Lin Taixu said slowly.

"Thank you, Lord Hall Master. I am willing to change my ways."

Niu Jingyi said with great emotion.

"Well, children can be taught."

Lin Taixu nodded with satisfaction and said, "In that case, should you return the 10,000 silver coins my butler gave you?"

"Should, should."

Niu Jingyi nodded quickly.

"Well, that's right. Then you hit my housekeeper. Do you need to compensate him so that you can comfort his injured body and fragile mind?"

Lin Taixu continued.

"Should, should."

Niu Jingyi still nodded and said, as long as he can be let go, even if Lin Taixu wants him to call Diao BuDiao Dad, he thinks it should be done.

What's more, compensation is just money, isn't it?

Not only does he have a background, he is also very rich.

"Can you be of some use? Does he really dare to kill you?"

Hua Yiying couldn't help but cursed angrily when she saw that Niu Jingyi was so greedy for life and afraid of death.

This is Dahuang City, and your father is from Qianhu, the Golden Spear Camp. You are so scared.

"Young Master Hua, this is our fault, please stop saying a few words."

Niu Jingyi said to Hua Yiying, and as he spoke, he winked at Hua Yiying secretly, meaning that people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and they had to pass this test first.

"Lord Hall Master, how many silver coins would you like to compensate your butler?"

Niu Jingyi asked.

"You have to ask him about this."

Lin Taixu said with a slight smile, and then winked at Diao Budiao. Since you also squeezed, then it is not too much for me to squeeze.

"This is easy to handle, and I don't need much compensation."

Diao Budiao received Lin Taixu's hint and knew what he should do. He immediately said, "One punch has a thousand silver coins. You punched me three times and slapped me twice in total. Just give me 50 million silver coins."


"Fifty million silver coins?"

Niu Jingyi almost shouted like a pig.

I originally thought that no matter how much Diao Bu Diao opened his mouth, he would only be able to compensate himself for hundreds of thousands of silver coins.

However, he never dreamed that he would actually get 50 million silver coins with just one mouthful.

Damn it, you are robbing.


When Nangong Yidao heard this, his fingers shook, and he almost crushed the Taixu Tonic Wine in his hand, and looked at Diao Budiao in disbelief.

Fifty million silver coins, what the hell, how can you say that?

The annual military expenditure of my Zhenbei Army is only 200 million silver coins, and you are just asking for a quarter of it.

Come on, come on, I will sit here and let you punch me. I will only charge you 100,000 silver coins for one punch.

"Hey, the layout is too small."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but smacked his lips and said.

"Indeed, how can a steward who is the master of the Hall of Famed Masters be so shameless and engage in such extortion?"

Nangong Yidao nodded with deep understanding and said, isn't this an embarrassment to my future son-in-law?

No, this is a disease and needs to be cured.

"I mean he has to ask for at least 500 million."

Lin Taixu looked at Nangong Yidao speechlessly and said, Brother, please be normal, I'm scared.

Do you think I am short of fifty million silver coins?


Nangong was stunned for a moment, and the Taixu Tonic Wine in his hand was almost crushed by his fingers.

Is this what the legend says, if a person is shameless, he is invincible?

Fifty million silver coins originally refreshed his understanding of shamelessness, but Lin Taixu didn't expect that it would be doubled again by ten times. This kind of thing is indeed not the most shameless, only more shameless.

Too sloppy.

"Oh, I'll go, fifty million silver coins?"

In the restaurant, there were still some people who were brave enough not to escape and almost swallowed their own tongues when they heard Diao Bu Diao's words.

A slap is worth 10 million, Mommy, is there such a good thing in this world?

Come hit me, please.


Hua Yiying sneered in her heart, fifty million silver coins? This is not like a lion opening its mouth, but a dragon opening its mouth.

"No, it's too much. The most I can compensate is five hundred thousand silver coins."

Niu Jingyi said with a sad face that five hundred thousand was his maximum limit, and there was a risk of being beaten up by his father.

At this time, he even had some doubts whether Diao BuDiao deliberately opened his mouth so that he could not afford to pay, and then took the opportunity to kill himself.

"Five hundred thousand? Send the beggar away."

When Diao BuDiao saw this, he sneered and said, Five hundred thousand? Are you the one who sent the five hundred thousand silver coins?


Lin Taixu looked at Niu Jingyi speechlessly, feeling countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his heart.

If you say you pay back 40 million, everyone will take a step back, and everyone will be happy.

50 million, you counter-offer to 500,000?

The difference is a hundred times.

Are you so fucking shameless?

Do you have any integrity in doing business?

Who is shameless? : Nangong Yida.

"Drag it out and chop it."

Diao BuDiao rolled his eyes and told Liu Sandao that a poor man actually had the nerve to come out and show off his power and die early and be reincarnated as soon as possible.

This kind of people will only make food expensive when they live.

"No, don't kill me. My father is a member of the Zhenbei Army."

Niu Jingyi was so scared that he shouted and looked at Diao Bu Diao in horror. He killed people for a disagreement. Do you still have the law in your eyes?

Liu Sandao waved his hand expressionlessly when he heard it, and immediately pressed Niu Jingyi's two famous teacher guards to drag Niu Jingyi out of the restaurant.

"Oh, my god, he really killed him."

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked. The son of a thousand households of Zhenbei Army, he killed them just like that?

When did the famous teacher guards become so arrogant?

Mother, I want to be a famous teacher guard too.

You should know that Dahuang City also has a famous teacher hall and a famous teacher guard. There have been many people who have offended famous teachers in the past, but they were reprimanded a few words, or the big things were turned into small things, and that was it.

After all, those who dared to offend famous teachers all had status and background, and the famous teacher hall did not dare to make things awkward. As the saying goes, don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face.

But today, the famous teacher guard actually killed someone.

This overturned their cognition.

Hua Yiying saw this and his face changed with fear. He originally thought that Lin Taixu was just trying to scare him and Niu Jingyi, but he didn't expect them to be serious.

Suddenly, a chill rose from his feet to the top of his head.

"No, no."

"I'll give it to you."

Niu Jingyi was dragged to the door of the restaurant by the famous guards. He finally collapsed and turned his head to look at Diao Butiao and shouted.

"If you had done this earlier, it would have been over."

Diao Butiao saw this and couldn't help but pouting and said, some people are just stupid. If you don't hit them, they will think you are teasing them.

Immediately, Diao Butiao waved to the two famous guards, and the two famous guards immediately dragged Niu Jingyi back.

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