My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 306 Dragon Immortal Grass

"You don't even know what Dragon Immortal Grass is?"

Li Yigeng couldn't help but said in surprise, Dragon Immortal Grass is a sixth-level elixir and one of the main materials for refining the sixth-level elixir Wu Wang Dan. It is hard to find in the market.

You don’t know about such a priceless treasure?

Well, it seems that people who are not familiar with medicinal materials really can't tell the difference.

"Do I need to know? I just need it to be worth something."

Lin Taixu sneered, as long as you have money, what kind of grass can't be bought in the mall?


"It's valuable, very valuable."

Li Yigeng looked at Lin Taixu and said seriously. He finally saw that the guy in front of him knew nothing about anything except money.

"Okay, I believe you."

As soon as he heard that it was valuable, Lin Taixu immediately put away the dagger, loosened Li Yigeng's collar, and smoothed his clothes along the way.

As long as that dragon fairy grass is valuable, then nothing is a problem.


When Li Yigeng saw Lin Taixu let go of him, he immediately took two steps back and put some distance between him and Lin Taixu, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not easy. I finally got my life back.

"Bring it,"

Lin Taixu stretched out his hand again and said to Li Yigeng.


Li Yigen asked subconsciously.

"Dragon fairy grass."

Lin Taixu glared and said impatiently, "Why do you think you have so much flesh? You should have some brains."

Don’t remember what you just said?


Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment. Looking at Li Yigeng, his eyes immediately filled with murderous intent. This damn fat man couldn't be that unfounded thing that fooled me.

If this is the case, then congratulations, you have taken a shortcut in life.

Even if Pluto comes, he can’t hold him back.

"Uh, brother, the Dragon Immortal Grass is real, but"

Seeing Lin Taixu's murderous expression, Li Yigeng said weakly.

"Don't gasp."

Lin Taixu sneered, and when he turned his hand, a purple gold hammer appeared. He planned that if Li Yigeng lied to him, then he would use the purple gold hammer in his hand to hit Li Yigeng one by one. Into patties.

Let him know what cruelty is.

"But, in Wanbao Tower."

Li Yigeng looked at the purple gold hammer that was many times bigger than his head, swallowed hard and said.

If it were hit by such a big hammer, I'm afraid my little sister wouldn't even recognize herself.


Hearing this, Lin Taixu looked at Li Yigeng blankly. It took him more than ten seconds to come back to his senses and asked weakly, "You mean that the Dragon Immortal Grass is still in Wanbao Tower and you haven't bought it yet?" return?"


Li Yigeng nodded and said.

"What the hell."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he hit the ground with a hammer, making a huge pit in the ground. Then, a burst of anger rose into the sky.

Damn it, you're using other people's things to repay my debt, you're such a master of calculations.

Why don't you tell me that all the Yue family's money belongs to you and let me take it and spend it as I please?

"Do you know what I hate most in my life?"

Lin Taixu reached out and grabbed the purple gold hammer that was stuck on the ground, and asked with a sneer.

"What do you hate?"

Li Yigeng asked in a trembling voice, quietly moving back.

"First of all, I hate being owed money and don't pay it back."

"Second, I hate it when others deceive me."

"Sorry, you got both."

Lin Taixu said to Li Yigeng as he walked, looking at Li Yigeng with cold eyes, wondering whether to hit him on the head or on his butt with a hammer.

"Brother, please listen to my quibbles, uh, no, brother, please listen to my explanation."

Li Yigeng stepped back and said.


Lin Taixu raised his arm and saw the purple gold hammer whizzing towards Li Yigeng's head.

"Brother, Dragon Immortal Grass is sold by Wanbao Tower as low-end ambergris. If you buy it now, it will be just a cabbage price."

Li Yigeng was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran.


Lin Taixu waved his arm, and the Purple Gold Hammer hit the front of Li Yigeng's escape, making a dull sound. Li Yigeng couldn't avoid it, and suddenly hit the handle of the Purple Gold Hammer. He screamed in pain. Call.

"What are you talking about? Dragon ambrosia is being sold at a low price as ambergris?"

Lin Taixu asked aloud, and he was seen touching his chin with a thoughtful expression.

Although he didn't know what Ambergris was, he always felt that there was a lot of information in it.

"Yes, brother."

Li Yigeng limped up to Lin Taixu and said, "Ambergris and ambergris are very different in their young stages. However, the older they are, the more similar they become to ambergris."

"No one without a certain degree of discernment can tell the real difference between them."

"Moreover, ambergris is the main medicine for refining the third-level promotion pill, and the price is very cheap, while the dragon fairy grass is the main medicine for refining the sixth-level promotion pill. It is priceless and cannot be bought for ten thousand dollars."

"If eldest brother buys it now, wouldn't he make a lot of money?"


Lin Taixu crossed his arms and looked at Li Yigeng coldly. There were almost five big characters written on his face. Do you think I believe it or not?

"Brother, it's true. If I lie to you, I, Li Yigeng, will die badly."

Seeing Lin Taixu's unmoved look, Li Yigeng couldn't help but became anxious and swore.

This is what he found by accident when he went to Wanbaolou today. If it weren't for Lin Taixu's coercion, he would have no choice.

I'm sorry, he didn't tell ordinary people about it.

This is definitely a bargain, a huge bargain, a bargain that is rare in hundreds or thousands of years.


Lin Taixu continued to sneer, you said the same thing when you asked me to pay you on credit.

What's the result?

Ha, a man's mouth.

"Brother, it's true. If I lie to you, my little brother will lose an inch every day."

Li Yi almost cried, and almost knelt down to Lin Taixu. What about the trust between people?

Can I still borrow money happily?

Uh, no, can I still play happily?


Lin Taixu was stunned, my little brother loses an inch every day?

This poison is really poisonous.

Then, Lin Taixu believed Li Yigeng a little bit, and immediately said to the system, "System, I want to buy Dragon Immortal Grass."


"To buy Dragon Immortal Grass, you need 10 million silver coins. Since the controller does not have enough silver coins, the purchase failed."

The voice of the system immediately sounded in Lin Taixu's mind.

"What? 10 million?"

Lin Taixu almost jumped up when he heard the system say that. 10 million system silver coins are 1 billion silver coins in reality.

What kind of Dragon Immortal Grass is so valuable?

Li Yigeng was shocked by Lin Taixu's words and almost fainted. He looked at Lin Taixu with no desire to live and said, "Brother, don't play around. I only owe you 2 million. Why did you increase it to 10 million again?"

"Besides, I can't even pay back 2 million. If you pay back 10 million, you might as well kill me."

As he said that, Li Yigeng closed his eyes and planned to wait for Lin Taixu to hammer him to death.

If God gave him another chance, he would definitely not choose to owe Lin Taixu money.

People owe money and pay it back.

He owes money and pays back his life.

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