My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 326: Natural Reasoning

"Forcing you? Are you worthy?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but curl his lips, tapped his fingers on the stone table beside him, and said jokingly.

"Don't bully others too much."

Li Dahua roared angrily, glaring at Lin Taixu. A loser, a two-star famous teacher, dared to act wildly in the Li family. As the eldest elder of the Li family, it was his natural duty to maintain the dignity of the family.

"Hey, this is my intention to be unreasonable. It just so happens that I don't like to reason with people either."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu chuckled and said, "It's true, everyone is a martial artist. If everything is reasonable, then we will still be practicing martial arts and pursuing Tao, right?"

"You know it's best. Don't think that because you are a famous teacher, you can do whatever you want and bully the good. If you really push us, be careful that you can't get out of this small courtyard."

Li Dahua sneered.

"I like that."

Lin Taixu smiled slightly and pointed at Li Dahua and said. As he spoke, he saw his raised palm moving downwards.

This gesture is universal to all other worlds.

Suddenly, in the surprised eyes of Li Dasha, Li Dahua and others, a sword light flew from outside the small courtyard and sank into Li Dahua's throat.

Then, a middle-aged man walked in with a serious face.


Li Dahua felt a sharp pain in his throat, and he subconsciously reached out to touch his throat. As soon as his fingers touched his throat, his head rolled down from his shoulders.


Then, a bloody arrow shot up from his neck, and then his body fell to the ground helplessly.


Seeing this, Li Yiyue couldn't help but scream in fright. She looked at the middle-aged man who walked in with a pale face. Her thin and delicate body could not help but tremble.

Growing up, she didn't even dare to watch a chicken being killed. Suddenly she saw such a bloody scene. Just think about it, why wasn't she scared?

It was a great honor to Lin Taixu that he didn't faint on the spot.

"Good kill."

When Li Yigeng saw this, he couldn't help laughing and felt extremely happy.

In the Li family, from the elders to the guards, who has not bullied him?

No, not one.

Therefore, seeing Li Dahua being killed, Li Yigeng not only did not feel sad or angry at all, but felt extremely relieved.


Seeing this, Li Dasha couldn't help being frightened. He saw the middle-aged man speechless. He only felt a chill from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Li Daben looked at Li Dahua whose body and head were missing, and his face turned pale with fear.

You must know that the Great Elder Li Dahua is a third-level and fifth-level martial artist. Killing him is like killing a chicken, so what about killing them.

Isn’t that a piece of cake?

Just imagine, can they not be afraid?

"It seems that Geng'er and Yue'er are saved this time."

Zheng Yuerong looked at Lin Taixu quietly and said in his heart that the middle-aged man was undoubtedly Lin Taixu's man. Since Lin Taixu had such a powerful guard, no matter how crazy Li Dasha was, he would not dare to fight with Lin Taixu. Fall out.

Suddenly, my tense heart relaxed.

"Uncle, couldn't you be more gentle, why did you make it so bloody?"

Seeing the blood on the ground and the smell of blood that could be smelled through his nose, Lin Taixu couldn't help but said dissatisfiedly, can he still have fun?

It had been a while since he had traveled through time. In the past, this sight alone would have scared him to death.

"Then be careful next time."

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then said, walked to and stood behind Lin Taixu, as if he was a bodyguard.

This middle-aged man is none other than Mingyue Niannian's personal guard and her third uncle. Mingyue Buwen.

In fact, he left Li Yigeng midway, but it was not because he was afraid of the Li family's strength as Li Yigeng thought.

Instead, he wanted to change his clothes. Well, to be precise, he wanted to change his clothes into a famous master's robe.

He is a famous teacher, and a famous teacher must wear famous teacher robes when traveling, right?

However, when he was about to change his clothes, he found that there was nowhere to change. He couldn't just change on the street.

This will have a bad impact.

So, how could he do such an unqualified thing.

So, he returned to Wanbao Tower and asked Mingyue Wuhua for a room. After changing his clothes and coming out, he found that Mingyue was waiting for him every year, so he casually asked if he could borrow a guard.

Therefore, Mingyue was very generous and sent Mingyue Buwen to protect Lin Taixu.

This is why Lin Taixu is late and why Mingyue Buwen appears.

"Who is your Excellency? I, the Li family, have no enmity with you, so why are you so cruel to the elders of my family?"

Li Dasha looked at Lin Taixu and asked. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out where his Li family had offended Lin Taixu.

"Oh, let me introduce myself first. I am Lin Taixu, a two-star famous teacher and the master of the one-star famous teacher hall."

Lin Taixu said seriously.

"Lin Taixu?"

Li Dasha murmured, and after thinking about it again and again, he still had no impression of Lin Taixu. He immediately looked at Li Daben and Li Daming for help.

Li Daming and Li Daben shook their heads slightly, saying they didn't know either.

"No need to guess, we have never met before. Originally, I came here to collect debts and didn't want to kill anyone. However, you elders say that you don't talk about reason and only talk about fists. So, I reluctantly try to see whose fist is stronger."

"However, it seems that his fist is not as hard as mine."

Lin Taixu smiled and said, "I wonder if the Li family leader will continue to talk about fists or continue to talk about reason?"

In fact, he really hopes that Li Dasha will continue to talk to him about fists, so that he can let Mingyue Buwen eliminate Li Dasha and others in three strokes, five divisions and two.

Then, the Li family's wealth belongs to them.

I get excited just thinking about it.

"To be fair, our Li family has always been tolerant and kind, and we would never do such despicable things as bullying others. Naturally, we are willing to reason with the famous master."

Li Daben quickly spoke. He really wanted to talk about fists, but his strength didn't allow it.

"Oh? What does Mr. Li mean?"

Lin Taixu raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Dasha and asked with a smile.

"Of course. Of course it makes sense."

Immediately, Li Dasha had to endure the humiliation and nodded.

"Okay, since I'm being reasonable, I won't mess around and talk to you about fists. You must know that our famous teachers convince others with virtue."

Lin Taixu said seriously.


Li Yiyue looked at Lin Taixu's serious look and couldn't help but laugh. He always felt that what Lin Taixu said about convincing people with virtue was so fake.

However, I really like this kind of fakeness.

Especially looking at Lin Taixu's unparalleled handsome face, she was a little crazy. For the first time, she discovered that there was a boy who was even more beautiful than her brother.

Are you blind? You have no idea what your brother is like? Can that be called good-looking? : Lin Taixu.

"Don't be ridiculous."

Seeing this, Zheng Yuerong scolded her in a low voice. She still didn't know what kind of person Lin Taixu was. If Lin Taixu walked away in anger because her daughter had offended him, it would be a terrible disaster.

When Li Yiyue heard this, he couldn't help but spit out his sweet tongue and didn't dare to be naughty anymore.

Li Yi, on the other hand, looked at Lin Taixu with envy. When would he be able to be so powerful? Playing with Li Dasha, a beast like him, in the middle of applause. Thinking about it, he felt excited and relieved his hatred.

"Yes, yes, Master Master, please make it clear that whenever my Li family has offended Master Master, Li will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

Li Dasha said.

"Yes, Master Master. If someone in the Li family offends Master Master, all he needs to do is say a word, and I will cut him into pieces to vent his anger."

Li Daben also quickly flattered Lin Taixu.

There is no way, life is more important than face,


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