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Chapter 296: Paying 100 million

"Is it different from what I guessed?"

"This is impossible."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be startled, and then he fell in love with Nangong Yidao speechlessly. "I've said so much about my feelings to you, but it's all in vain."

He could guarantee that ninety-nine percent of his guesses were close to the truth.

As for the remaining one percent, that's his self-effacement.

"I mean just in case."

"Although the chance is small, you can't say it's impossible, right? What if it is possible?"

Nangong Yidao continued, "What if King Zhenbei doesn't intend to break the engagement, but you find the Imperial Capital Masters Hall to deal with him?"

As he said that, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Damn it, why didn't I think of this before?

I have never thought about breaking off the engagement, so why should I worry?

Immediately, Nangong Yidao happily drank tea and used the bell tieer to untie the bell, which was perfect.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but blink his eyes. Although what Nangong Yidao said was a hypothesis, what if the hypothesis was true?

You must know that too many things in the world are so bizarre. If you don't believe it, he himself is a living example.

Isn’t it weird that you can travel back in time while watching a pornographic comic and fighting monsters?

Is there anything more bizarre than this?

Damn it, labor and management won’t really shoot themselves in the foot.

Lin Taixu wailed in his heart, stood up and walked on the pavilion, thinking carefully about what went wrong.


When Nangong Yidao saw Lin Taixu's gloomy look, he felt greatly relieved. Well, no, it should be the king's heart that was greatly relieved. He suddenly felt that the cup of tea in his hand was a clear red color and the smell was as fragrant as orchid.

The taste is full and pure, mellow and poetic, the aftertaste is sweet and fragrant, and the fragrance is lingering on the teeth and cheeks. It is full of charm and makes you feel like a dream, as if you are in heaven and on earth. It is really the best tea!

You see, literate people are good at talking, but you can only say that I am Cao, delicious: system.

I just didn’t study. Am I proud? : Lin Taixu.

Nangong Yidao happily drank several cups of tea one after another, pouring it for himself. When he had the fifth cup, he found that the kettles on the stone table were empty, and immediately shouted loudly, "Come here, refill the tea."

Lin Taixu, who was deep in thought, couldn't help being startled. He turned back to look at Nangong Yidao, speechless. He was another one who came here to drink tea with his feelings.

Have tea?

Yes, that damn Niu Baichuan.

"Come on, come on."

An idea flashed in Lin Taixu's mind and he shouted loudly.

"Master, here you come, here you come."

Immediately, Diao BuDiao and Liu Sandao ran over quickly and looked at Lin Taixu nervously. They didn't know what big thing happened when Lin Taixu called them so anxiously.

"Go, quickly go to Niu Baichuan and get back the silver coins he owes me."

Lin Taixu said angrily.

"Yes, Master."

Diao BuDiao responded immediately and was about to turn around and leave when he saw him ask again, "Master, how many silver coins does Niu Baichuan owe you?"

"One hundred million silver coins."

Lin Taixu said without hesitation that Niu Jingyi in the restaurant promised to compensate him 50 million silver coins yesterday, but he has not received it yet. In this case, charging him a little interest is not excessive.

"One hundred million?"

Nangong Yidao blinked, as if he remembered it was fifty million, why did it double overnight?

Damn it, the money is so good.

"Okay, Master."

Diao BuDiao responded that he didn't care how much money it cost, as long as the young master said it, it would be right.

It’s both wrong and right.

Immediately, Diao Budiao left Yanlinyuan with Liu Sandao and others, and went to Niu Baichuan to ask for money.

"Niu Baichuan wants to kill you all, how dare you go to him and ask for money?"

Nangong Yidao asked curiously, feeling that he couldn't understand Lin Taixu's mysterious operation.

You're not asking for money, you're asking for your head.

At the same time, he added in his mind, the key is that he can't get 100 million silver coins.

"Of course they dare, unless they want to end up being wiped out."

Lin Taixu said with a confident victory.

"How do you say this?"

Nangong was stunned for a moment and humbly asked for advice. With his limited knowledge, he really couldn't understand the fallacy in Lin Taixu's words.

What does it mean that if you don't pay, you will end up being wiped out?

"Didn't you just say, what should I do if I guess wrong and people from the Imperial Capital's Famous Master Hall come to Zhenbei Army to question me?"

Lin Taixu said while sitting in front of Nangong Yidao.

"Yes, that's what I said."

Nangong Yidao nodded, but still didn't understand what Lin Taixu wanted to say.

"Think about it, as long as I accept Niu Baichuan's compensation, it means that this matter is over. Even if the people from the Imperial Capital Master Hall come, there is no reason to take action, right?"

"Well, the most I can do is reprimand him."

Lin Taixu said.

Nangong Yidao thought about it and felt that what Lin Taixu said was reasonable. At most, the people from the Imperial Capital's Famous Master Hall would have made their trip in vain, so it was not a big problem.

"If things are really what I think, that's okay."

"The Zhenbei Army is going to be finished anyway, so it's not too much for me to get some interest first, right?"

Lin Taixu continued.


Nangong Yidao seemed to have slapped Lin Taixu to death on the stone table at this moment. He couldn't even pick it up. Damn it, you are taking advantage anyway.

"But don't worry, Niu Baichuan, a small family with a thousand households, will never be able to get 100 million silver coins."

Although he couldn't beat Lin Taixu, Nangong Yidao didn't mind pouring cold water on Lin Taixu.

Let you be arrogant, let you do whatever you want.

"Then don't worry, the King of Zhenbei will give it to him."

Lin Taixu said with a smile.


Hearing this, Nangong Yidao almost cried like a pig again. How the hell, how did this involve me?

How can I give you so much money?

Besides, even if I have it, I won't give it to you.

"Why? Haha"

Lin Taixu laughed and looked at Nangong Yidao with disgust. This idiot's brain is really not enough. Oh, forget it, I'd better tell you clearly, otherwise, I can't show my talent.

"If you were the King of Zhenbei, you would definitely think that if the Imperial Capital Master Hall really came to Dahuang City, what would happen, right?"

Lin Taixu asked.

"I know."

Nangong Yidao nodded. If I didn't know, do you think I would be in the mood to come to see you?

Is the wife not beautiful anymore, or is the Taixu tonic wine not tasty anymore?


"One hundred million silver coins versus the consequences, which is more important? I'm sure you know how to choose."

Lin Taixu continued.

"I know."

Nangong Yidao said in a long voice. If he could really eliminate the risk of confrontation with the Imperial Capital Master Hall by paying one hundred million silver coins, he would naturally choose to pay.

"So, if Niu Baichuan can't afford the money, the King of Zhenbei will definitely help Niu Baichuan to pay for peace."

"Of course, this young master just needs to receive the money. As for who gave it, it doesn't matter."

Lin Taixu said with a smile.

Of course you don't have to care,

Anyway, he won't suffer any loss.

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but secretly complain, but think about it, what Lin Taixu said is really reasonable, if he doesn't pay, it really won't work.

This is fucking, I am a father-in-law, it's amazing.

He didn't see a penny of the betrothal gift, but he paid one hundred million first.


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